Turning $100 into $1,000: A ChatGPT Success Story

Turning $100 into $1,000: A ChatGPT Success Story

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Story of Jackson Fall: Turning $100 into $1,000 in a Day
    1. Creating an Affiliate Website
    2. Generating Content and Signing up for Affiliate Programs
    3. Designing the Website Logo and Landing Page
    4. Promoting the Website and Attracting Investors
    5. Evaluating the Flaws in the Experiment
  3. Exploring the Potential of Chat GPT for Investment: Introducing Invest GPT
    1. Setting the Context for Invest GPT
    2. Investing in the Stock Market (VO)
    3. Exploring Bonds (SHY)
    4. Dabbling in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Ethereum)
    5. Keeping Cash on HAND
  4. Additional Simulation Results and Analysis
    1. Results and Recommendations for ETFs
    2. Considering Small-Cap Cryptocurrencies
    3. Exploring Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    4. Evaluating the Performance of Portfolio Recommendations
  5. Personal Thoughts and Conclusion
    1. The Importance of Long-Term Investing Strategies
    2. The Value of Chat GPT in Creative Ideation
    3. Future Possibilities for Chat GPT in Financial Analysis

📌The Story of Jackson Fall: Turning $100 into $1,000 in a Day

In this section, we will explore the fascinating story of Jackson Fall, who used the language-Based ai model Chat GPT to turn a mere $100 into over $1,000 in just one day. We will delve into the steps he took and the strategies suggested by Chat GPT to achieve this impressive financial feat. From creating an affiliate website to attracting investors, we will uncover the details that led to his success.

📌Creating an Affiliate Website

To kickstart his money-making venture, Jackson Fall followed the advice of Chat GPT and decided to create an affiliate website. Allocating $15 for buying a domain name, he settled on "greengadgetguru.com." This website would focus on marketing eco-friendly products, such as specialty kitchen gadgets and pet supplies.

📌Generating Content and Signing up for Affiliate Programs

With the website in place, the next step was to create content targeting eco-friendly products. Jackson Fall signed up for affiliate programs like CJ Affiliates or Amazon Associates, where he could obtain unique referral links for various products. By driving traffic and securing purchases through these links, he would earn a commission without actively selling the products himself.

📌Designing the Website Logo and Landing Page

Chat GPT provided specific instructions for creating a logo and designing the landing page of the affiliate website. Leveraging another AI model called Dolly, Jackson Fall obtained logo variations and used Adobe Illustrator to refine the final design. With detailed instructions from Chat GPT, he crafted the landing page, strategically placing the logo, images, navigational links, and menus to optimize user experience.

📌Promoting the Website and Attracting Investors

To drive traffic to the website, Chat GPT recommended Jackson Fall to use social media promotion. It even generated a promotional tweet about making an impact on the planet and staying eco-conscious. This clever marketing tactic attracted attention not only from potential customers but also from investors who saw the profit potential. Attracting an offer of $100 for 25% of the company's profits, Jackson's project gained significant financial backing.

📌Evaluating the Flaws in the Experiment

While Jackson Fall's experiment showcased the possibilities of leveraging Chat GPT for financial gain, it also revealed some flaws. The experiment conducted on social media and with an influencer's existing following might have skewed the results. Furthermore, the profitability of the affiliate website was never clarified, raising questions about the long-term viability of the venture. Despite these limitations, the experiment demonstrated the creative potential of AI in generating business ideas.

📌Exploring the Potential of Chat GPT for Investment: Introducing Invest GPT

Building upon the success of Jackson Fall's experiment, we now turn our attention to Invest GPT, a language-based AI model focused on investment strategies. By providing specific contextual information and goals, we can test the capabilities of Invest GPT in generating optimized investment portfolios. In this section, we will explore the simulated outcomes and evaluate the recommendations given by Invest GPT.

📌Setting the Context for Invest GPT

To begin our simulation with Invest GPT, we travel to the year 2023 and inform the AI model about the financial landscape. We mention the current values of assets such as the S&P 500 and Bitcoin, the collapse of certain banks, and the prevailing fear of traditional banking systems. With $100 at our disposal, our goal is to maximize returns by investing legally and ethically.

📌Investing in the Stock Market (VO)

Following Invest GPT's advice, we allocate 50% of our capital ($50) to the stock market. The suggested ETF is VO (Vanguard S&P 500 ETF) which provides diversification across the top 500 US companies. However, based on the simulated outcomes, we discover that this investment would have resulted in a loss of 13.5%, leaving us with $40.33.

