Transforming McKinsey slides: My design journey

Transforming McKinsey slides: My design journey

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Slide 1: Improving a Slide from the Mining Industry
    • Removing Distractions and Improving Flow
    • Enhancing the Title and Formatting
    • Making the Content Easier to Read
    • Improving the Visual Components
  3. Slide 2: Enhancing a Slide about Goods and Data Flows
    • Improving the Title and Formatting
    • Simplifying the Legend and Adjusting Spacing
    • Making the Text More Readable
    • Creating Visual Connections
  4. Slide 3: Streamlining a Slide on Companies and Technology
    • Removing Distractions and Simplifying
    • Improving the Title and Formatting
    • Clarifying the Historical and Projected Data
    • Enhancing the Access Labels
  5. Conclusion

Improving Consulting Firm Slides: Enhancing Message and Visual Appeal

In this article, we will explore how to improve slides from a prestigious consulting firm and make them even better. We will focus on two specific slides—one from the mining industry and another about goods and data flows across the globe. By implementing certain techniques, we can enhance the overall flow, Clarity, and visual appeal of these slides.

Slide 1: Improving a Slide from the Mining Industry

The first slide we will analyze is from the mining industry, titled "Successful implementation of technology could generate up to 22% of additional value from productivity improvement for all stakeholders." While the content supports the message well, there are areas where improvements can be made to enhance the overall flow and eliminate distractions.

To start, we should remove any unnecessary distracting elements, such as irrelevant photos, that do not contribute to the slide's message. Next, we can focus on the overall flow and structure of the slide. Ensuring that the title stands out as the initial point of Attention is crucial. A bigger and bolder title helps command the audience's attention right from the start.

Additionally, the content should flow in a way that supports the natural reading pattern from top to bottom and left to right. In this slide, the flow is relatively well-designed, with a clear title followed by content leading to a supporting Chart. However, the title would benefit from being larger and bolder to emphasize its importance.

Considering the spacing and alignment of the text is essential to prevent the audience from being distracted or finding it challenging to read. Adjusting the space between the title and the content, as well as making the legend closer to the chart, significantly improves readability and reduces potential distractions.

Another crucial aspect to consider when improving slides is the effective use of visuals. While text-heavy slides can communicate a lot of information, they can also be overwhelming for the audience. To make the content more skimmable and easier to comprehend, introducing icons that Align with each lever Mentioned in the text can enhance visual appeal and aid understanding.

By implementing these improvements, the slide becomes significantly better. The removal of distractions, enhanced flow, and visual elements make the information easier to process and enable the audience to grasp the key insights more effectively.

Slide 2: Enhancing a Slide about Goods and Data Flows

The Second slide we'll focus on revolves around goods and data flows across the globe. Unlike the previous slide, this one consists of a list of recommendations and enablers for digitalization, making it relatively straightforward. However, there are still opportunities to improve the slide's overall structure, clarity, and visual impact.

Starting with the title, we can make it more prominent by increasing its size and boldness. Additionally, optimizing the spacing and positioning of the content sections helps ensure a clear flow for the audience, directing their attention from the title to the recommendations, and finally to the takeaway box. These simple adjustments make the slide more visually appealing and easier to navigate.

Next, we address the challenge of conveying the distinction between enablers for digitalization and other recommendations. By modifying the legend and associating it with specific recommendations rather than the entire slide, we provide clarity and eliminate potential confusion. Removing the fill color and aligning the legend with the Relevant sections significantly enhances understanding and improves the overall aesthetics.

Furthermore, with text-heavy slides, it's crucial to consider the audience's reading experience. To facilitate skimming and highlight the most critical elements, we can split the content into two sections, providing more breathing room and making the text more concise and straightforward. This adjustment decreases cognitive load and allows the audience to quickly grasp the main points.

In terms of visual connections, we can utilize color and proximity to establish logical and visual relationships between different sections of the slide. Aligning the color of the title with a relevant content section creates an immediate visual connection, reinforcing the overall message. Similarly, associating the takeaway box with the orange recommendations ensures that the audience's focus flows naturally through the slide.

With these enhancements, the slide becomes significantly more impactful and easier to comprehend. The refined title, improved formatting, Simplified legend, and visually appealing design work together to Create a slide that effectively conveys the intended message.

Slide 3: Streamlining a Slide on Companies and Technology

The third slide we'll examine focuses on companies' future plans and technology's role in revenue growth. This slide, similar to the previous ones, exhibits potential for improvement regarding its visual clarity and overall message delivery. By eliminating unnecessary visual elements and refining various components, we can create a slide that effectively communicates its purpose.

As a first step, we should remove any distracting elements that do not contribute to the slide's message. In this case, an irrelevant photo should be eliminated to minimize distractions and maintain the audience's focus on the content.

To enhance the slide's flow and readability, adjusting the spacing and positioning of the title and content sections is essential. By allowing sufficient space around the title, we improve its prominence and readability. Removing unnecessary lines and aligning the elements make the slide more visually Cohesive and easier to navigate.

Additionally, when it comes to conveying historical and projected data, it's crucial to provide visual cues for the audience. By indicating where the historical data ends and the projected data begins, we create a clear distinction that aids in understanding the chart's purpose and message. Simple adjustments, such as adding a vertical line, can effectively communicate this information without overwhelming the slide with excessive lines and callouts.

Lastly, optimizing the access labels for easier comprehension plays a vital role in maximizing the slide's effectiveness. By using visual elements like apostrophes and aligning the labels with the respective data points, we make it immediately apparent that these elements represent years. This improvement facilitates quick understanding and reduces potential confusion.

By making these adjustments and eliminating unnecessary distractions, the slide becomes visually appealing and easy to comprehend. Clarity is enhanced through improved flow, formatting, and visual components, providing the audience with a significantly improved slide experience.


In this article, we explored techniques to enhance and improve slides from a prestigious consulting firm. By focusing on eliminating distractions, improving flow and formatting, enhancing readability, and optimizing visual elements, we can significantly enhance the message delivery and visual appeal of these slides. These improvements guide the audience's attention, facilitate comprehension, and create a more engaging and impactful presentation. Incorporating these techniques can benefit professionals in various fields who Seek to improve their slide design and effectively communicate their message.

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