Uncover Christmas-themed Cyber Challenges in TryHackMe's Advent Of Cyber 2023 - Day 3

Uncover Christmas-themed Cyber Challenges in TryHackMe's Advent Of Cyber 2023 - Day 3

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Challenge Overview
  3. The Lockdown and the Missing Arm
  4. The Goal of the Perpetrator
  5. The Team's Solution
  6. Understanding Password Complexity
  7. Crunch: Generating Password Combinations
  8. Hydra: Automating the Brute Force Attack
  9. Finding the Password and Unlocking the Door
  10. Success: Recovering the System
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to the Advert of Cyber 2023! In this article, we will be diving into day three of the challenge and exploring the exciting world of brute forcing. We will be using tools like Hydra and Crunch to understand password complexity and how it affects the chances of success in a brute force attack. So, without further ado, let's jump right into the thrilling adventure!

Challenge Overview

Day three of the challenge starts with a shocking discovery - critical systems and the doors to the IT rooms and network equipment are locked. Detective Frosty, in an attempt to escape, ends up losing his arm. Determined to catch the perpetrator and restore order, the team must resort to backup tapes and recovery to recover the systems. However, they soon realize that the password to the Access Control Systems has been changed. The only solution is to hack their way in using brute force techniques.

The Lockdown and the Missing Arm

During the lockdown, several critical systems were locked, causing chaos and confusion. Detective Frosty, caught in the chaos, loses his arm in a bid to escape. With a newfound determination, he sets out to catch the perpetrator, no matter the cost.


  • Raises tension and intrigue in the story
  • Adds a personal touch to the challenge


  • Some readers might find the description of the lost arm too graphic

The Goal of the Perpetrator

It becomes apparent that the goal of the perpetrator is to disrupt business operations and prevent the Timely delivery of gifts. They aim to make the children suffer, causing further distress during the lockdown.


  • Creates a motive for the actions of the perpetrator
  • Adds a Sense of urgency to the challenge


  • Some readers might find the motive too simplistic or cliché

The Team's Solution

With the doors locked and the systems compromised, the team must rely on backup tapes and recovery to restore the systems. This highlights the importance of proper backups and disaster recovery plans in ensuring business continuity.


  • Emphasizes the importance of backup and recovery procedures
  • Provides a solution to the problem at HAND


  • Readers looking for more technical details might find this section less engaging

Understanding Password Complexity

To successfully brute force the Access Control Systems, the team must understand the concept of password complexity and the number of possible combinations. This knowledge will help them determine the feasibility and duration of the brute force attack.


  • Provides educational information about password complexity
  • Prepares readers for the upcoming attack


  • Some readers might find the technical information overwhelming or confusing

Crunch: Generating Password Combinations

In order to generate a list of possible passwords, the team uses the tool Crunch. This tool allows them to specify the password length and character set. By generating a comprehensive list of password combinations, they increase the chances of finding the correct password.


  • Introduces a practical tool for generating password combinations
  • Demonstrates the importance of customization in a brute force attack


  • Readers without technical knowledge might struggle to follow the technical details in this section

Hydra: Automating the Brute Force Attack

Hydra is an automated tool that the team uses to execute the brute force attack. By specifying the password list and the necessary parameters, Hydra systematically attempts different passwords until it finds the correct one.


  • Introduces a powerful tool for automating the brute force attack
  • Highlights the efficiency and effectiveness of automation in cybersecurity


  • Readers might have ethical concerns about the use of such tools
  • Some readers might find the technical details overwhelming

Finding the Password and Unlocking the Door

After running the brute force attack using Hydra, the team successfully finds the password - 6F5. With this newfound information, they are able to unlock the door and gain access to the protected area.


  • Provides a sense of achievement and progress in the challenge
  • Demonstrates the outcome of the brute force attack


  • Readers might feel that the process of finding the password is overly Simplified

Success: Recovering the System

With the password in hand, the team successfully recovers the system and restores order to the chaos caused by the perpetrator. This victory emphasizes the importance of persistence and effective cybersecurity measures in combating threats.


  • Highlights the importance of system recovery and restoration
  • Reinforces the message of the challenge - the value of persistence and effective cybersecurity


  • Some readers might find the resolution too straightforward or predictable


In conclusion, day three of the challenge was an exhilarating Journey into the world of brute forcing. We explored tools like Hydra and Crunch, learning about password complexity and its impact on the feasibility of a brute force attack. Through teamwork and perseverance, the team successfully unlocked the door and recovered the system. Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures in the Advert of Cyber 2023!


  • Day three of the challenge dives into the world of brute force techniques
  • Detective Frosty loses his arm in the chaos, increasing his determination to catch the perpetrator
  • The goal of the perpetrator is to disrupt business operations and hinder gift delivery
  • The team must rely on backup tapes and recovery to restore the compromised systems
  • Understanding password complexity and generating password combinations using Crunch
  • Automating the brute force attack using Hydra
  • Successfully finding the password and unlocking the door
  • Recovering the system and restoring order
  • The importance of persistence and effective cybersecurity measures in combating threats


Q: Can brute force attacks really unlock locked systems? A: Yes, brute force attacks can be used to systematically try different password combinations until the correct one is found, effectively bypassing the lock.

Q: Are brute force attacks legal? A: While the use of brute force attacks for unauthorized access is illegal, in this scenario, the team is using the technique in a controlled environment and for legitimate purposes.

Q: What is the significance of password complexity? A: Password complexity determines the number of possible combinations, making it harder for attackers to guess or brute force the correct password.

Q: How can backup tapes and recovery help in system restoration? A: Backup tapes contain copies of critical data and configurations, allowing for easier recovery in case of system failures or security incidents.

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