Ultimate guide to customizing AI prime light schedule

Ultimate guide to customizing AI prime light schedule

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the AI Prime Light Schedule
  3. Obtaining the Necessary Files
  4. Determining the Maximum Intensity
  5. Setting Up the Excel Document
  6. Configuring Intensity Values
  7. Creating the Sine Curve
  8. Copying the Profile Code
  9. Pasting the Code into the Word Document
  10. Calculating Checksums
  11. Saving the File as a Text Document
  12. Uploading and Activating the Customized Light Schedule
  13. Conclusion


Are You looking to customize your AI Prime light schedule? In this video, I'll Show you how to Create a light curve with different light intensities throughout the day. With the help of a few files and some simple steps, you'll be able to personalize your light schedule to suit your needs. Let's dive in!

Understanding the AI Prime Light Schedule

Before we begin, let's take a moment to understand the AI Prime light schedule. The AI Prime light is a popular choice among reef tank enthusiasts, as it offers a wide range of customizable features. With the ability to adjust light intensities at different times, you can create an optimal environment for your corals and other marine life.

Obtaining the Necessary Files

To get started, you'll need to access a folder that contains three important files. These files include an Excel spreadsheet, a calculator for generating a checksum, and a Word document where the code will be pasted. You can find these files in the AI Prime Hydra Reef group's file section. Simply search for "Stefon Bitterwolf" and look for the post dated March 22nd.

Determining the Maximum Intensity

The first step in customizing your light schedule is to determine the maximum intensity you want to set. To do this, visit the AI Prime Website and create a new schedule. Adjust the intensity levels for different colors and note down the values. For example, you can increase red to 20%, set yellow to 200%, and so on. Remember to save your profile once you've made the desired changes.

Setting Up the Excel Document

Next, open the Excel document included in the downloaded files. This document contains a set of instructions you need to follow to customize your light schedule. The first task is to enter the maximum intensities you determined in the previous step. This involves pasting the values into the appropriate cells in the "Intensity Key" tab of the spreadsheet.

Configuring Intensity Values

Once you've entered the maximum intensity values for different colors, proceed to the "Intensity Values" tab in the Excel document. Here, you'll find a list of colors, along with their corresponding intensity values at different times. Refer to your profile on the AI Prime website and enter the respective intensity values in the Excel document.

Creating the Sine Curve

With the intensity values filled in, the Excel spreadsheet will automatically generate a sine curve Based on the values you've entered. This sine curve represents the changing light intensities throughout the day. Take a moment to examine the curve and ensure it matches your desired light schedule.

Copying the Profile Code

Now that you've entered all the necessary values, it's time to copy the profile code. In the Excel document, click on the "Profile" tab and select the entire code. Use the shortcut keys (Shift + Ctrl + Down Arrow) to quickly select all the lines. Then, copy the code (Ctrl + C) to your clipboard.

Pasting the Code into the Word Document

Open the Word document included in the downloaded files. This document contains the AI Prime code that will be uploaded to the light. Right-click in the document and choose "Paste as Text Only" to avoid any formatting issues. Your profile code will be inserted into the document, ready for further processing.

Calculating Checksums

Before saving the Word document, it's crucial to calculate checksums. This step ensures the website recognizes the code as valid. To do this, open the checksum calculator file included in the downloaded files. Paste the profile code into the calculator and click the "Calculate Checksums" button. Copy the generated checksum number and paste it back into the Word document.

Saving the File as a Text Document

To prepare the code for uploading, save the Word document as a plain text file. Choose the option to save as a plain text (TXT) file format. Give the file a different name to avoid confusion with the original Word document. For example, you can name it "No Red Whites" or something descriptive.

Uploading and Activating the Customized Light Schedule

Now that you've completed all the necessary steps, you can proceed to the AI Prime website and upload your customized light schedule. Delete the existing light curve if necessary and upload your text document containing the modified code. Once uploaded, your new light schedule will be activated, and you'll see the changes reflected in the light intensity.


Customizing your AI Prime light schedule allows you to create a personalized environment for your reef tank. By following the steps outlined in this video, you can easily adjust light intensities at different times of the day. Experiment with different curves and functions to find the perfect balance for your corals and enhance the beauty of your aquarium. Enjoy your customized light schedule and happy reefing!


  • Customize your AI Prime light schedule to suit your needs.
  • Adjust light intensities at different times to create an optimal environment for your marine life.
  • Obtain the necessary files from the AI Prime Hydra Reef group.
  • Determine the maximum intensity you want to set for each color.
  • Use the provided Excel spreadsheet to configure intensity values and generate a sine curve.
  • Copy the profile code and paste it into the Word document.
  • Calculate checksums to validate the code.
  • Save the Word document as a plain text file.
  • Upload and activate your customized light schedule on the AI Prime website.
  • Enjoy the flexibility and beauty of your personalized light schedule.


Q: Can I customize the light schedule for different days of the week? A: Yes, the process outlined in this video allows you to create different light schedules for each day of the week. Simply repeat the steps for each day, adjusting the intensity values and times accordingly.

Q: Can I add additional colors to the light schedule? A: Yes, you can add additional colors to the light schedule by updating the Excel document and adjusting the code in the Word document accordingly. Be sure to follow the provided instructions and ensure the intensity values are within the acceptable range for your AI Prime light.

Q: Can I revert back to the default light schedule? A: Yes, if you wish to revert back to the default light schedule, you can do so by deleting the customized light curve in the AI Prime website and selecting the default settings.

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