Ultimate Battle: AI vs AI in StarCraft 2!

Ultimate Battle: AI vs AI in StarCraft 2!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Pro Bots
  2. The Game Setup
  3. Strategies and Limitations of AI Bots
  4. Unit Composition and Micro Tactics
  5. The Role of APM in Pro Bot Matches
  6. Analysis of Dominion Dog vs Ketch Rock
  7. AI Decision Making and Strategy Adaptation
  8. The Importance of Upgrades in AI Matches
  9. The Evolution of AI in Starcraft 2
  10. Conclusion

Introduction to Pro Bots

Starcraft 2 has always been a game of strategy and tactics, but what happens when the players are not human? In the Pro Bots tournament, artificial intelligences (AIs) face off against each other to prove their abilities in the game. With no limitations on their actions, these AI bots showcase strategies and unit compositions that differ from those commonly seen in human versus human matches. This article will Delve into the world of Pro Bots and analyze a specific match between Dominion Dog and Ketch Rock, highlighting the unique aspects of AI gameplay and the strategies employed by these AI competitors.

The Game Setup

To provide some Context, the game analyzed in this article took place during the ongoing Pro Bots season. The match was played on the map "Infestation Station," with Dominion Dog as the Blue Terran AI and Ketch Rock as the red Terran AI. Both players started with their workers, rapidly selecting and forcing them onto mineral fields in a repetitive manner. This initial phase showcased the exceptional APM (actions per minute) of the AI bots, as they quickly established their economies.

Strategies and Limitations of AI Bots

Unlike human players, AI bots in Pro Bots have complete control over their strategies. Each bot has a different approach to selecting threats and can even learn and adapt Based on previous matches or series. Bot authors play a significant role in determining the strategies employed by their AIs. In this match, Dominion Dog opted for a reaper-esque Opener, while Ketch Rock went for a double Stargate start. These strategies highlight the deviation from traditional human gameplay and the varied approaches AI bots can adopt.

Unit Composition and Micro Tactics

The absence of limitations on AIs allows for unconventional unit compositions and micro tactics. In this match, both Dominion Dog and Ketch Rock moved away from the typical Terran unit composition of Marines and Siege Tanks. Dominion Dog relied heavily on Marines, while Ketch Rock focused on Banshees and Cyclones. The AI bots showcased impressive micro control, with precision in target firing and manoeuvring units. However, the lack of diversity in unit choices made them vulnerable to specific counters from the opponent.

The Role of APM in Pro Bot Matches

APM plays a significant role in Pro Bot matches, as higher APM allows for faster actions and decision-making. In this game, both Dominion Dog and Ketch Rock reached APM values well into the five digits, illustrating the intense micro and macro management performed by the AIs. The utilization of such high APM by AI bots showcases the potential speed and efficiency of decision-making that surpasses the capabilities of human players.

Analysis of Dominion Dog vs Ketch Rock

The match between Dominion Dog and Ketch Rock was a back-and-forth encounter. Both players had their moments of AdVantage, with Dominion Dog initially having superior supply, but Ketch Rock gaining Momentum through efficient trades. The AI Bot strategies and decision-making played a crucial role in determining the outcome. Ketch Rock focused on expanding and maintaining air superiority with Banshees, while Dominion Dog struggled to capitalize on his early advantages. Eventually, Ketch Rock's unit composition and micro control proved superior, leading to the downfall of Dominion Dog.

AI Decision Making and Strategy Adaptation

One intriguing aspect of Pro Bot matches is the decision-making and strategy adaptation demonstrated by the AI bots. The ability to learn from previous games and adjust strategies accordingly adds an element of unpredictability to the matches. The bots in Pro Bots have the freedom to choose their threats based on their opponents' actions, making each game unique. This flexibility in decision-making showcases the complexity and potential of AI in strategy-based games like Starcraft 2.

The Importance of Upgrades in AI Matches

Upgrades play a vital role in the gameplay of Starcraft 2, and AI bots in Pro Bots take advantage of this aspect as well. Dominion Dog focused on building armor upgrades, providing additional protection to his structures. However, the value of such upgrades in the early stages of the game is questionable, indicating some suboptimal decision-making by the AI bot.

The Evolution of AI in Starcraft 2

The Pro Bots tournament is a testament to the advancements in AI technology and its applications in complex, real-time strategy games like Starcraft 2. AI bots Continue to evolve, showcasing improved decision-making, micro control, and adaptation capabilities. The ability of AI to challenge human players at high levels and provide unique gameplay experiences is a promising development in the realm of competitive gaming.


Pro Bots allows us to witness the potential of AI in competitive gaming. The AI bots, with their unrestricted strategies and micro control capabilities, provide an alternative perspective on Starcraft 2 gameplay. While still a nascent field, the Pro Bots tournament showcases the growth and possibilities of AI in strategy games. Exciting matches like Dominion Dog vs Ketch Rock demonstrate the complexities and unique dynamics that arise when AI competes against AI. As the development of AI continues, we can expect further advancements and new possibilities in the realm of gaming.


  • Pro Bots tournament pushes the boundaries of competitive Starcraft 2
  • AI bots showcase unconventional strategies and unit compositions
  • APM reaches new heights in Pro Bot matches
  • Dominion Dog and Ketch Rock engage in a back-and-forth battle
  • AI decision-making and strategy adaptation add unpredictability to matches
  • Upgrades play a role in AI bot gameplay
  • The evolution of AI in Starcraft 2 opens new possibilities
  • AI bots challenge human players and provide unique gaming experiences


Q: How do AI bots in Pro Bots select their strategies?\ A: The bot makers have control over the strategies employed by their AI bots, with some bots even learning and adapting based on previous matches or series.

Q: What is the role of APM in Pro Bot matches?\ A: APM (actions per minute) showcases the speed and efficiency of decision-making by AI bots, allowing for faster actions and micro control.

Q: Can AI bots in Pro Bots adapt their strategies during a game?\ A: Yes, AI bots have the ability to adapt their strategies based on their opponents' actions, making each game unique and unpredictable.

Q: How does upgrades play a role in AI matches?\ A: Upgrades provide AI bots with additional advantages, although the decision-making regarding upgrades is not always optimal.

Q: What is the potential of AI in competitive gaming?\ A: The Pro Bots tournament demonstrates the potential of AI technology in challenging human players and providing unique gaming experiences.

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