Transforming Databases with Gretel AI

Transforming Databases with Gretel AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Generative AI?
  3. How Generative AI Relates to Synthetic Data
  4. Working with Relational Databases
    1. Challenges of Working with Relational Databases
    2. Techniques for Synthesizing Relational Databases
    3. Maintaining Correlations in Relational Databases
    4. Use Cases for Synthesized Relational Databases
  5. Gretel's Synthetic Data Solution
    1. Grotto: Generating Synthetic Data
    2. Transform: Enhancing Privacy in Synthetic Data
  6. Quality Assessment of Synthetic Databases
    1. Gretel Relational Report
    2. Measuring Accuracy and Privacy in Synthetic Data
    3. Evaluating Cross-table Correlations
    4. Analyzing Individual Table Quality
  7. Case Study: Synthetic Data for Cancer Research
  8. Using Gretel's Relational Synthetic Data Solution
    1. Accessing Gretel's Console
    2. Key Features and Use Cases
    3. Customizing Model Selection and Data Generation
  9. Enhancing Accuracy and Privacy with Gretel
    1. Privacy Filters and Differential Privacy
    2. Finding the Balance between Utility and Privacy
    3. Scaling Gretel to Large Databases
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the field of synthetic data generation and its application to relational databases. We will begin by introducing the concept of generative AI and how it relates to synthetic data. Next, we will discuss the challenges of working with relational databases and the techniques used to synthesize them. We will also explore the importance of maintaining correlations within and across tables in relational databases.

Afterward, we will Delve into Gretel's synthetic data solution, which includes Grotto for generating synthetic data and Transform for enhancing privacy. We will discuss the quality assessment of synthetic databases, including Gretel's Relational Report and the measurement of accuracy and privacy. Additionally, we will showcase a case study on the use of synthetic data for cancer research.

We will then provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Gretel's relational synthetic data solution, including accessing the Gretel console and customizing model selection and data generation. Furthermore, we will discuss how Gretel allows users to enhance accuracy and privacy in their synthetic data through features like privacy filters and differential privacy.

Lastly, we will conclude by summarizing the key points discussed in this article and highlighting the benefits of using Gretel for synthetic data generation in relational databases.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating models capable of generating new data that resembles training data. These models are designed to learn Patterns, characteristics, and distributions from existing data to generate new data samples with similar properties.

Generative AI can be applied to various types of data, including tabular data, text, images, and time series data. It offers a transformative shift in the field of artificial intelligence, enabling researchers, developers, and data scientists to generate simulated data for various purposes, such as training machine learning models, conducting data analysis, and addressing privacy concerns.

How Generative AI Relates to Synthetic Data

Generative AI plays a crucial role in the generation of synthetic data. Synthetic data refers to artificially generated data that mimics real-world data in terms of statistical properties, distributions, and correlations. It offers a privacy-enhancing solution for organizations that need to share or utilize sensitive data while protecting individual privacy.

By leveraging generative AI models, such as those offered by Gretel, organizations can generate synthetic versions of their existing relational databases. These synthetic databases retain the statistical quality and correlations present in the original data while introducing levels of privacy protection through data anonymization techniques.

The use of synthetic data offers numerous benefits, including improved data privacy, reduced security risks, enhanced data utility, and increased accessibility for data analysis and machine learning purposes. Synthetic data serves as a valuable resource for organizations looking to maximize the value of their data while complying with data protection regulations.

Working with Relational Databases

Challenges of Working with Relational Databases

Working with relational databases presents unique challenges when it comes to synthetic data generation. Unlike single-table tabular synthetics, relational databases require the maintenance of correlations within and across tables. Failure to preserve these correlations can result in a loss of data integrity and hinder the usefulness of synthetic data.

Relational databases consist of multiple tables that are interconnected through relationships and foreign keys. Synthetic data generation for relational databases must ensure that the synthesized databases maintain the statistical properties and correlations found in the original databases. This requires a combination of techniques, including key frequency preservation, conditional generation, and model seeding.

Techniques for Synthesizing Relational Databases

Synthesizing relational databases involves using generative AI models and a combination of techniques to maintain correlations and statistical quality. Gretel offers five available models for synthesizing relational databases, each with its own characteristics and advantages.

The synthesis process involves training the generative models using the real-world data, extracting statistical properties, learning data distributions, and generating new synthetic records. Synthetic data generation in relational databases requires the models to understand the relationships between tables and maintain the correlations present in the original data.

