Transforming the Legal Industry: Deena Buchanan Shares Her Success Story

Transforming the Legal Industry: Deena Buchanan Shares Her Success Story

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Meeting Maddie Martin at the Lawyer's Lab Con
  3. Initial Impressions of Smith AI and Other Services
  4. Switching to a Local Reception Service
  5. The Decision to Overhaul the Intake Process
  6. Enhancing the Client Experience with Smith AI and Lawmatics
  7. The Benefits of Having a 24/7 Service
  8. The Importance of Human Interaction in Intake Processes
  9. The Impact of Adding Live Chat to the Website
  10. Streamlining the Intake Process with Smith AI and Lawmatics
  11. Long-Term Plans and Collaboration with Smith AI
  12. The Relief of Having Support for Call Handling and Intake
  13. Recommendations for Solo Attorneys and Small Firms

Improving Client Intake and Support with Smith AI: A Success Story

Running a law firm comes with its fair share of challenges, including efficient call handling and seamless client intake processes. As the owner of the Buchanan Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico, my focus lies in employment law, personal injury, and workers' compensation cases. In this article, I would like to share my experience of working with Smith AI, a service that has not only improved my firm's operations but also enhanced the client experience.

Meeting Maddie Martin at the Lawyer's Lab Con

Last fall, I had the opportunity to meet Maddie Martin, a representative from Smith AI, during the Lawyer's Lab Con event. I was genuinely impressed by the company's dedication to supporting attorneys and their commitment to improving legal businesses. Maddie's insights and the spirit of giving exhibited by Smith AI piqued my interest, prompting me to explore their services further.

Initial Impressions of Smith AI and Other Services

Before discovering Smith AI, I had tried several other call handling services, each with its pros and cons. One major concern I had initially was the cost associated with these services, particularly considering the high volume of calls I received. Although some services provided satisfactory results, I was dissatisfied with the limited hours and integration capabilities of a local reception service in Albuquerque.

Switching to a Local Reception Service

While the local reception service in Albuquerque proved to be a great alternative, it too had its limitations. The restricted hours and lack of integration options prompted me to search for a solution that would offer expanded service hours and improved integration capabilities. After discussing my requirements with Maddie and exploring other options like Lawmatics, I made the decision to revamp my entire intake process.

Enhancing the Client Experience with Smith AI and Lawmatics

By incorporating Smith AI alongside a system like Lawmatics, my goal was to Create an unparalleled experience for my clients. The combination of these services allowed me to provide round-the-clock availability, ensuring clients can reach a representative from my firm at any time. Moreover, this streamlined process enabled a seamless transition from initial contact through to information gathering, while maintaining compassion for clients dealing with traumatic situations.

The Benefits of Having a 24/7 Service

One of the primary advantages of employing Smith AI was the ability to offer my clients a 24/7 service. This ensured that potential clients could connect with a live person instead of an automated bot, leading to a higher level of service and immediate responses to their inquiries. Additionally, the inclusion of a live chat option on my website proved to be a game-changer, significantly increasing the number of intakes received on a daily basis.

The Importance of Human Interaction in Intake Processes

In the past, my intake process involved a series of steps, including calls, messages from my receptionist, intake forms sent via email, and manual data entry into my firm management system. This multi-step process often led to typos, misspelled names, incorrect email addresses, and more. However, with the seamless integration between Smith AI, Lawmatics, and my smokeball system, potential clients can manage their own information accurately, ensuring faster response times and improved accuracy.

The Impact of Adding Live Chat to the Website

By incorporating live chat functionality to my website, I witnessed a substantial increase in client interactions and intake submissions. What was previously a few intakes a week transformed into one or two intakes per day within the first few weeks. This simple addition not only encouraged visitors to interact and provide their information but also allowed me to connect with them promptly.

Streamlining the Intake Process with Smith AI and Lawmatics

Thanks to the seamless synergy between Smith AI, Lawmatics, and my existing systems, my intake process has become significantly more efficient. The receptionist now directly enters client information into Lawmatics, filling out comprehensive profiles that integrate seamlessly with my smokeball system. If additional information is required, clients can complete an intake form online, further streamlining the information gathering process.

Long-Term Plans and Collaboration with Smith AI

Moving forward, I am eager to explore ways in which Smith AI and my firm can collaboratively enhance our operations. With their ongoing support and continuous improvement, I am confident that our partnership will evolve and Shape the future of our client intake process for the better.

The Relief of Having Support for Call Handling and Intake

As a small business owner, it is challenging to allocate resources efficiently. However, outsourcing call handling and intake processes to a service like Smith AI provides great relief. By entrusting these tasks to professionals who become an integral part of your team, you can benefit from clear instructions and streamlined processes that ultimately serve your clients better.

Recommendations for Solo Attorneys and Small Firms

Based on my experience, I highly recommend solo attorneys and small firms to consider utilizing services like Smith AI. The pressures of resource management and ensuring efficient client representation can be overwhelming. By outsourcing call handling and intake processes to capable professionals, You can allocate your internal resources effectively, allowing your team to focus on providing the best legal services to clients.


  • Expanded service hours, providing 24/7 availability
  • Seamless integration with existing systems like Lawmatics and smokeball
  • Increased client satisfaction through immediate human interaction
  • Streamlined intake process, improving accuracy and efficiency


  • Cost may be a concern for some firms
  • Initial setup and integration require time and resources

Overall, my experience with Smith AI has been nothing short of exceptional. The added support, seamless integration, and enhanced client experiences have made a significant impact on my firm's operations. Through their services, I have been able to provide better assistance to clients, optimize my intake processes, and improve overall efficiency within my practice.


  • Smith AI provides 24/7 call handling and live chat support for law firms.
  • Seamless integration with systems like Lawmatics and smokeball streamlines the intake process.
  • Human interaction through Smith AI's services enhances the client experience.
  • The addition of live chat functionality significantly increases client interactions and intake submissions.
  • Outsourcing call handling and intake to Smith AI provides relief for solo attorneys and small firms, allowing efficient resource allocation.


Q: How does Smith AI improve the client intake process? A: By offering 24/7 call handling and live chat support, Smith AI ensures that potential clients can connect with a live person and receive immediate responses to their inquiries. This not only enhances the client experience but also streamlines the intake process.

Q: Can Smith AI integrate with existing systems used by law firms? A: Yes, Smith AI can seamlessly integrate with systems like Lawmatics and smokeball, allowing for efficient data transfer and information management.

Q: Is there a cost associated with using Smith AI's services? A: Yes, there is a cost involved in utilizing Smith AI. However, the benefits of improved client support and streamlined processes often outweigh the associated expenses.

Q: Who would benefit from outsourcing call handling and intake to Smith AI? A: Solo attorneys and small firms, especially those facing resource constraints, can greatly benefit from outsourcing call handling and intake processes to Smith AI. By doing so, they can allocate their internal resources more effectively and provide better service to their clients.

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