Transform Your Figma Designs into Code with Visual Co-Pilot

Transform Your Figma Designs into Code with Visual Co-Pilot

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of AI in Design
  3. The Workflow from Figma to Code
  4. Using the Visual Co-Pilot AI Model
  5. Customization and Preferences
  6. Syncing with Your Codebase
  7. Publishing and Deployment Made Easy
  8. Visual Editing with Builder Dev Tools
  9. Integrating with Design Systems
  10. The Builder CLI and Dev Tools


In today's digital world, designers and developers are constantly seeking ways to streamline their workflows and improve productivity. The emergence of AI technology has brought about a revolution in the design-to-code process, making it faster and more efficient than ever before. In this article, we will explore a new workflow that leverages a powerful AI system to seamlessly transform designs created in Figma into high-quality code. With just a click, designers can generate code components that are responsive, optimized, and tailored to their preferred frameworks. Join us as we dive into the details of this innovative workflow and discover how it can revolutionize the way You bring your designs to life.

The Power of AI in Design

Artificial Intelligence has proven to be a game-changer in various industries, and the world of design is no exception. With the aid of a robust AI model, designers can now translate their visual designs into code with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The AI model used in this workflow has been specifically trained to convert any design from Figma into high-quality code components. This AI system requires no setup or prior organization of designs, making it accessible to designers of all skill levels. By automating the process of generating code, designers can focus on their creative vision without being constrained by the limitations of manual coding.

The Workflow from Figma to Code

The workflow from Figma to code has been revolutionized by the integration of AI technology. With just one click, designers can take their Figma designs and convert them into fully functional and responsive code components. The AI system automatically adapts the imported designs to fit all screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. To make any tweaks or modifications, designers can utilize the responsive editor, which allows them to fine-tune the components according to their preferences. The generated code supports a wide range of frameworks, including Spelt, Vue, React, and more, and provides clean, semantic tagging structures and optimized images.

Using the Visual Co-Pilot AI Model

The heart of this new workflow is the Visual Co-Pilot AI model. Trained from scratch with over 2 million data points, this specialized AI model excels at transforming flat and unstructured designs into responsive code hierarchies. By leveraging the power of this AI model, designers can expect to see remarkable improvements in the accuracy, quality, and speed of their design-to-code transformations. Although the AI model is still in its early stages, it is continuously evolving, and future updates promise even more significant advancements in productivity. With Visual Co-Pilot, designers can focus on their creative ideas while AI handles the tedious task of converting designs into code.

Customization and Preferences

Every designer has their unique style and preferences when it comes to coding. With Visual Co-Pilot, designers have the flexibility to customize the generated code to Align with their preferred coding practices. The AI system provides support for a wide variety of styling systems, including Tailwind, Emotion, and plain CSS, allowing designers to work with familiar tools. Clean contextual class names and CSS variables are automatically generated to match the Design System, ensuring consistency and maintainability. Additionally, the AI system offers support for popular UI libraries, such as Material UI and Next.js, enabling designers to effortlessly incorporate their preferred components.

Syncing with Your Codebase

To ensure a seamless integration with existing projects, Visual Co-Pilot provides a simple and efficient way to sync the generated code with your codebase. With just a click of a button, designers can sync the code components directly to their preferred code repository. The Visual Co-Pilot Builder Dev Tools plugin supports a wide range of frameworks, making it compatible with various development environments. By running the Dev server, designers can effortlessly sync the codebase and benefit from the time-saving automation provided by Visual Co-Pilot.

Publishing and Deployment Made Easy

The goal of any design is to get it in front of users, and Visual Co-Pilot facilitates this process by providing a seamless publishing and deployment system. Designers can now publish their designs to live production websites with just a single click. There is no need to deploy or commit any code manually, as the AI system takes care of syncing the latest changes to the live site via the publishing API. This eliminates the need for time-consuming and error-prone manual deployment processes, allowing designers to quickly iterate on their designs and Gather feedback from real users.

Visual Editing with Builder Dev Tools

Builder Dev Tools is an essential component of the Visual Co-Pilot workflow. This powerful set of development tools allows designers to visually edit their components directly in their codebase. By connecting the Visual Editor to their local site, designers can make real-time edits to their components and see the changes reflected Instantly. The Visual Editor provides a rich set of features, including the ability to manipulate props, add components using slash commands, and edit long-form content. With Builder Dev Tools, designers can bridge the gap between design and development and experience a whole new level of efficiency and collaboration.

Integrating with Design Systems

For designers working with established design systems, Visual Co-Pilot seamlessly integrates with Figma components that map to the design system. When importing designs from Figma, Visual Co-Pilot automatically utilizes the existing components, ensuring consistency and coherence between designs and code. Custom component support for Figma import is in the works, allowing designers to design with their preferred components and effortlessly import them into Visual Co-Pilot. This integration enables a seamless transition from design to code while maintaining the integrity of the design system.

The Builder CLI and Dev Tools

To make the adoption of Visual Co-Pilot even easier, Builder provides a CLI and Dev Tools that simplify the setup process. With just a few commands, designers can Create a new project, install the necessary dependencies, and configure their development environment. The Dev server enables real-time syncing and visual editing, providing a seamless and efficient workflow. The Builder CLI and Dev Tools support a wide variety of frameworks, making it accessible to developers regardless of their preferred technology stack.


The integration of AI technology in the design-to-code process has presented designers and developers with a revolutionary workflow. By leveraging the power of Visual Co-Pilot, designers can seamlessly transform their Figma designs into high-quality code components with just a click. The AI system, combined with the Builder Dev Tools, provides a comprehensive toolkit that enhances productivity, collaboration, and creativity. Whether you are a seasoned designer or just starting your design Journey, Visual Co-Pilot offers a game-changing solution that streamlines the design-to-code process and empowers you to bring your designs to life in Record time.


  • Streamline your design-to-code workflow with Visual Co-Pilot
  • Leverage the power of AI to transform Figma designs into high-quality code
  • Customize and tailor the generated code to your preferred coding practices
  • Sync the code components seamlessly with your existing codebase
  • Simplify the publishing and deployment process with the built-in publishing API
  • Edit components visually with Builder Dev Tools, bridging the gap between design and development
  • Integrate with established design systems for consistency and coherence
  • Use the Builder CLI and Dev Tools for easy setup and configuration of your development environment


Q: Can Visual Co-Pilot generate code for custom components? A: Yes, Visual Co-Pilot supports custom components and provides the ability to sync them with your codebase.

Q: Which frameworks does Visual Co-Pilot support? A: Visual Co-Pilot supports a wide range of frameworks, including Spelt, Vue, React, and more.

Q: Can I customize the generated code to match my preferred coding style? A: Yes, Visual Co-Pilot allows you to customize the generated code to align with your preferred coding practices.

Q: How does Visual Co-Pilot handle updates and changes in Figma designs? A: Visual Co-Pilot provides seamless integration with Figma, allowing you to push content updates in real-time.

Q: Is Visual Co-Pilot suitable for both experienced designers and beginners? A: Yes, Visual Co-Pilot is designed to be accessible to designers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

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