Turn Insults into Compliments

Turn Insults into Compliments

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing the Sprites
  3. Creating the Insult List
  4. Generating Random Insults
  5. Adding New Insults
  6. Creating the Compliment List
  7. Generating Random Compliments
  8. Adding New Compliments
  9. Animating the Sprites
  10. Conclusion


In this project, we will be creating an insult and compliment generator using lists in Scratch. Lists are a Type of variable that allow us to store multiple items. We will choose two sprites, a goblin for insults and a mermaid for compliments. When we click on the goblin, it will generate a random insult, and when we click on the mermaid, it will give us a random compliment. We will also add the functionality to add new insults and compliments to the lists. Let's get started!

Choosing the Sprites

To make our insult and compliment generator more interesting, we will choose two fantasy-themed sprites. The goblin will represent insults, while the mermaid will represent compliments. We can customize their sizes and directions to make them visually distinct.

Creating the Insult List

To generate insults, we need to Create a list of insulting phrases. We can add items to this list, such as "You are funny-looking," "I see England, I see France, I see your plundered pants," "You smell like cheese," and "Snowy Snowflake is smarter than you." We will store these insults in the insult list.

Generating Random Insults

When we click on the goblin sprite, we want it to generate a random insult from the insult list. We can achieve this by using the "pick random" block and selecting a random item from the insult list. In this way, every time we click on the goblin sprite, it will display a different insult.

Adding New Insults

To make our insult generator more dynamic, we can add a functionality to allow users to add new insults to the insult list. We can create a button sprite that, when clicked, Prompts the user to enter a new insult. The insult entered by the user will be added to the insult list, allowing for a greater variety of insults.

Creating the Compliment List

In addition to insults, we want our compliment generator to have a list of compliments. We can create a separate list called the "compliment list" and add items such as "You smell wonderful," "You are having a good hair day," and "You are smarter than Albert Einstein" to it.

Generating Random Compliments

Similar to the insult generator, when we click on the mermaid sprite, it should generate a random compliment from the compliment list. We can reuse the same logic used for generating insults, but this time we will select items from the compliment list.

Adding New Compliments

To enhance the functionality of our compliment generator, we can provide an option for users to add new compliments to the compliment list. By creating a button sprite that prompts the user for a new compliment, we can add the entered compliment to the compliment list.

Animating the Sprites

To make our insult and compliment generator more interactive, we can animate the sprites. For example, when the goblin is clicked, it can switch to the next costume and then switch back after a short delay. Similarly, the mermaid can switch between two costumes and perform the animation when clicked.


In this project, we have learned how to create an insult and compliment generator using lists in Scratch. We explored the concepts of selecting random items from a list, adding items to a list, and animating sprites. This project allows users to generate insults and compliments, as well as add new ones to the respective lists, making the generator more dynamic and customizable.


  • Create an insult and compliment generator using Scratch
  • Choose sprites to represent insults and compliments
  • Generate random insults and compliments from predefined lists
  • Add functionality to allow users to add new insults and compliments
  • Animate sprites to make the generator more interactive


Q: Can I add more than one insult or compliment at a time? A: No, the generator currently supports adding only one insult or compliment at a time.

Q: How many insults and compliments can I add to the lists? A: There is no predefined limit to the number of insults or compliments you can add. You can keep adding as many as you like.

Q: Can I modify the existing insults or compliments in the lists? A: Yes, you can modify the existing insults and compliments in the lists. Simply click on the respective sprite to access the insults or compliments list and make the desired changes.

Q: Is there a way to prevent the same insult or compliment from appearing twice in a row? A: While the project does not include this functionality, you can challenge yourself to implement it. You would need to add additional logic to check the previous insult or compliment and ensure the newly generated one is not the same.

Q: How can I reset the insult and compliment lists to their original state? A: To reset the insult and compliment lists, you can remove all the existing items manually or create a specific sprite or button that triggers the resetting of the lists.

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