Transforming Content Creation: The Adore Me Generative AI Success

Transforming Content Creation: The Adore Me Generative AI Success

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenges and Solution
  3. The Adore Me Story
    1. Background of Adore Me
    2. Discovering Writer
    3. Incorporating Sustainability and Compliance
  4. Implementing Generative AI
    1. Early Reactions and Skepticism
    2. Fine-tuning Models for Brand Voice
  5. The Automation Process
    1. Retrieval-Augmented Generative Writing
    2. Training Models for Use Cases
    3. Connecting Writer API to Backend Data
  6. Results and Benefits
    1. Increase in Non-Branded Search
    2. Customer Preference for Informative Descriptions
  7. Evaluating Open Source Models
  8. The Future of Automation
    1. Synthetic Insight Retrieval
    2. Extracting Insights from Unstructured Data
  9. Lessons Learned and Advice for Practitioners
    1. Tying AI to Business Strategies
    2. Moving Past the Sandbox Phase
    3. Involving People and Gaining Excitement
  10. Conclusion


The use of generative AI and natural language generation has become a significant part of many businesses' automation efforts. Adore Me, a direct-to-consumer intimate apparel brand, discovered the potential of generative AI to automate their content creation and enhance their SEO strategy. With the help of Writer, a generative AI platform, Adore Me was able to fine-tune models, train them on their own data, and automate the process of creating product descriptions. This article will explore the challenges faced by Adore Me, their Journey with generative AI, the results they achieved, and the future of automation in their business.

The Challenges and Solution

Adore Me faced several challenges when it came to content creation and SEO. They needed to improve their sustainability and compliance efforts, optimize their product descriptions for search engines, and find a way to automate the process without compromising on quality. This is where Writer came into the picture. Writer provided Adore Me with the tools to fine-tune models, train them on their own data, and generate high-quality product descriptions in their brand voice. By incorporating generative AI into their content creation process, Adore Me was able to streamline their workflow and achieve significant improvements in their SEO strategy.

The Adore Me Story

Background of Adore Me

Adore Me is a direct-to-consumer intimate apparel brand that was founded in 2011. Recently, they were acquired by Victoria's Secret, highlighting their success and relevance in the industry. Adore Me recognized the need to enhance their sustainability practices and comply with stricter language rules when writing about sustainable products. They wanted to find a way to automate their content creation process while still maintaining compliance and brand voice.

Discovering Writer

Adore Me discovered Writer, a generative AI platform, while exploring automation possibilities for their business. They were already familiar with the concept of generative AI and had explored basic technologies like summarization in the past. When they came across Writer, they saw an opportunity to leverage generative AI to automate their content creation process and improve their SEO strategy.

Incorporating Sustainability and Compliance

One of the first areas where Adore Me used generative AI was in incorporating sustainability and compliance rules into their content creation process. They used Writer's style guide tool to easily train their copywriters on writing about sustainable products in a compliant manner. By providing strict language rules through the style guide, Adore Me ensured that their content remained compliant while still being able to generate product descriptions at Scale.

Implementing Generative AI

Early Reactions and Skepticism

When Adore Me first introduced the idea of using automated text and language generation to their team, there was skepticism and resistance. People were not ready to embrace the concept of automated content creation and were unsure about the implications it would have on their roles. The initial responses were skeptical, and some copywriters felt threatened by the idea of automation replacing their jobs. Adore Me had to overcome these reactions and educate their team about the benefits and possibilities of generative AI.

Fine-tuning Models for Brand Voice

To gain the trust of their team and integrate generative AI into their content creation process, Adore Me focused on training models that matched their brand voice. Adore Me's brand voice is described as "spirited wing woman," which is light, fun, and caters to a Gen Z audience. By training models with their specific brand voice, Adore Me was able to generate product descriptions that sounded like they were written by their copywriters. This helped build confidence in the use of generative AI within the organization.

