Trump, Biden, and Obama Rank Lego Star Wars Battle Packs!

Trump, Biden, and Obama Rank Lego Star Wars Battle Packs!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The N1 Microfighter Debacle
  3. The Mixed Bag of the Imperial Troop Transport
  4. The Terrible Senate Commando Troopers Set
  5. The Underrated Shadow Troopers Set
  6. The Geonosis Battle Pack and the Awkward Walker
  7. The Decent Resistance Troopers Battle Pack
  8. The Disappointing First Order Battle Pack
  9. The Battlefront Rebel Alliance Pack
  10. The Impressive Battlefront Empire Pack
  11. The Blandness of the Rebel Trooper Battle Pack
  12. The Greatness of the Rogue One Imperial Battle Pack
  13. The Bounty Hunter Battle Pack Disaster
  14. The Solid First Order Battle Pack Upgrade
  15. The Lackluster First Order Executioner Pack
  16. The Mediocrity of the Tatooine Battle Pack
  17. The Jedi and Clone Troopers Battle Pack Controversy
  18. The Solo Imperial Patrol Battle Pack Triumph
  19. The Coolness of the Elite Praetorian Guard Battle Pack
  20. The Weirdness of the Inferno Squad Battle Pack
  21. The Controversial Imperial Dropship 20th Anniversary Edition
  22. The Sith Troopers Battle Pack and Rise of Skywalker Criticism
  23. The Mandalorian Battle Pack Similarity to the 2011 Version
  24. The 501st Battle Pack Phenomenon
  25. The Overpriced Snow Trooper Battle Pack
  26. The Clone Minifig Pack Disaster
  27. The Unnecessary Hoth Rebels Pack
  28. The Last Stand of the 501st Specialty Battle Pack

The Hodgepodge of LEGO Battle Packs: A Comprehensive Review


Battle packs have always been a staple in the LEGO Star Wars lineup, offering fans the opportunity to build armies of their favorite characters and vehicles. These sets have become a subject of debate and excitement among LEGO enthusiasts, as each pack offers a unique experience and selection of minifigures. In this article, we will Delve into the world of LEGO battle packs and review some of the most Memorable releases over the years. From the highs to the lows, we will explore the pros and cons of each set and discuss their impact on the LEGO Star Wars community. So, grab your bricks and let's dive in!

  1. The N1 Microfighter Debacle

The first battle pack we encounter is the N1 Microfighter. What started as a harmless discussion quickly escalated into a heated argument over the value of this set. While some argued that it was a worthwhile purchase for the price, others pointed out the absurdity of spending so much on something that could easily be built from spare parts. The debate highlighted the differing opinions within the LEGO Star Wars community and set the stage for future battles over battle packs.

  1. The Mixed Bag of the Imperial Troop Transport

Next on our list is the Imperial Troop Transport battle pack. This set received mixed reviews due to its conflicting qualities. On one HAND, it was praised for its potential for army building, allowing fans to amass a collection of Stormtroopers. On the other hand, the design of the Rebel Stormtroopers drew criticism for its disproportionate and unsightly appearance. This set brought to light the downfall of LEGO Stormtroopers and left fans divided.

  1. The Terrible Senate Commando Troopers Set

Moving on, we come across the Senate Commando Troopers battle pack. This set was met with disappointment and frustration, tarnishing the value of the coveted Senate Commando Troopers. Fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the set, which flooded the market with an abundance of these once-exclusive minifigures. The inclusion of only two battle droids further added to the disappointment. Despite the coolness of the uniform Blue troopers and the impressive cannon, this set failed to live up to expectations, earning its place in the F tier.

  1. The Underrated Shadow Troopers Set

On the flip side, we have the Shadow Troopers battle pack, a set that flew under the radar but deserves recognition. LEGO's foray into the Legends realm delighted fans, as it showcased the shadow troopers from the original Battlefront II game. With accurate colors and a sleek speeder design, this set appealed to collectors and those nostalgic for the iconic game. Although it lacked jetpacks, the set still managed to capture the essence of the original shadow troopers, earning it a well-deserved spot in the A tier.

