Understanding TP, FP, TN, FN and Evaluation Metrics in Classification Models

Understanding TP, FP, TN, FN and Evaluation Metrics in Classification Models

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Classification Models and their Evaluation
  3. Understanding True Positive, False Positive, False Negative, and True Negative
  4. Visualization of Classification Models
  5. Accuracy: Measuring Overall Model Performance
  6. Precision: Assessing Positive Class Predictions
  7. Recall: Evaluating Detection of Positive Class
  8. F1 Score: Balancing Precision and Recall
  9. Sensitivity and Specificity: Measuring Performance for Positive and Negative Classes
  10. ROC Curve and AUC: Evaluating Model Performance


In this article, we will delve into the world of classification models and the various ways to evaluate them. Many times, definitions in this domain can be perplexing, causing confusion and mixing concepts. We aim to provide a clear understanding of these definitions to help you make sense of it all. Imagine the Scenario where we want to train a classification model to predict whether an individual has a specific disease. We refer to those who have the disease as positive samples and those who do not as negative samples. The goal is for the model to accurately predict the sample's status based on certain features. The outcomes of these predictions can be broadly categorized into four groups: true positive, false positive, false negative, and true negative.

Classification Models and their Evaluation

To thoroughly understand the evaluation process, it is essential to start by comprehending the key terms associated with classification models. One useful tool is the confusion matrix, which represents the predictions made by the model compared to the actual classes. By dividing the data into the positive and negative classes, the confusion matrix helps differentiate between correct and incorrect model predictions. It consists of four quadrants: true positive, false positive, false negative, and true negative.

Now, let's explore the definitions that play a significant role in evaluating classification models.

Understanding True Positive, False Positive, False Negative, and True Negative

To make sense of the confusion matrix and its implications, let's dissect the definitions of true positive, false positive, false negative, and true negative.

  1. True Positive: This refers to instances where the model correctly predicts a positive sample. In our disease detection scenario, it indicates individuals who are correctly identified as having the disease.
  2. False Positive: On the other HAND, a false positive occurs when the model incorrectly predicts a positive result. These instances are also known as type 1 errors or false alarms.
  3. False Negative: A false negative denotes cases where the model incorrectly predicts a negative result, failing to identify individuals who actually have the disease. It is also referred to as a type 2 error.
  4. True Negative: True negatives represent instances where the model correctly predicts a negative sample. These are individuals without the disease and are accurately identified as such.

It is crucial to note that true indicates correct predictions, while false implies incorrect ones. This simple distinction helps unravel the confusion surrounding these terms. However, be aware that some resources might interchange the positions of the actual class and the predicted class, causing the definitions to shift as well.

Now, Visualize the confusion matrix, which acts as a visual aid for understanding these definitions better. Imagine a table where vertical columns represent the actual class (positive and negative), and horizontal rows represent the predicted class (positive and negative). This visual representation divides the data into four distinct groups, aiding our comprehension of the fundamental definitions.

Visualization of Classification Models

To gain a deeper understanding of classification models, visualization is a powerful tool. Let's explore two visualization techniques that assist in comprehending model predictions.

  1. Distribution Visualization: This method visualizes the distribution of positive and negative samples. Suppose we have a feature, such as a numerical value from a medical test, on the horizontal axis, and the number of samples on the vertical axis. By segregating the positive and negative samples, we can observe their respective densities. The model generates a threshold which separates the data into four groups: truly predicted positive, falsely predicted negative, truly predicted negative, and falsely predicted positive. Visualizing these divisions provides valuable insights into how the model performs concerning both classes.

  2. Model Prediction Visualization: This visualization represents the model's predictions using a blue rectangle. Everything inside the rectangle is classified as positive by the model, while everything outside is classified as negative. Just like the previous visualization, this technique allows us to understand the model's performance in terms of correctly and incorrectly predicted positive and negative samples. The aim is to maximize true positive rate (recall) and minimize false positive rate to achieve optimal results.

By employing these visualization techniques, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how classification models operate and how their predictions can be interpreted.

(Note: Continue the article based on the provided Table of Contents)

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