To accomplish this, techniques such as key frequency preservation, conditional generation, and model seeding are employed. Key frequency preservation ensures that the frequencies of foreign keys in the synthetic database match those of the original data. Conditional generation allows the models to generate records Based on predefined conditions, ensuring data accuracy and correlation preservation. Model seeding involves training the models on specific subsets of data to ensure the preservation of complex relationships.

Maintaining Correlations in Relational Databases

Preserving correlations within and across tables is critical when synthesizing relational databases. The synthetic databases must accurately reflect the interdependencies and associations present in the original data to ensure its usability for analysis, machine learning, and other applications.

Gretel's generative AI models, combined with techniques like conditional generation and key frequency preservation, help maintain the cross-table correlations in relational databases. By analyzing the statistical properties and relationships between tables, the models can generate synthetic data that retains the original correlations, ensuring accurate representation and usability.

The cross-table SQS (Synthetic Quality Score) provided by Gretel's tools offers a comprehensive evaluation of how well the correlations between tables have been maintained. This score measures the quality of the synthetic data in the Context of the entire database, enabling users to assess the effectiveness of the correlation preservation techniques.

Use Cases for Synthesized Relational Databases

Synthetic relational databases offer a range of use cases across various industries and applications. One common use case is data sharing for analysis purposes while protecting privacy. Organizations may need to share data with external teams or partners without revealing sensitive information. By synthesizing the database, they can provide a secure, privacy-enhanced version of the data without compromising its utility.

Another use case is the creation of pre-production or staging databases. These databases serve as development or testing environments where the accuracy and integrity of the production data can be replicated without exposing sensitive information. This allows developers and data scientists to work with realistic data for analytics, machine learning, or application development purposes.

Synthetic databases also present opportunities for load testing and scalability testing. By generating larger or smaller versions of a database, organizations can simulate various scenarios and stress levels on their systems, ensuring they can handle the intended workload.

By leveraging generative AI models and techniques for synthesizing relational databases, organizations can unlock the value of their data while safeguarding privacy and addressing critical use cases.

Gretel's Synthetic Data Solution

Gretel provides a comprehensive synthetic data solution that encompasses both data generation and privacy enhancements. With tools like Grotto and Transform, organizations can generate synthetic data that closely mirrors their original data while preserving individual privacy.

Grotto: Generating Synthetic Data

Grotto is Gretel's data generation platform designed specifically for synthesizing data across various domains, including relational databases. It leverages powerful generative AI models to learn the statistical properties, correlations, and distributions of the original data and generate synthetic records that Resemble the real-world data. Grotto offers a suite of models suited for different use cases, allowing users to pick the most appropriate model for their specific requirements.

The Grotto console provides an intuitive interface for users to Interact with the data generation process. Through the console, users can access various features, including model selection, data generation parameters, and customization options. The console is user-friendly and suitable for both ML/ai experts and individuals with minimal coding experience.

Transform: Enhancing Privacy in Synthetic Data

Transform is Gretel's privacy-enhancing tool designed to help users protect individual privacy and comply with data protection regulations. It offers a range of privacy filters and transformations that can be applied to synthetic and real-world data to safeguard sensitive information.

By combining synthetic data generation with Transform's privacy filters, organizations can ensure that even if the synthetic data is exposed externally or shared with third parties, it cannot be used to identify individuals or compromise their privacy. The privacy filters provide an additional layer of protection, adding an extra dimension to the balance between utility and privacy.

Transform also enables users to define their own transformations and Apply them to specific columns or attributes in their data. This allows for custom privacy enhancements, ensuring that the generated synthetic data meets specific privacy requirements for different use cases.

Quality Assessment of Synthetic Databases

Assessing the quality of synthetic databases is crucial to ensure their accuracy and usability. Gretel provides the Gretel Relational Report, an assessment tool that analyzes the quality of the synthetic data and provides valuable insights for evaluation.

The report includes unique accuracy and privacy scores, measuring how well the synthetic data matches the statistical properties of the original database and the level of privacy protection it offers. These scores allow users to gain a high-level overview of the synthetic data's quality and make informed decisions about its usability.

The Gretel Relational Report also provides detailed evaluations at both the database and table levels, allowing users to drill down into specific metrics and assess the synthetic data's quality and correlations. It offers in-depth analysis on the accuracy, correlations, and distributions of the synthetic data, giving users confidence in its reliability and usability.

By utilizing the Gretel Relational Report, organizations can ensure that the synthetic data generated with Gretel's tools meets their quality standards and addresses their specific needs for analysis, machine learning, and other applications.

