Ultimate Guide to Color Matching Multiple Displays

Ultimate Guide to Color Matching Multiple Displays

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Multiple Displays
  3. Can Laptop Display Match External Display?
  4. Considerations when Matching Colors
  5. The Limitations of Laptop Displays
  6. The Importance of Display Volume
  7. Different Colors in Display Lineups
  8. The Process of Display Calibration
  9. Matching Displays and Software Options
  10. The Challenges of Visual Comparison
  11. Potential Issues with ICC Profiles
  12. Choosing the Best Display for Reference
  13. Calibrating Laptop Displays on the Road
  14. The Option of Sending Quick Proofs
  15. Conclusion

Can Laptop Display Match External Display?

In the world of creativity and design, many of us rely on multiple displays to enhance our workflow. Whether it's a PC or Mac laptop connected to external displays, the question of whether we can match the laptop's display to what we see on the external display often arises. In this article, we will explore the possibilities and considerations of matching colors between displays. We will also Delve into the limitations of laptop displays and the challenges that come with it. So, let's find out if achieving color harmony between laptop and external displays is possible, and if so, how we can do it effectively.


Setting up multiple displays has become a common practice in the creative industry. Whether You're a designer, photographer, or video editor, having a setup with external displays can greatly enhance your productivity. However, one question that often arises is whether it is possible to match the colors between the laptop's display and the external displays.

Setting up Multiple Displays

Before diving into the intricacies of matching colors, let's first understand the setup. Many creative individuals have a laptop connected to external displays. This can be a PC or Mac laptop, and the external displays can range from singular displays to multiple ones. The setup itself can vary, but the Core idea remains the same – providing a larger and more immersive workspace for creative tasks.

Can Laptop Display Match External Display?

The short answer to this question is yes, it is possible to match the laptop's display to the external display. However, achieving color accuracy and consistency between the two can be a challenging task. There are a few software options available that allow you to match one display to the other, but it comes with its own set of consequences that we will explore further.

Considerations when Matching Colors

Matching colors between laptop and external displays is not as simple as it may seem. Several factors come into play, such as the form factor of the laptop display and the compromises made to fit it into a thin panel. Laptop displays are designed to be lightweight and energy-efficient, which means they may not have the same capabilities as external displays in terms of color accuracy and volume.

The Limitations of Laptop Displays

While laptop displays have come a long way in terms of quality, they still have limitations compared to their external counterparts. The thin form factor of laptop displays often leads to trade-offs in terms of LCD panel quality and backlight strength. This compromises their ability to reproduce colors accurately and display a wide range of tones. As a result, matching the laptop's display to an external display becomes more challenging.

The Importance of Display Volume

One of the key considerations when matching colors between displays is the volume of the display enclosure. External displays generally have more volume, allowing manufacturers to incorporate better quality LCD panels and stronger backlights. This gives them an edge in terms of color reproduction and accuracy. Laptop displays, on the other HAND, have limited volume, which restricts their potential for color performance.

Different Colors in Display Lineups

Another factor that affects color matching is the variation in colors within a display lineup. Display manufacturers source panels from different manufacturers, resulting in slight variations in color reproduction even within the same brand and model. So, if you have multiple displays of the same brand and model, the colors may still be slightly different, making color matching a complex task.

The Process of Display Calibration

When it comes to matching colors between displays, display calibration plays a crucial role. Whether it's a software-calibrated display or a hardware-calibrated display, the aim is to calibrate each display individually to achieve accurate color representation. By calibrating the display, the software or hardware determines the optimal color output Based on the CIE standard and creates an ICC profile to ensure accurate color reproduction.

Matching Displays and Software Options

While achieving color harmony between laptop and external displays is challenging, there are software options available to assist in the process. One such software is Datacolor's Spyder X Elite, which allows users to visually compare and match one display to another. However, it is important to note that visually comparing displays can be subjective and sensitive to factors such as lighting conditions, making it less scientifically accurate.