  1. The Geonosis Battle Pack and the Awkward Walker

Now, let's discuss the Geonosis Battle Pack. This set raised eyebrows due to its inaccurate size and the inclusion of a rather awkward walker. Despite its shortcomings, the battle pack found redeeming qualities in its selection of clone troopers, offering fans the opportunity to expand their armies. However, the clunky appearance of the walker and the odd placement of the stud blaster left much to be desired. As a result, this set landed squarely in the C tier.

  1. The Decent Resistance Troopers Battle Pack

Moving away from the Galactic Empire, we shift our Attention to the Resistance Troopers battle pack. This set received positive reviews for its dual-molded helmets, which added a level of authenticity to the minifigures. Fans appreciated the screen-accurate speeder, which captured the essence of the movie. The inclusion of a resistance officer further enhanced the set's appeal. While not groundbreaking, this battle pack delivered a solid experience and secured a place in the B tier.

  1. The Disappointing First Order Battle Pack

On the other side of the conflict, we encounter the First Order Battle Pack. Unfortunately, this set failed to impress fans, earning a spot in the F tier. With only one regular Stormtrooper and two lackluster officers, the battle pack fell short of expectations. Even the turret, which resembled a stud shooter on a great titty, did little to redeem the set. In comparison to other battle packs, this one was a letdown and left fans hoping for better offerings in the future.

  1. The Battlefront Rebel Alliance Pack

Transitioning to the battle packs inspired by the beloved Battlefront game series, we come across the Rebel Alliance pack. The inclusion of Rhodian minifigures and the cool Jetpack pieces delighted fans, showcasing LEGO's dedication to covering more content from the Legends realm. While the Rebel troopers may have been perceived as lackluster, the presence of Cad Bane added a touch of excitement. Ultimately, this set found its place in the B tier, pleasing fans of the game and collectors alike.

  1. The Impressive Battlefront Empire Pack

Continuing our Journey through the Battlefront series, we arrive at the Empire pack. Fans were pleased with the inclusion of Imperial Shock Troopers and the battle-damaged jetpack troopers. The command station, despite its similarities to previous versions, garnered appreciation for its great build. However, the additional Imperial officer dragged down the set's value. Balancing the pros and cons, this battle pack earned a solid B tier ranking.

  1. The Blandness of the Rebel Trooper Battle Pack

Shifting gears to the Rogue One era, we encounter the Rebel Trooper battle pack. This set, unfortunately, received lackluster reviews due to its bland color scheme and uninspiring design. While the coconut helmets introduced a unique touch, they failed to salvage the overall mediocrity of the battle pack. Fans found little excitement in this set, leading to its placement in the C tier.

  1. The Greatness of the Rogue One Imperial Battle Pack

Contrasting the Rebel Trooper pack, we find the Imperial battle pack from Rogue One. Fans praised this set for its excellent Stormtrooper designs, even though they fell slightly short of the 2012 helmets. The inclusion of Death Troopers added a much-needed level of awesomeness to the set. While the Walker selection could have been improved, the overall appeal of this battle pack secured it a place in the A tier.

  1. The Bounty Hunter Battle Pack Disaster

Venturing into the realm of bounty hunters, we come across the disastrous Bounty Hunter battle pack. This set received backlash for including named characters, which diminished its repurchase value. Fans were disappointed by the lack of army-building potential, as battle packs are traditionally meant for amassing troops. Additionally, the questionable speeder design and turquoise color further added to the set's downfall. The general Consensus deemed this battle pack unworthy of anything higher than the F tier.

  1. The Solid First Order Battle Pack Upgrade

Returning to the First Order, we encounter the battle pack that aimed to rectify the mistakes of its predecessor. This set received favorable reviews for its significant upgrade, featuring more Stormtroopers and a flame trooper. Fans appreciated the resemblance of the speeder to The Force Awakens, adding a touch of authenticity. Although the officer may have been deemed dull, the improvements outweighed the negatives and earned this battle pack a respectable B tier ranking.