📌Exploring Bonds (SHY)

Invest GPT recommends allocating 25% of our funds ($25) to the iShares bond ETF with the ticker symbol SHY. While bonds are generally considered lower-risk investments, The Simulation reveals a decline of approximately 4.5% for this particular bond. Thus, our investment would only be worth $23.87 if we were to sell it immediately.

📌Dabbling in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Ethereum)

To explore the potential of cryptocurrencies, Invest GPT suggests investing 15% ($15) evenly split between Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, the simulation shows a decrease in the value of these cryptocurrencies, resulting in a loss of approximately 50%. Therefore, our initial $15 investment would now be worth $7.50.

📌Keeping Cash on Hand

As a cautious measure, Invest GPT advises us to keep 10% of our capital ($10) as cash. However, due to inflation, the value of cash declines over time. Nonetheless, we retain $10 in physical currency.

Please note that the simulated outcomes of these investments resulted in an overall loss. Detailed analysis and further simulations are provided in the subsequent section.

📌Additional Simulation Results and Analysis

In this section, we delve into additional simulation results generated by Invest GPT to evaluate various investment options. By analyzing ETFs, small-cap cryptocurrencies, and real estate investment trusts (REITs), we gain insights into their performance and potential benefits.

📌Results and Recommendations for ETFs

Invest GPT provides a range of recommendations for ETFs, including QQQ (tracking high-growth tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Tesla), ARK (a popular ETF managed by Kathy Wood), and IWM (tracking small-cap companies). Detailed analysis reveals mixed outcomes, with most ETFs experiencing losses ranging from 20% to 69%.

📌Considering Small-Cap Cryptocurrencies

Invest GPT suggests exploring smaller-cap cryptocurrencies like Cardano and Solana as they posses a higher upside potential. However, the simulation outcomes indicate significant losses for these investments, with Cardano depreciating by approximately 90% and Solana declining by around 85%.

📌Exploring Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Invest GPT recommends exploring REITs, which are dividend-earning stocks related to real estate. These stocks typically pay a high dividend yield, allowing investors to passively earn income. Despite the potential benefits, the simulation shows an overall decline of 24.6% for REITs.

📌Evaluating the Performance of Portfolio Recommendations

After running multiple simulations using Invest GPT, it becomes evident that none of the portfolios generated resulted in a higher value than the initial investment. This emphasizes the importance of long-term investing strategies rather than seeking quick and risky gains. While the simulation results may disappoint, it is crucial to remember the value of broad-market index funds and the benefits of a diversified portfolio.

📌Personal Thoughts and Conclusion

In this concluding section, we reflect on the insights gained from the experiments conducted with Chat GPT and Invest GPT. We highlight the significance of long-term investing strategies and the potential of AI models like Chat GPT to foster creativity and ideation. While AI has its limitations in providing accurate financial advice, it remains a valuable tool for generating ideas and breaking down complex concepts.


  • Jackson Fall's experiment utilized Chat GPT to turn $100 into over $1,000 in a day through affiliate marketing.
  • Chat GPT provided instructions for website creation, content generation, logo design, and landing page development.
  • The experiment demonstrated the creative potential of AI in business ventures but had limitations in terms of long-term profitability.
  • Invest GPT simulated investment strategies, but none resulted in a higher value than the initial investment.
  • Long-term investing in low-cost index funds is emphasized as a more reliable strategy than seeking quick gains.


Q: How can I use Chat GPT for creative ideation? A: Chat GPT can be a valuable tool for generating ideas and breaking down complex concepts. By providing specific instructions and context, you can explore creative possibilities in various domains.

Q: Can AI models like Invest GPT provide accurate financial advice? A: While AI models like Invest GPT can simulate investment portfolios, their recommendations should be approached with caution. Long-term investing strategies and professional financial advice remain crucial for sound investment decisions.

Q: What are the potential benefits of broad-market index funds? A: Broad-market index funds, such as the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, provide diversification across a range of companies and sectors. By investing in these funds over the long term, investors can benefit from overall market growth and reduce the impact of individual stock volatility.


  • CJ Affiliates: [URL]
  • Amazon Associates: [URL]
  • Adobe Illustrator: [URL]
  • Dolly (AI model): [URL]
  • MooMoo (Investment App): [URL]

(Category: Technology & Finance)

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