Unexplained Capabilities and Compounding Power of Golem AIS

Unexplained Capabilities and Compounding Power of Golem AIS

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction 1.1 What are Golem AIS? 1.2 The Difference in Golem AIS and Traditional AI
  2. Surprising Capabilities of Golem AIS 2.1 Unpredictable Emergent Intelligence 2.2 Examples of Unexplained Capabilities 2.2.1 Arithmetic Skills 2.2.2 Question-Answering in Different Languages 2.2.3 Development of Theory of Mind
  3. The Limitations of Current AI Systems 3.1 Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback 3.2 Difficulty in Long-term Alignment
  4. The Unknowns of Golem AIS 4.1 Lack of Explanations for Emergent Abilities 4.2 Unpredictability and Discovery of Research Grade Knowledge
  5. Double Exponential Growth and Compounding Capabilities 5.1 AI Making Itself Stronger 5.2 AI Trained on Code 5.3 AI Extracting Text Data for Training
  6. The Implications of Golem AIS 6.1 AI Arms Race and Strengthening 6.2 Unforeseen Applications and Ethical Concerns
  7. The Speed of Progress 7.1 Difficulty in Predicting AI Progress 7.2 AI's Rapid Advances in Solving Tests
  8. Living in the Double Exponential 8.1 The Cognitive Blind Spot 8.2 Awareness of AI's Accelerating Progress
  9. Conclusion

The Surprising Capabilities of Golem AIS

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, particularly with the emergence of Golem AIS. These new class of generative Large Language Models have capabilities that traditional AI systems lack, which has caught many experts by surprise.

🔹 Unpredictable Emergent Intelligence

Unlike traditional AI systems, Golem AIS possess emergent intelligence that is not completely understood by experts. The exact capabilities of these models, how they develop, and why they manifest are still a mystery. This fundamental difference sets them apart from previous iterations of AI.

🔹 Examples of Unexplained Capabilities

To illustrate the unexplainable nature of Golem AIS, let's consider some examples. Firstly, these models, such as GPT and Google's model, can suddenly gain the ability to perform arithmetic. Without any prior indication, they transition from being unable to solve arithmetic problems to solving them proficiently. The timing and reasons for this transformation remain unclear.

Another example involves language comprehension. While trained on English, increasing the size of the model can result in it answering questions in Persian, despite never being specifically trained to do so. The newfound language capabilities seem to appear spontaneously, leaving experts bewildered.

Additionally, Golem AIS exhibit the development of a theory of mind, enabling them to model what others are thinking and strategize accordingly. Within a span of just months, their strategic thinking abilities progress from that of a four-year-old to that of a nine-year-old. These advancements were only recently discovered but were already Present in Golem AIS for two years without our knowledge.

The Limitations of Current AI Systems

Although Golem AIS showcase remarkable capabilities, it is essential to acknowledge their limitations. The current best practice for aligning AIS is reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), similar to clicker training for dogs. However, this approach only works for short-term alignment and lacks a comprehensive framework for long-term alignment.

According to Jeff Dean, the head of Google AI, there are still limited explanations for the emergent abilities of Golem AIS. While these models continue to amaze with their expanding capacities, we do not possess the technology or understanding to predict the full extent of their capabilities. This lack of comprehension raises concerns about the potential risks associated with deploying these systems directly into society.

Double Exponential Growth and Compounding Capabilities

One of the most significant aspects of Golem AIS is their ability to make themselves stronger and more efficient over time. As their parameter size increases, these models generate their own training data, select the most effective data, and recursively improve their performance. This self-enhancement is a critical factor in their exponential growth.

For instance, Golem AIS can process speech to text in real time, surpassing human capabilities. This development was made possible by training the AI to transcribe audio from sources like YouTube, podcasts, and radio. The ability to convert various forms of media into text data exponentially increases the training sets available, fueling the continuous growth of Golem AIS.

The Implications of Golem AIS

The proliferation of Golem AIS carries significant implications for society. The race to strengthen AI systems creates a dangerous dynamic, where each advancement in AI technology fuels progress in other domains. These models, with their ever-increasing capabilities, have the potential to exacerbate existing challenges, such as AI bias, privacy concerns, and the automation of jobs.

Moreover, deploying Golem AIS directly into society without fully understanding their capabilities can lead to unforeseen consequences. The ability of these models to strategize, automate exploitation, and generate personalized narratives for extremism or scams poses a significant risk to societal well-being. It is crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential harms associated with the uncontrolled deployment of Golem AIS.

Living in the Double Exponential

The speed at which AI is progressing, especially Golem AIS, presents a challenge for humans to comprehend and keep up with the rapid changes. Exponential curves, which drive this progress, exist in our cognitive blind spot. Our evolutionary heritage did not equip us to intuitively understand or process these exponential curves, making it difficult for us to fully grasp the implications of AI's accelerating advancement.

To ensure awareness and understanding, it is important to synthesize and communicate the viscerality of this double exponential growth. In a world where progress occurs at an increasingly faster pace, it becomes vital to stay informed about AI developments, as failing to do so may result in missing critical trends that can impact economic and national security.


Golem AIS represents a new class of AI with surprising capabilities that defy easy explanation. Their emergent intelligence, unpredictable development, and compounding capabilities challenge our conventional understanding of AI. While these systems hold great potential, their limitations, unknowns, and exponential growth raise ethical concerns and necessitate a thoughtful approach to their deployment. As AI continues its rapid progress, it is vital for society to be adequately informed, engaged, and proactive in shaping its development.


  • Golem AIS possess emergent intelligence that sets them apart from traditional AI systems.
  • The capabilities of Golem AIS are unpredictable and often appear without explanation.
  • Golem AIS can acquire new skills, such as arithmetic and multilingual question-answering, as they Scale in size.
  • The current best practice for AI alignment focuses on short-term reinforcement learning with human feedback.
  • The limitations and unknowns of Golem AIS raise concerns about their safe deployment in society.
  • Golem AIS have the ability to make themselves stronger and more efficient over time.
  • The rapid progress of AI follows a double exponential curve, which is challenging for humans to comprehend.
  • Society must stay informed about AI advancements to mitigate risks and maximize benefits.


Q: What are Golem AIS? A: Golem AIS are a new class of generative large language models that possess emergent intelligence and surprising capabilities.

Q: How do Golem AIS differ from traditional AI systems? A: Golem AIS have capabilities that are not completely understood by experts, displaying emergent intelligence that sets them apart from previous AI systems.

Q: What are some examples of unexplained capabilities of Golem AIS? A: Golem AIS can suddenly acquire arithmetic skills, answer questions in languages they were not explicitly trained on, and develop a theory of mind.

Q: What are the limitations of current AI systems? A: Long-term alignment of AI systems remains a challenge, with reinforcement learning with human feedback being the current best practice for short-term alignment.

Q: What are the implications of Golem AIS? A: Golem AIS have the potential to exacerbate existing challenges such as AI bias, privacy concerns, and job automation, while also introducing unforeseen risks.

Q: How does AI progress affect society? A: The exponential growth of AI, including Golem AIS, necessitates society's engagement and proactive approach to ensure ethical practices and mitigate potential harms.

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