Uncover Skyrim's Dark Secrets: Dagoth Ur vs Faction Antagonists

Uncover Skyrim's Dark Secrets: Dagoth Ur vs Faction Antagonists

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Companions: Wolves and Werewolves
  3. The College of Winterhold: Harnessing the Power of the Eye of Magnus
  4. The Thieves Guild: Betrayal and Redemption
  5. The Dark Brotherhood: Commander Maro and Astrid's Betrayal
  6. The Bards College: Olaf One-Eye, the Draugr
  7. House Telvanni: Neloth's Failed Experiment
  8. The Civil War: General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak
  9. The Dawnguard DLC: Harkon and Isran's Conflict
  10. Conclusion

A Detailed Look at the Faction Antagonists in Skyrim

In the world of Skyrim, factions play a significant role in shaping the narrative and providing the Dragonborn with quests and challenges to overcome. Each faction has its own unique set of antagonists, some more Memorable than others. Let's Delve into the intricacies of these factions and explore the adversaries that stand in the Dragonborn's path.


As a player embarks on their Journey through Skyrim, they encounter various factions, each with its own agenda and conflicts to resolve. The antagonists within these factions serve to drive the story forward and test the Dragonborn's skills and resolve. In this article, we will examine the antagonists of ten prominent factions, including the Companions, the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, the Bards College, House Telvanni, the Civil War, and the Dawnguard DLC. Join us as we unravel the mysteries and challenges posed by these faction antagonists.

The Companions: Wolves and Werewolves

The Companions, a guild of warriors Based in Whiterun, may appear unassuming at first, led by Kodlak Whitemane, a respected figure among the Nords. However, their primary enemy takes the form of a wolf spirit, Skjor, who tests the Dragonborn's strength and loyalty. Yet, this antagonist hardly showcases the faction's true potential, leaving players longing for a more compelling conflict.

The College of Winterhold: Harnessing the Power of the Eye of Magnus

The College of Winterhold, a sanctuary for those seeking magical enlightenment, presents the player with several antagonists. First and foremost is Ancano, a member of the Thalmor, who seeks to exploit the power of the Eye of Magnus for his benefit. Although defeated by the Dragonborn, Ancano's presence poses a significant threat to the college and its members. Additionally, the Dragonborn must overcome Morokei, a powerful dragon priest who guards the staff of Magnus. The task of thwarting these adversaries provides both challenge and excitement for those aligned with the College of Winterhold.

The Thieves Guild: Betrayal and Redemption

In the seedy underbelly of Skyrim, the Thieves Guild operates behind closed doors. While initially, the Dunmer girl, Karliah, may appear to be the main antagonist, it is soon revealed that Mercer Frey, the guild's trusted leader, is the true betrayer. Mercer's actions, including stealing the guild's assets and attempting to poison the Dragonborn, make him a formidable adversary. However, it is Karliah, a member of the Nightingales and rumored descendent of Queen Barenziah, who ultimately helps the Dragonborn bring justice to Mercer Frey and restore honor to the Thieves Guild.

The Dark Brotherhood: Commander Maro and Astrid's Betrayal

The Dark Brotherhood, an infamous guild of assassins, introduces two notable antagonists. Commander Maro, representing the Penitus Oculatus, seeks to eradicate the Dark Brotherhood and poses a threat to their existence. However, it is Astrid, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood herself, who becomes the primary antagonist when she allows personal vendettas to sabotage the entire organization. Astrid's actions lead to a deadly confrontation between the Brotherhood and the demigod-like Dragonborn, resulting in a dramatic showdown with high stakes.

The Bards College: Olaf One-Eye, the Draugr

While the Bards College may not be considered a major faction in Skyrim, it still offers its fair share of challenges. Olaf One-Eye, a legendary draugr, becomes the primary antagonist during the College's culti festival. Despite his moniker, Olaf appears with both eyes intact in his draugr form, perplexing those who see him. While not the most intimidating of adversaries, Olaf's presence adds a touch of mystery to the Bards College and provides an interesting obstacle for aspiring bards to overcome.