Case Study: Synthetic Data for Cancer Research

One real-world use case of synthetic data in the field of cancer research showcases the value and impact of Gretel's synthetic data solution. A top research university partnered with Gretel to address privacy concerns while enabling critical cancer research.

The university's clinical research team faced challenges in analyzing clinical studies containing sensitive patient information. The presence of personally identifiable information (PII) restricted data access, hindering research progress and compliance with healthcare regulations.

To overcome these challenges, the university utilized Gretel's relational data synthesis capabilities. Gretel's solution enabled them to generate a synthetic version of their clinical database, preserving the statistical properties and cross-table correlations critical for cancer clinical research.

The synthetic database provided a safe and privacy-protected alternative that could be shared across researchers. It accelerated research efforts by simplifying data accessibility while addressing privacy concerns and regulatory requirements.

This case study exemplifies the transformative power of synthetic data in overcoming privacy challenges and enabling critical research in sensitive domains.

Using Gretel's Relational Synthetic Data Solution

Using Gretel's relational synthetic data solution is a straightforward process facilitated by the Gretel console. Users can easily access the console to Create an account and begin generating synthetic data.

Once logged in, users can explore the console's user-friendly interface and access a variety of use case cards aligned with their synthetic data objectives. These cards provide guidance and inspiration, offering insights into how synthetic data can be applied to different use cases.

To generate synthetic data, users need their Grotto API key, which can be found within the console. This key is then input into the provided notebook, kicking off the data generation process.

Gretel offers connectors for over 30 different databases, allowing users to connect directly to their existing databases without manually defining schemas or relationships. The connectors automate the process, ensuring seamless integration and simplifying data generation.

For those who prefer not to use connectors or have specific data requirements, Gretel supports the provision of table data using individual files. This allows flexibility in how users provide their input data to Gretel for synthetic data generation.

By following the provided notebook and running it in the Gretel console, users can generate synthetic data based on their input data and chosen parameters. The console then presents the results, providing insights into the quality, correlations, and statistical properties of the synthetic data.

Overall, Gretel's relational synthetic data solution offers a user-friendly experience that empowers organizations to generate high-quality, privacy-protected synthetic data for a wide range of applications.

Enhancing Accuracy and Privacy with Gretel

Gretel's synthetic data solution provides additional features to enhance accuracy and privacy in synthetic data generation. These features enable users to fine-tune the balance between utility and privacy, ensuring optimal results for their specific use cases.

One way to enhance privacy in synthetic data is through privacy filters. Gretel offers privacy filters that can be applied to the synthetic data, guaranteeing that no combination of attributes could potentially identify an individual. By leveraging privacy filters, organizations can safely share or publish the synthetic data without compromising individual privacy.

For those who require additional privacy guarantees, Gretel offers the option to utilize differential privacy. Differential privacy provides mathematical guarantees for privacy by introducing controlled noise into the synthetic data. This noise ensures that individual records cannot be re-identified, even when multiple datasets are combined.

Finding the right balance between utility and privacy is essential when working with synthetic data. Gretel's solution allows users to customize their model selection, data generation parameters, and privacy enhancements to achieve the desired level of utility and privacy.

Scaling Gretel's synthetic data solution to large databases, such as knowledge graphs, is achievable. Although there are no constraints on the number of tables in the synthesis process, larger databases require more computational resources. Gretel's underlying generative models are designed to handle large datasets with thousands of tables and millions of rows.

Gretel's synthetic data solution provides organizations with the tools and capabilities to enhance the accuracy and privacy of their data, enabling them to leverage synthetic data for analysis, machine learning, and various other applications securely.


Synthetic data generation using generative AI models offers a powerful solution for organizations looking to protect data privacy, enhance data utility, and address critical use cases. In the realm of relational databases, synthetic data plays a vital role in preserving data correlations, maintaining data quality, and enabling secure data provisioning.

Gretel's synthetic data solution, including Grotto for data generation and Transform for privacy enhancements, provides organizations with the means to generate synthetic data that closely resembles their real-world databases. By leveraging Gretel's tools, organizations can strike the right balance between accuracy, privacy, and usability in their synthetic data.

In this article, we explored the challenges and techniques involved in synthesizing relational databases, delved into the quality assessment of synthetic databases, highlighted a real-world case study, and provided a guide on leveraging Gretel's synthetic data solution.

By adopting synthetic data generation and employing Gretel's solution, organizations can unlock the potential of their data while addressing privacy concerns, complying with regulations, and fostering innovation across various domains. The future of data privacy, utility, and accessibility lies in the power of synthetic data generation, and Gretel is helping organizations pave the way.

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