The Challenges of Visual Comparison

Visual comparison, though a possible method for matching displays, has its limitations. Factors like the time of day, ambient lighting, and personal Perception can greatly affect the accuracy of visual matching. Additionally, visual comparison may involve manipulating ICC profiles, further stretching the tone range and potentially introducing digital posterization or banding effects. These challenges should be carefully considered when attempting to match colors visually.

Potential Issues with ICC Profiles

ICC profiles play a crucial role in color management and display calibration. However, when it comes to matching display colors, manipulating ICC profiles can have unintended consequences. ICC profiles for software-calibrated displays already contain a considerable amount of color remapping and tone adjustment. Trying to match one display to the other can result in expanding these values further, potentially leading to compromised color reproduction and undesirable artifacts.

Choosing the Best Display for Reference

In a setup with multiple displays, it is essential to determine which display will serve as the reference for color accuracy. Factors like display Type, hardware calibration capability, and overall color performance come into play. For example, if you have a laptop display and an external software-calibrated display, the latter may offer better color reproduction if it is a top-of-the-line creative model. Considering these factors will help you choose the best display as a reference for color matching.

Calibrating Laptop Displays on the Road

For creatives constantly on the move, calibrating laptop displays can present challenges. However, if your laptop display is properly calibrated, it can still produce excellent results, reaching around 90-95% accuracy. So, while it may not match the capabilities of external displays, it can still serve as a reliable option for color work. Additionally, quick proofing on the road and finalizing color accuracy in the Studio with external displays can bridge any gaps in color consistency.

The Option of Sending Quick Proofs

For professionals working remotely or on-location, sending quick proofs can be an alternative to matching laptop and external displays. While the laptop display may not precisely represent the final output, it can still provide a close approximation of the colors. Once back in the studio, you can connect your laptop to external displays and perform a final proofing to ensure the best possible color accuracy for the client.


Matching colors between laptop and external displays is a complex task with various considerations. While software options exist to assist in the process, limitations such as display form factor, panel quality, and variations within display lineups make it challenging to achieve perfect color harmony. However, by calibrating each display individually, choosing the best display as a reference, and understanding the limitations, it is possible to Create a more consistent and accurate color workflow. So, embrace the possibilities while being aware of the complexities, and let your creativity shine across all your display devices.


  • Matching colors between laptop and external displays is possible but challenging.
  • Laptop displays have limitations due to their thin form factor and compromises made for portability.
  • Display volume plays a crucial role in color reproduction and accuracy.
  • Variations in color reproduction within display lineups make color matching complex.
  • Display calibration is essential for achieving accurate color representation.
  • Visual comparison for color matching can be subjective and dependent on various factors.
  • Manipulating ICC profiles can result in compromised color reproduction and unwanted artifacts.
  • Choosing the best display as a reference is crucial in a multiple display setup.
  • Laptop displays can still provide satisfactory results and serve as a reliable option on the go.
  • Sending quick proofs can be an alternative to achieving color accuracy in remote settings.


Q: Can I match the colors between my laptop's display and an external display? A: Yes, it is possible to match the colors between laptop and external displays, but it comes with challenges due to the differences in display capabilities and variations in color reproduction.

Q: What are the limitations of laptop displays for color matching? A: Laptop displays have thin form factors and compromises for portability, which affect their color reproduction, accuracy, and volume.

Q: How can I calibrate my displays for accurate color representation? A: Display calibration using software or hardware solutions can help achieve accurate color representation by determining optimal color output based on standards and creating ICC profiles.

Q: Are there software options available to match the colors between displays? A: Yes, there are software options like Datacolor's Spyder X Elite that allow for visual comparison and color matching, but it should be noted that visual matching has its limitations.

Q: Should I rely on my laptop display for color accuracy on the go? A: Laptop displays, if properly calibrated, can provide satisfactory color accuracy on the go but may not match the capabilities of external displays.

Q: Is it necessary to carry external displays for color accuracy on the road? A: Carrying external displays on the road can be an option for achieving color accuracy, but it adds complexity and may not be feasible in all situations.

Q: Can I send quick proofs without external displays for color accuracy? A: Yes, sending quick proofs while on the road using your laptop display can provide a close approximation of colors, and final proofing can be done in the studio with external displays for precise color accuracy.

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