House Telvanni: Neloth's Failed Experiment

House Telvanni, a powerful wizard faction located in Morrowind, presents Neloth as their antagonist due to his failed experiment involving his apprentice, Idari Sarothril. Neloth's attempt to replace his heart with a heart stone leads to unexpected consequences as Idari becomes a necromancer, causing havoc and pain. The Dragonborn, alongside Neloth, is tasked with defeating Idari and resolving the chaos she has unleashed. This conflict highlights the Telvanni's commitment to magical experimentation while also emphasizing the consequences of their actions.

The Civil War: General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak

The ongoing civil war in Skyrim brings forth two major antagonists: General Tullius, representing the Empire, and Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the Stormcloak rebellion. Both individuals present conflicting ideologies and motivations, making the player's choice in the war crucial. General Tullius aims to maintain order and preserve the empire's influence, while Ulfric fights for Nordic independence. The Dragonborn must navigate the complexities of these antagonists, ultimately deciding the fate of Skyrim.

The Dawnguard DLC: Harkon and Isran's Conflict

In the Dawnguard DLC, players have the choice to side with either the Dawnguard or the Volkihar Clan, presenting two distinct routes to take. Harkon, the powerful vampire lord, serves as the primary antagonist should the player Align with the Dawnguard, while Isran, the leader of the Dawnguard, becomes the antagonist if the player chooses to join the Volkihar Clan. These conflicting forces bring forth a compelling narrative exploring the battle between vampires and vampire hunters within the constraints of the game.


Throughout Skyrim, factions offer players unique storylines and challenges to overcome. The faction antagonists play a crucial role in driving these narratives forward, testing the Dragonborn's strengths and abilities. From the loyal, yet confrontational Companions to the treacherous Mercer Frey of the Thieves Guild, each faction presents its own set of challenges and conflicts. While some antagonists may fall flat, others showcase depth and complexity, leaving a lasting impression on players as they navigate the vast world of Skyrim.


  • Skyrim factions are home to a wide range of antagonists, each with their own motivations and conflicts.
  • The Companions' primary enemy, Skjor, fails to live up to the faction's potential, leaving room for improvement.
  • The College of Winterhold introduces Ancano and Morokei as noteworthy antagonists, testing the Dragonborn's magical abilities.
  • Mercer Frey's betrayal within the Thieves Guild offers a compelling conflict, with Karliah aiding the Dragonborn in seeking justice.
  • The Dark Brotherhood presents Commander Maro and Astrid as antagonists, leading to a dramatic showdown.
  • The Bards College faces the minor antagonist Olaf One-Eye, a mysterious draugr with an eye-related paradox.
  • House Telvanni introduces Neloth and his failed experiment, resulting in a destructive apprentice and a need for resolution.
  • The Civil War presents General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak as opposing antagonists, each fighting for a different ideology.
  • The Dawnguard DLC offers Harkon and Isran as contrasting antagonists, representing vampires and vampire hunters, respectively.
  • Skyrim factions provide diverse and engaging storylines, with their antagonists providing challenges and depth for the Dragonborn to overcome.


Q: Can the Dragonborn join multiple factions? A: Yes, the Dragonborn can join multiple factions, but certain choices may result in conflicting interests and consequences.

Q: Are the faction antagonists challenging to defeat? A: The difficulty of defeating faction antagonists varies, with some offering intense battles and intricate strategies, while others may be relatively easier to overcome.

Q: Can the faction antagonists be persuaded to change their ways? A: In most cases, the faction antagonists cannot be persuaded to change their motivations or allegiances. The conflicts must be resolved through combat or other means.

Q: Are there any faction antagonists that surprise the player with unexpected twists? A: Yes, some faction antagonists, such as Astrid in the Dark Brotherhood questline, provide surprising twists that challenge the player's assumptions and expectations.

Q: Can the Dragonborn side with the faction antagonists? A: In some cases, the Dragonborn may have the option to side with the faction antagonists, but this often results in consequences and conflicts with other factions or storylines.

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