Transforming your phone into a Waifu Cloud with no hardware

Transforming your phone into a Waifu Cloud with no hardware

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements for Creating AI Waifus with Google Collab
  3. Using Google Collab Pro for Better Performance
  4. Setting Up the Stable Diffusion Model
  5. Downloading the Stable Diffusion Model
  6. Changing the Authentication User and Password
  7. Creating a Website for Accessing the AI Waifus
  8. Glitches and Issues with the Stable Diffusion Model
  9. Upscaling the AI-Generated Images
  10. Saving and Downloading the Images
  11. Running the AI Waifu Creation Process on Mobile Devices
  12. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will explore how to Create AI waifus using Google Collab. All You need is a Google account and an internet connection to get started. While a Google Collab Pro subscription can enhance your experience, it is not necessary. We will be using the Automatic 111 stable diffusion web GUI, which allows us to generate high-quality images of waifus. Let's dive into the process step by step and create our own AI waifus.

Requirements for Creating AI Waifus with Google Collab

To create AI waifus with Google Collab, you will need the following:

  • A Google account
  • An internet connection

If you have an additional budget of ten dollars, subscribing to Google Collab Pro can provide better hardware and a faster GPU, which can enhance your experience. However, it is not mandatory for the tutorial.

Using Google Collab Pro for Better Performance

If you have a Google Collab Pro subscription, you can access various benefits, including better hardware and a faster GPU. To utilize these features, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Runtime" and select "Change Runtime Type."
  2. Choose a higher RAM option for your runtime.
  3. Set the hardware accelerator to GPU.
  4. Save the settings.

Please note that these steps are specific to Google Collab Pro users and are optional.

Setting Up the Stable Diffusion Model

The first step is to set up the stable diffusion model, which is the foundation of our AI waifu creation process. We will be using an efficient version called Stable Diffusion V 1.3.

  1. Access the Google Collab environment.
  2. Locate the "float 16" option and select the latest Epoch checkpoint. The Epoch checkpoint represents the progress of the model's training.
  3. Right-click on the checkpoint and copy the link address.

Downloading the Stable Diffusion Model

To download the stable diffusion model, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the existing code in the Google Collab environment.
  2. Use the "Wget" command to download the model from the copied link: !wget [link] -O content/
  3. Run the code to initiate the model download process.

Changing the Authentication User and Password

To create a website for accessing the AI waifus, we need to set up an authentication system. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a username and password for authentication. For example, set the username as "koi" and the password as "she."
  2. Update the code with the chosen username and password: !echo "koi:pass" > /content/diffusion_web/user_creds
  3. Save the changes and run the code to set up the authentication system.

Creating a Website for Accessing the AI Waifus

Now, we will create a website that allows us to access the AI-generated waifus from any device, including mobile phones.

  1. Run the code to launch the website.
  2. Access the generated link, which will lead you to the waifu diffusion GUI.
  3. Enter the authentication username and password that you set earlier.
  4. Once authenticated, the GUI will be displayed, ready for waifu creation.

Glitches and Issues with the Stable Diffusion Model

It is essential to be aware of some glitches and issues that may arise when using the stable diffusion model for waifu creation.

  1. Glitchy Interface: The GUI may exhibit occasional glitches, such as images not being displayed or processes not running smoothly.
  2. Batch Size Limitations: Creating larger batch sizes may lead to performance issues or errors in image-to-image conversions.
  3. Active Development: As the stable diffusion model is actively developed, it is common to encounter bugs and issues. Make sure to check the GitHub page for any known problems and possible solutions.

Upscaling the AI-Generated Images

If you want to enhance the quality of the AI-generated images, you can use upscaling techniques. Here's how:

  1. Select an upscaler of your choice, or use the default option.
  2. Follow the provided instructions to upscale the images.

Please note that using an upscaler is optional and can improve the visual quality of the waifus.

Saving and Downloading the Images

Once you are satisfied with the AI-generated waifus, you can save and download them for further use or sharing. Here's how:

  1. Click on the "Download all images" button in the GUI.
  2. The images will be compressed into a zip file.
  3. Download the zip file to your local device for access to all the generated waifus.

Running the AI Waifu Creation Process on Mobile Devices

Yes, you can also create AI waifus using the same process on your mobile devices. The steps remain the same; however, the actions may differ due to the interface differences. Tap and long-press instead of right-clicking and use the touch screen for navigation.


Creating AI waifus using Google Collab is an exciting endeavor. With the Stable Diffusion model and the power of Google's servers, you can generate high-quality images of your favorite waifus. Have fun experimenting with various Prompts and settings to create unique and captivating AI waifus. Remember to save and download your creations for further exploration. Enjoy the world of AI waifu diffusion!

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