  1. The Lackluster First Order Executioner Pack

Continuing with the First Order theme, we arrive at the Executioner pack. Despite the coolness of the executioners themselves, this battle pack failed to impress with its overall content. Much like the movie, there was little that stood out aside from the executioners. The blandness of the Walker and the inclusion of two officers instead of more troopers were significant disappointments. As a result, this battle pack landed in the D tier.

  1. The Tatooine Battle Pack

Traveling back to the original trilogy, we encounter the Tatooine Battle Pack. Opinions were divided on this set, with some appreciating its uniqueness and others finding it lackluster. The inclusion of Tusken Raiders and the color matching speeder intrigued fans, yet the set's overall presentation was deemed lackluster. The debate continued, resulting in the set securing a place in the C tier.

  1. The Jedi and Clone Troopers Battle Pack Controversy

Seeking to appease fans of both the Clone Wars and the Jedi, LEGO released the Jedi and Clone Troopers battle pack. However, this set quickly became a subject of controversy, igniting debates regarding the inclusion of certain Jedi and clone troopers. Supporters of Ki-Adi-Mundi praised the LEGO-fied representation, while opponents criticized LEGO for their selection. The mixed reception and passionate arguments landed this battle pack in the D tier.

  1. The Solo Imperial Patrol Battle Pack Triumph

Transitioning to the standalone films, we encounter the Solo Imperial Patrol battle pack. This set received positive reviews for its faithful representation of the Imperial speeder and the stunning Imperial officers. Fans praised LEGO for staying true to the movie and offering a genuinely solid battle pack experience. Despite the minor setbacks, such as the inclusion of an extra Imperial officer, this battle pack earned its place in the B tier.

  1. The Coolness of the Elite Praetorian Guard Battle Pack

Returning to the sequel trilogy, we delve into the Elite Praetorian Guard battle pack. This set gained recognition for its unique concept of creating a platform for the guards to engage in combat. Fans appreciated the level of Detail in the guards' designs and the inclusion of a first order stormtrooper for future army-building. Despite the lack of mass appearances of the praetorian guards, this battle pack left a lasting impression and earned its spot in the B tier.

  1. The Weirdness of the Inferno Squad Battle Pack

The Inferno Squad battle pack takes us to the realm of video games, specifically EA's Battlefront II. This set perplexed fans with its inclusion of four members of Inferno Squad when only Iden Versio was named. While the minifigures sparked excitement, the set's lack of specificity and the absence of Iden's alternate helmet disappointed some fans. Despite the mixed reception, this battle pack found a place in the B tier.

  1. The Controversial Imperial Dropship 20th Anniversary Edition

Celebrating the legacy of LEGO Star Wars, the Imperial Dropship 20th Anniversary Edition set divided fans with its inclusion of Retro Han Solo. While some fans found delight in the nostalgic touch, others criticized the set for its helmet discrepancies and the absence of silver highlights on the Shadow Trooper. The addition of the 20th-anniversary label added value, but the minor flaws dragged this battle pack down, earning it a place in the C tier.

  1. The Sith Troopers Battle Pack and Rise of Skywalker Criticism

Traveling to the era of the sequels, we arrive at the Sith Troopers battle pack. Fans appreciated the inclusion of the Sith jet troopers and their accurate speeder design. The set satisfied enthusiasts in terms of being an affordable option for army building. However, the ties to The Rise of Skywalker raised some concerns and criticisms. Despite this, the overall execution and minifigure selection secured the battle pack a place in the B tier.

  1. The Mandalorian Battle Pack Similarity to the 2011 Version

Shifting our attention to the critically acclaimed series, The Mandalorian, we encounter a battle pack that bore similarities to its 2011 counterpart. Fans recognized the near-identical speeder build and the inclusion of a wall-style defense post. However, the unique variations among the Mandalorians, such as the capes instead of jetpacks, added a fresh twist to the set. While not groundbreaking, this battle pack garnered appreciation and earned its place in the B tier.

  1. The 501st Battle Pack Phenomenon

No LEGO battle pack discussion would be complete without the 501st Battle Pack. This set generated immense hype and anticipation among fans, capturing the essence of the infamous 501st legion. The inclusion of the coveted 501st clone troopers and the long-awaited Ahsoka Tano minifigure sent shockwaves through the community. Fans hailed this battle pack as a resounding success and a dream come true, solidifying its place in the S tier.

