Ultimate Guide: Unconventional Designs in DOORS

Ultimate Guide: Unconventional Designs in DOORS

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Entity Dodging?
  3. Why is Entity Dodging Important?
  4. The Mechanics of Entity Dodging
    • 4.1. Lights Flickering
    • 4.2. Line of Sight
    • 4.3. Raycasting
    • 4.4. Hiding Spots
  5. Tips and Tricks for Entity Dodging
    • 5.1. Solo Entity Dodging Tips
    • 5.2. Co-op Entity Dodging Tips
    • 5.3. Safe Stone Hop Technique
  6. Entity Dodging in Different Rooms
    • 6.1. Room 60
    • 6.2. Room 66
    • 6.3. Courtyard
    • 6.4. L-Shaped Rooms
    • 6.5. Greenhouse
  7. Conclusion

Tips and Tricks for Entity Dodging in Doors

Entity dodging is a key skill to have in the game Doors. It allows players to avoid rush and ambush encounters without having to hide in lockers or under beds. In this article, we will explore the mechanics and techniques of entity dodging, as well as provide tips and tricks to survive and excel in the game.

What is Entity Dodging?

Entity dodging is a strategy in Doors where players use objects in the game environment to hide from rush and ambush attacks. Instead of relying on traditional hiding spots, entity dodging allows players to utilize their surroundings to avoid detection and survive encounters.

Why is Entity Dodging Important?

Entity dodging is a crucial skill to master in Doors for several reasons. Firstly, it allows players to evade rush and ambush attacks without the need for lockers or beds, which may not always be available in every room. This opens up more possibilities for survival and speed running. Additionally, entity dodging can help players achieve faster completion times and increase their chances of making it to the end of the game.

The Mechanics of Entity Dodging

To effectively entity dodge, players need to understand the mechanics involved. This includes the following aspects:

4.1. Lights Flickering

When entering a new room in Doors, players should pay Attention to the lights. Flickering lights indicate potential trouble ahead. Rush is about to head in that direction, and players should take cover to avoid detection. The flickering lights serve as a warning sign to hide and prepare for a rush or ambush encounter.

4.2. Line of Sight

Line of sight is a critical factor in entity dodging. The game utilizes raycasting, where the player's visibility and the entity's detection are determined by the line of sight. Players need to be aware of their positioning and ensure that they cannot see the entity and vice versa. By staying out of the entity's line of sight, players can successfully evade detection.

4.3. Raycasting

Raycasting is the mechanism by which the game determines whether the entity can detect the player. By understanding how raycasting works, players can find various hiding spots and exploit areas where the entity's line of sight is obstructed. It is essential to experiment with different locations and objects to discover effective hiding strategies.

4.4. Hiding Spots

Throughout the game, there are numerous hiding spots that can be used for entity dodging. These spots include lockers, beds, behind objects like chairs and bookshelves, and even behind solid mesh objects. Players should explore the rooms and familiarize themselves with the available hiding spots to maximize their chances of survival.

Tips and Tricks for Entity Dodging

To improve your entity dodging skills, consider the following tips and tricks:

5.1. Solo Entity Dodging Tips

  • If lockers are unavailable in a room, search for alternative hiding spots such as corners, behind objects, or areas where line of sight is obstructed.
  • Learn the layout of each room and identify potential hiding spots before encountering rush or ambush.
  • Be cautious when hiding in corners, as the entity may clip through the room and collide with the player.
  • Utilize crucifixes sparingly for entity dodging, especially during challenges or when attempting speed runs.
  • Experiment with different locations and strategies to find the most effective hiding spots in each room.

5.2. Co-op Entity Dodging Tips

  • In co-op or duo games, utilize the "safe stone hop" technique, where one player goes ahead to trigger the entity while others stay in a safe area. The scouting player can communicate when it is safe to proceed.
  • Prioritize safety and communication in co-op games, especially when team members are new to entity dodging or the game itself.
  • Use teamwork and coordination to maximize the efficiency of entity dodging and increase survival rates.

5.3. Safe Stone Hop Technique

The safe stone hop technique is a useful strategy for co-op entity dodging. It involves having one player navigate or Scout Ahead while the rest of the team stays in a safe area. The scout player triggers the rush or ambush and informs the team when it is safe to proceed. This method provides a conservative approach to keep players safe, particularly if they are inexperienced or unfamiliar with entity dodging.

Entity Dodging in Different Rooms

Entity dodging techniques can vary depending on the room layout and specific challenges encountered. Here are some guidelines for entity dodging in different rooms:

6.1. Room 60

In Room 60, the best hiding spot is to hide behind the closet immediately after entering the room. This allows players to avoid rush or ambush encounters by utilizing the line of sight obstruction provided by the closet.

6.2. Room 66

In Room 66, players should remember the previous room number and immediately hide behind the bookshelf upon entering the room. This position prevents rush detection through line of sight obstruction.

6.3. Courtyard

In the courtyard, players can utilize the environment to hide from rush or ambush attacks. Hiding behind bushes, trees, or other objects can provide temporary cover and delay detection by the entity.

6.4. L-Shaped Rooms

L-shaped rooms offer specific spots for effective entity dodging. Players can hide in corners, particularly the corner opposite to rush's path, to ensure they remain undetected. It is important to quickly move from the initial hiding spot to the corner to avoid getting detected.

6.5. Greenhouse

The greenhouse is another room that offers hiding spots for entity dodging. Players can hide behind plants and other solid mesh objects to obstruct the line of sight. It is crucial to position oneself correctly to ensure the entity cannot detect the player.


Entity dodging is a valuable strategy in Doors that allows players to evade rush and ambush encounters effectively. By understanding the mechanics of entity dodging, familiarizing oneself with hiding spots in different rooms, and utilizing tips and tricks, players can increase their survival rates and improve their gameplay experience in the game. Keep experimenting and refining your entity dodging techniques to excel in Doors and achieve faster completion times.


  • Entity dodging is a strategy in Doors that allows players to hide from rush and ambush encounters without lockers or beds.
  • Lights flickering indicate trouble ahead and the need to hide.
  • Line of sight and raycasting play crucial roles in entity dodging.
  • Hiding spots can be found in various objects and locations throughout the game.
  • Tips for solo and co-op entity dodging include finding alternative hiding spots, learning room layouts, and utilizing teamwork.
  • Different rooms require different entity dodging techniques.
  • The safe stone hop technique is effective in co-op entity dodging.
  • Experimentation and familiarity with hiding spots are key to successful entity dodging.
  • Entity dodging improves survival rates and speed running capabilities.

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