Transform Your Photos with Amazing Face Recovery in Resize AI

Transform Your Photos with Amazing Face Recovery in Resize AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Photo Raw 2023.5?
  3. New Features in Photo Raw 2023.5
  4. Face Recovery Feature in Resize AI
  5. Upgrading to Photo Raw 2023.5
  6. Other Videos on Photo Raw 2023.5 Features
  7. Adding On1 to Your Toolkit
  8. Using Face Recovery in Resize AI
  9. Examples of Face Recovery
  10. Enhancing Small Faces with AI Technology
  11. The Power of Face Recovery in Photo Restoration
  12. Final Thoughts

Face Recovery: Enhancing Small Faces with AI Technology

In the digital Photography world, advancements in technology continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. On1, a renowned software company, has recently released Photo Raw 2023.5, packed with a host of exciting new features that photographers are eagerly exploring. One of the standout features in this release is the Face Recovery functionality, seamlessly integrated into Resize AI. This groundbreaking AI-powered tool allows photographers to rebound, reconstruct, and enhance small faces that appear in photographs, breathing new life into these images. In this article, we will delve deep into the world of Face Recovery and explore how it can transform your photographs.

Before we dive into the intricacies of Face Recovery, let's first understand what Photo Raw 2023.5 is all about.

1. What is Photo Raw 2023.5?

Photo Raw 2023.5 is the latest version of On1's highly acclaimed photo editing and management software. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features designed to enhance the post-processing experience for photographers of all levels. With its user-friendly interface and powerful editing capabilities, Photo Raw 2023.5 has quickly become a go-to software for photographers looking to elevate the quality of their images. With the release of version 2023.5, On1 has introduced several exciting new features, making it an even more robust and indispensable tool for any photographer.

2. New Features in Photo Raw 2023.5

Photo Raw 2023.5 comes with a plethora of new features that further elevate the capabilities of this already impressive software. While it is impossible to cover all the new features in a single article, we will focus on one standout feature that has generated significant buzz within the photography community - Face Recovery.

3. Face Recovery Feature in Resize AI

The Face Recovery feature in Resize AI, a component of Photo Raw 2023.5, is a Game-changer for photographers. Using the power of AI technology, Face Recovery can detect and enhance small faces that appear in photographs. Whether it's an old photo captured during a photo walk or a cropped-in image with a captivating facial expression, Face Recovery can rebuild these faces with remarkable detail and precision.

Imagine having a photo where the subject's face is barely visible due to cropping or low resolution. With the Face Recovery feature, you can now transform such images into standalone masterpieces, showcasing the intricate details of the subject's face. This powerful tool breathes life into images that might otherwise be discarded due to limited face visibility.

4. Upgrading to Photo Raw 2023.5

If you're already a Photo Raw 2023 user, upgrading to the latest version is a breeze. Simply check for updates within the application, and the new version will be downloaded, granting you access to the exciting Face Recovery feature. The upgrade is free for existing users, allowing you to experience the enhanced capabilities of Photo Raw 2023.5 without any additional cost.

5. Other Videos on Photo Raw 2023.5 Features

In addition to Face Recovery, Photo Raw 2023.5 offers a range of other impressive features. Scott Davenport, a photography expert and content creator, has created multiple videos discussing these features. Be sure to check the show notes for links to those videos, where you can explore the full potential of Photo Raw 2023.5 and learn how to maximize your editing workflow.

6. Adding On1 to Your Toolkit

If you're considering adding On1 software to your photography toolkit, now is the perfect time. By using the offer code provided in the show notes, you can save up to 20% on your purchase. Not only will this save you money, but it will also show support for creators like Scott Davenport, enabling them to continue producing informative Tutorial videos and content.

7. Using Face Recovery in Resize AI

Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of using Face Recovery in Resize AI. Once you have your desired photo in Resize AI, simply enable the Face Recovery feature. It will automatically detect the faces within the image and start the rebuilding process. The initial results are nothing short of impressive, with tiny, blurry faces being transformed into detailed and clear representations.