  1. The Overpriced Snow Trooper Battle Pack

Stepping foot into wintry terrain, we encounter the overpriced Snow Trooper battle pack. LEGO's decision to double its original price raised eyebrows and left fans questioning the value of the set. Despite receiving praise for the improved slope pieces on the speeder and the inclusion of Hoth Scout Troopers, the debacle surrounding the price overshadowed its merits. This battle pack, unfortunately, landed in the D tier.

  1. The Clone Minifig Pack Disaster

Moving along, we encounter the Clone Minifig Pack, a disaster that left fans frustrated and disappointed. LEGO's mishandling of stock and the subsequent retirement of the set after a short period frustrated enthusiasts who were unable to secure a copy. The inclusion of a lackluster clone trooper design and the underwhelming command station further exacerbated the issues. Fans unanimously placed this battle pack in the D tier.

  1. The Unnecessary Hoth Rebels Pack

Continuing our journey through iconic environments, we come across the Hoth Rebels battle pack. This set left fans puzzled by its existence, as it failed to serve a purpose beyond filling out the UCS AT-AT. The uninspiring minifigures and the ridiculous appearance of the Hoth turret contributed to the lackluster reception. This battle pack earned its place in the F tier, failing to resonate with fans or offer any significant value.

  1. The Last Stand of the 501st Specialty Battle Pack

Wrapping up our comprehensive battle pack review, we encounter the 501st Specialty battle pack. This last entry aimed to capture the essence of the legendary 501st legion's final stand. Despite the increase in price, fans found the inclusion of an impressive canon and the traditional blaster design appealing. The absence of proper printing for the blue stripe on the range finders disappointed some fans, overshadowing the set's overall quality, yet still securing a spot in the B tier.

To summarize the journey through LEGO battle packs, it is evident that these sets have become a subject of controversy, anticipation, and excitement within the LEGO Star Wars community. Each pack brings with it a unique combination of highs and lows, pros and cons, leaving fans with varying opinions. From highly anticipated releases like the 501st Battle Pack to disappointing offerings such as the Clone Minifig Pack, these battle packs have sparked passionate debates and showcased the complexity of catering to a diverse fan base. LEGO continues to strive for excellence, aiming to deliver memorable experiences through their battle packs while navigating the intricacies of fan expectations.


  • The 501st Battle Pack stands as a resounding success and dream come true for fans.
  • Controversial battle packs like the Bounty Hunter pack and the Clone Minifig Pack left fans disappointed.
  • Inclusion of characters from Legends and games, like the Shadow Troopers and Inferno Squad battle packs, delighted collectors.
  • The rise and fall of the Imperial Troop Transport and Senate Commando Troopers battle packs showcased the highs and lows of LEGO Stormtroopers.
  • The battle packs from The Mandalorian and Rogue One offered unique variations on familiar themes, appealing to both collectors and fans of the respective shows.
  • The price increase of certain battle packs, like the Snow Trooper pack, caused frustration among fans.


Q: Are battle packs meant for army building? A: Yes, battle packs are typically designed to allow fans to amass armies of their favorite characters and vehicles.

Q: Which battle pack had the most hype and anticipation among fans? A: The 501st Battle Pack generated immense excitement and became a highly anticipated release among LEGO Star Wars fans.

Q: Were there any battle packs that received backlash from the LEGO Star Wars community? A: Yes, battle packs like the Clone Minifig Pack and the Hoth Rebels pack faced criticism and disappointment from fans.

Q: Did LEGO incorporate characters and designs from Legends and video games into the battle packs? A: Yes, battle packs like the Shadow Troopers and Inferno Squad packs featured characters and designs from the Legends realm and Battlefront game series, respectively.

Q: Were there any battle packs that stood out as particularly impressive or innovative? A: The Elite Praetorian Guard battle pack garnered appreciation for its unique combat platform concept, offering fans a new way to engage in play and display their collection.

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