The Automation Process

Retrieval-Augmented Generative Writing

Adore Me used a retrieval-augmented generative writing approach to automate the process of creating product descriptions. They fine-tuned models Based on their historical product descriptions and trained them to generate new descriptions in their brand voice. The generated descriptions were presented to the copywriters who then selected the best ones and pushed them to the backend of their system. This streamlined process saved significant time and effort for the copywriters while ensuring that the generated descriptions remained accurate and on-brand.

Training Models for Use Cases

Adore Me continuously fine-tuned their models to improve the quality of the generated content. They incorporated feedback from the copywriters and used it to train the models further. By training the models on more specific use cases and data from their own brand, Adore Me ensured that the generated content met their unique requirements. This iterative process of training and refining the models allowed Adore Me to achieve better results with generative AI over time.

Connecting Writer API to Backend Data

Adore Me built a custom tool that integrated the Writer API with their backend data system. This tool allowed them to input a product ID and retrieve Relevant attributes from their system. The Writer API would then generate three product descriptions based on the provided attributes. The copywriters would review the generated descriptions and select the most suitable one to be pushed to the backend. This seamless integration of the Writer API into their workflow further facilitated the automation of their content creation process.

Results and Benefits

Increase in Non-Branded Search

One of the significant positive outcomes of implementing generative AI at Adore Me was a 40% increase in non-branded search. Non-branded search refers to customers searching for specific products, like "bra and panty sets," rather than searching for the Adore Me brand itself. This increase in search suggests that the optimized product descriptions generated by the AI models were effective in driving organic traffic to Adore Me's Website.

Customer Preference for Informative Descriptions

Initially, there were concerns that the generated descriptions might sound robotic or lack the creative touch of human-written content. However, Adore Me discovered that customers actually preferred more informative and straightforward descriptions. The AI models generated descriptions that were focused on providing accurate and relevant information about the products, which resonated well with customers. This finding helped Adore Me fine-tune their content strategy and prioritize informative descriptions over overly creative ones.

Evaluating Open Source Models

Adore Me evaluated various options, including open source models, when considering the use of generative AI. While some of the writer models are available as open source on platforms like Hugging Face, Adore Me found that working directly with Writer provided them with the tools and support necessary for their specific use cases. By working with Writer, they were able to train models on their own data and fine-tune them to match their brand voice.

The Future of Automation

Adore Me is excited about the future possibilities of automation and generative AI. They are particularly interested in the concept of synthetic insight retrieval, where neural networks can extract insights and structure unstructured data. This has the potential to unlock valuable business insights from various sources, such as slide decks and manufacturer product information. Adore Me sees this as an area of great opportunity for further automation and innovation within their organization.

Lessons Learned and Advice for Practitioners

Adore Me's journey with generative AI has provided valuable lessons and insights for other practitioners in the field. Here are the top three takeaways from their experience:

  1. Tie AI to Business Strategies: Integrating AI into a larger business strategy can help demonstrate its impact and gain buy-in from stakeholders. Adore Me was able to Show significant results by tying generative AI to their SEO strategy, which made it easier for the organization to embrace automation.

  2. Move Past the Sandbox Phase: It is crucial to move past the experimentation phase and start implementing AI in real use cases. Adore Me started with product descriptions, a low-risk content Type, and gradually expanded its use of generative AI based on the positive outcomes. This approach helped build confidence and excitement within the organization.

  3. Involve People and Gain Excitement: People's acceptance and enthusiasm are essential for successful implementation of generative AI. Adore Me found that involving copywriters and other team members in the process, and making them aware of the benefits, helped overcome skepticism and resistance. Creating use cases that Align with their interests and responsibilities also contributed to their excitement and engagement.


Adore Me's journey with generative AI and automation showcases the potential for leveraging AI in content creation and SEO. By integrating generative AI into their workflow, Adore Me was able to automate the process of generating product descriptions and improve their SEO strategy. The results included an increase in non-branded search and the realization that customers prefer informative descriptions. Adore Me's experience offers valuable insights and lessons for practitioners looking to embrace AI in their own organizations. With the future of automation looking promising, the possibilities for innovation and improved business outcomes are vast.

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