8. Examples of Face Recovery

To get a better understanding of the capabilities of the Face Recovery feature, let's consider an example. Imagine a photo captured during a photo walk, featuring a subject with an intriguing facial expression. However, due to cropping, the subject's face appears small and lacks detail. By applying Face Recovery, you can bring out the Hidden details, making the subject's face the focal point of the image. The before and after comparison showcases the astounding difference this feature can make in rescuing and enhancing small faces.

9. Enhancing Small Faces with AI Technology

Face Recovery's ability to enhance small faces using AI technology opens up a world of possibilities for photographers. Whether it's scanning and restoring old photos or upscaling images to capture finer details, this powerful tool revolutionizes the way we approach photo editing. By leveraging the AI capabilities of Face Recovery, you can reveal intricate facial features, expressions, and even the texture of facial hair, breathing new life into your photographs.

10. The Power of Face Recovery in Photo Restoration

Photo restoration often involves dealing with images that have deteriorated over time or were captured in less-than-ideal conditions. Face Recovery can significantly aid in the restoration process by reconstructing and enhancing small faces within these images. The AI-powered technology ensures that the level of detail and precision achieved is unparalleled, allowing you to Revive cherished memories and preserve them for generations to come.

11. Final Thoughts

Photo Raw 2023.5's Face Recovery feature in Resize AI is a testament to the continuous advancements in photo editing technology. The ability to enhance small faces with exceptional detail provides photographers with endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether you're a professional photographer or an enthusiastic hobbyist, incorporating Face Recovery into your editing workflow can take your images to new heights. Embrace the power of AI and unlock the full potential of your photographs with Photo Raw 2023.5 and its remarkable Face Recovery feature.


  • Seamlessly integrated into On1's Photo Raw 2023.5 software.
  • AI-powered technology enhances small faces with incredible detail and precision.
  • Transforms cropped or low-resolution images into standalone masterpieces.
  • Ideal for photo restoration and upscaling older images.
  • Easy to use and apply with adjustable strength settings.
  • Can breathe new life into old or limited visibility photos.


  • Face Recovery feature available only in Resize AI component of Photo Raw 2023.5.


  • On1's Photo Raw 2023.5 introduces the revolutionary Face Recovery feature.
  • AI-powered technology rebuilds and enhances small faces with incredible detail.
  • Seamlessly integrated into Resize AI, Face Recovery can transform cropped or low-resolution images into standalone masterpieces.
  • Ideal for photo restoration and upscaling older images, ensuring no detail is lost.
  • Upgrade to Photo Raw 2023.5 for free to unlock the Face Recovery feature and explore its full potential.
  • Enhance your editing workflow with On1 software and save using the offer code provided by Scott Davenport.
  • Face Recovery's adjustable strength settings provide control over the level of enhancement, allowing for realistic results.
  • Preserve cherished memories and bring hidden details to light with the power of AI technology in Photo Raw 2023.5.


Q: Is upgrading to Photo Raw 2023.5 free for existing users? A: Yes, existing Photo Raw 2023 users can upgrade to the latest version for free and enjoy the Face Recovery feature along with other enhancements.

Q: Can I use Face Recovery to enhance large faces as well? A: While Face Recovery is specifically designed to enhance small faces, it can also be applied to larger faces with impressive results, bringing out subtle details and enhancing facial expressions.

Q: Will the Face Recovery feature work on low-resolution or blurry images? A: Face Recovery utilizes advanced AI technology to enhance small faces, even in low-resolution or blurry images. While the results may vary, the feature can often bring out hidden details and significantly improve the overall appearance of the face.

Q: Can I adjust the level of enhancement when using the Face Recovery feature? A: Yes, Face Recovery in Resize AI allows you to adjust the strength of the enhancement. This feature enables you to achieve a more realistic Blend between the enhanced face and the overall image.

Q: What other features are available in Photo Raw 2023.5? A: Photo Raw 2023.5 offers a wide range of features apart from Face Recovery. These include advanced editing tools, organization features, powerful AI capabilities, and seamless integration with other popular editing software.


  • On1
  • [Scott Davenport's YouTube Channel](insert YouTube channel link or name)

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