Unleash Creative Possibilities with Photoshop (Beta) Generative Fill

Unleash Creative Possibilities with Photoshop (Beta) Generative Fill

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Generator Fill?
  3. Installing the Photoshop Beta
  4. Example 1: Fixing a Cropped Photo
  5. Example 2: Removing People from a Shot
  6. Example 3: Adding Earrings to a Fashion Shoot
  7. Example 4: Adding a Hat and Sunglasses
  8. Example 5: Changing Outfits
  9. Exploring the Possibilities
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the revolutionary feature in Adobe Photoshop called Generator Fill. You will learn how to use this tool to enhance your photos and make editing tasks easier than ever before. We will walk through various real-world examples to demonstrate the power of Generator Fill and its wide range of applications. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to utilize this tool effectively in your own photo editing workflows.

What is Generator Fill?

Generator Fill is a cutting-edge feature in Adobe Photoshop that has revolutionized the way we use the software. It leverages the power of AI and machine learning to automatically fill in missing parts or make enhancements to a photo without the need for manual adjustments. Generator Fill can intelligently analyze the content of an image and generate realistic and seamless results, saving you time and effort in your editing process.

Installing the Photoshop Beta

Before we dive into the examples, it is important to note that Generator Fill is currently available as part of the Adobe Photoshop Beta version. To access this beta version, you will need to navigate to your Creative Cloud app and look for the "Beta Apps" section. From there, you can install and download the Photoshop beta alongside your existing version.

Example 1: Fixing a Cropped Photo

Let's start with a simple example to demonstrate the power of Generator Fill. Imagine you have a photo where you accidentally cropped out a portion of the subject, such as a model's shoulder. In the past, fixing this would require finding another photo with a similar shoulder and manually blending it in. With Generator Fill, you can simply select the area where the shoulder should be, activate the tool, and let AI do the rest. Generator Fill will analyze the surrounding content and generate multiple options for seamlessly filling in the missing shoulder. You can choose the best result or generate more options until you are satisfied.

Example 2: Removing People from a Shot

In crowded scenes, it is often challenging to capture the perfect shot without any unwanted people obstructing the view. With Generator Fill, you can effortlessly remove people from your photos. For instance, let's say you have a landscape shot from a popular tourist destination but it is filled with tourists blocking the view. Instead of spending hours manually cloning and editing, simply select the people you want to remove using the Lasso tool, activate Generator Fill, and let AI work its magic. The tool will intelligently analyze the background and generate options for removing the selected people, giving you a clean and people-free version of the photo.

Example 3: Adding Earrings to a Fashion Shoot

Generator Fill is not limited to removing or fixing elements; it can also be used to add new elements to a photo. In a fashion shoot, accessories like earrings can make a big difference in the overall look. But what if you forgot to put earrings on the model during the shoot? With Generator Fill, you can easily rectify this. Select the area where the earrings should be, activate the tool, and provide a prompt such as "fashion earring." The AI will analyze the image, generate options for earrings that match the overall fashion style, and seamlessly add them to the model's ears. You can select the best result or generate more options until you find the perfect match.

Example 4: Adding a Hat and Sunglasses

Generator Fill can be extended to add other accessories to enhance your photos. Let's say you have a portrait where the subject is not wearing a hat or sunglasses, but you think it would improve the overall aesthetic. Using the lasso tool, select the area where the hat or sunglasses should be, activate Generator Fill, and provide a prompt accordingly. The AI will analyze the image and generate options for hats or sunglasses that complement the overall look. You can select the best result or Continue generating options until you find the perfect match. With Generator Fill, you can easily experiment with different styles and accessories, giving your photos a whole new dimension.

Example 5: Changing Outfits

Generator Fill enables you to make significant changes to the outfits in your photos. For example, let's say you have a portrait where the subject is wearing a shirt that doesn't quite fit the scene. You can select the area of the shirt, activate Generator Fill, and provide a prompt such as "ski jacket." The AI will generate options for ski jackets that seamlessly replace the original shirt, completely transforming the look. With Generator Fill, you have the power to experiment with different outfits and styles, giving your photos a unique and personalized touch.

Exploring the Possibilities

The examples we've covered barely scratch the surface of what Generator Fill can do. This powerful tool opens up a world of possibilities in the realm of photo editing. With AI and machine learning at your disposal, you can tackle complex editing tasks with ease, saving time and effort. Generator Fill is continuously improving and learning from user feedback, ensuring that it becomes even more powerful over time. With each new version, you can expect enhanced results, more accurate interpretations, and a broader range of options to choose from.


Generator Fill is truly a game-changer in the world of photo editing. With its AI-powered capabilities, the tool simplifies complex editing tasks and opens up a whole new realm of creativity. Whether you need to fix cropped photos, remove unwanted elements, add accessories, or completely change outfits, Generator Fill provides a seamless and efficient solution. By leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, Adobe Photoshop empowers photographers and designers to achieve extraordinary results. Install the Photoshop Beta, experiment with Generator Fill, and unlock the full potential of your creative vision.


  • Generator Fill is a revolutionary feature in Adobe Photoshop that leverages AI and machine learning.
  • The Photoshop Beta is available for download, allowing users to explore the capabilities of Generator Fill.
  • Generator Fill can fix cropped photos, remove unwanted elements, add accessories, and change outfits seamlessly.
  • The tool analyzes the content of the image and generates multiple options Based on contextual Prompts.
  • With each new version, Generator Fill improves and becomes more powerful, guaranteeing enhanced results.


Q: Can I use Generator Fill in the regular version of Adobe Photoshop?

A: Generator Fill is currently available in the Adobe Photoshop Beta version. You can install and download the beta alongside your existing Photoshop installation.

Q: Is Generator Fill limited to specific types of photos, such as landscapes or portraits?

A: Generator Fill can be used on a wide range of photos, regardless of the genre or subject matter. Its capabilities extend to various editing tasks, including fixing composition, removing unwanted elements, and adding or altering accessories.

Q: How accurate are the results generated by AI in Generator Fill?

A: The accuracy of the results depends on various factors, including the complexity of the image and the specific prompt provided. AI is continuously improving, and user feedback helps enhance its capabilities over time. Users can review and select the best results generated by Generator Fill.

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