Unleash Excel's Hidden Power with ChatGPT and AI

Unleash Excel's Hidden Power with ChatGPT and AI

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Using Chat GPT for Excel Macros
  • Creating Macros with Chat GPT
    • Step 1: Accessing Chat GPT
    • Step 2: Generating Visual Basic Code
    • Step 3: Adding the Macro to Excel
    • Step 4: Assigning Macros to Buttons
  • Example: Inserting Multiple Rows
  • Example: Centering Across Selection
  • Example: Adding a Gold Star
  • Saving and Enabling Macros
  • Conclusion

Using Chat GPT for Excel Macros

In this article, we will explore how to use Chat GPT, an artificial intelligence tool, to unlock the Hidden power of Microsoft Excel. Many Excel users are intimidated by the idea of creating macros using Visual Basic, but with Chat GPT, programming custom macros becomes a simple and accessible task. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can harness the capabilities of AI to automate tasks in Excel and improve your productivity. Let's dive in and discover the possibilities together!

Creating Macros with Chat GPT

Step 1: Accessing Chat GPT

To start using Chat GPT, you need to visit the website at open.com/blog/ChatGPT and either sign up or log in using your Google account. After completing the necessary verification steps, you'll gain access to the AI-powered platform.

Step 2: Generating Visual Basic Code

Once you're in the Chat GPT interface, you can begin generating Visual Basic code for your macros. In this example, we'll create a macro that inserts multiple blank rows into a spreadsheet. Simply type in your request, such as "Write an Excel macro to insert 10 blank rows near the active cell," and Chat GPT will generate the corresponding code for you.

Step 3: Adding the Macro to Excel

After copying the generated code, open Microsoft Excel and ensure that the Developer tab is visible in the ribbon. If it's not, you can enable it by going to File > Options > Customize Ribbon and checking the Developer option. Once the Developer tab is visible, click on it and then select "Visual Basic" to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor. From there, you can insert a new module and paste the code generated by Chat GPT.

Step 4: Assigning Macros to Buttons

To make your macros easily accessible, you can assign them to buttons in Excel. In the Developer tab, click on "Insert" in the Controls group and choose the button control. Click and drag on the spreadsheet to create the button, then right-click on it and select "Assign Macro." Choose the macro you created using Chat GPT, and now your button is ready to execute the macro with a single click.

Example: Inserting Multiple Rows

Let's explore a practical example to illustrate the power of using Chat GPT for Excel macros. Suppose you frequently need to insert multiple blank rows into your spreadsheet. Instead of manually doing this every time, you can use Chat GPT to generate the necessary Visual Basic code. By assigning the macro to a button, you can effortlessly insert the desired number of rows with just a click. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Example: Centering Across Selection

Another useful Excel feature is centering across a selection of cells. This option allows you to visually merge and center the content of multiple cells without merging them physically. However, this functionality is not readily accessible in Excel's interface. With Chat GPT, you can quickly create a macro that centers the content across a selected range of cells. By assigning this macro to a button, you can conveniently apply this feature whenever needed, enhancing the presentation and readability of your spreadsheet.

Example: Adding a Gold Star

You can even use Chat GPT to create macros for fun and customization. For instance, let's say you would like to add a gold star to specific cells in your spreadsheet. By using Chat GPT, you can generate the necessary code to achieve this. Assign the macro to a button, and with a simple click, you can place gold stars on any cell you select. This feature adds a touch of personalization to your Excel sheets and makes them visually appealing.

Saving and Enabling Macros

After creating and fine-tuning your macros, it's crucial to save your Excel project as a macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm). This ensures that the macros will remain functional when you reopen the spreadsheet in the future. Remember to enable macros when prompted to do so. By following this step, you can maintain the full functionality of your macros and enjoy the time-saving benefits they provide.


Using Chat GPT to create Excel macros opens up a world of possibilities for non-programmers and Excel users who want to automate their workflows. With the power of AI at your fingertips, you can generate custom Visual Basic code, create macros, and assign them to buttons with ease. By leveraging this technology, you can unlock the hidden potential of Microsoft Excel, boost your productivity, and take your spreadsheet skills to the next level. Embrace the simplicity and convenience offered by Chat GPT, and watch as it revolutionizes the way you work with Excel.


  • Use Chat GPT to unlock the hidden power of Microsoft Excel.
  • Generate custom Visual Basic code for macros with Chat GPT.
  • Create macros that automate tasks and improve productivity.
  • Assign macros to buttons for easy accessibility.
  • Example: Inserting multiple rows with a single click.
  • Example: Centering content across a selection of cells.
  • Example: Adding decorative elements, like a gold star, to cells.
  • Save your project as a macro-enabled workbook to preserve macro functionality.
  • Embrace the simplicity and convenience of AI-powered Excel macros.


Q: Is using Chat GPT safe for creating Excel macros? A: Chat GPT is a safe tool to use for generating Excel macros. However, as with any code, it is essential to review and understand the generated code before using it in your spreadsheets.

Q: Can I add my own modifications to the macros generated by Chat GPT? A: Yes, you can modify the generated macros to suit your specific requirements. Feel free to customize the code to achieve the desired functionality.

Q: Can Chat GPT generate macros for other tasks in Excel? A: Yes, Chat GPT can assist in generating macros for various tasks in Microsoft Excel. From data manipulation to formatting and customization, you can leverage the power of AI to simplify and automate your Excel workflows.

Q: Are there any limitations to using macros created with Chat GPT? A: The limitations of macros created with Chat GPT depend on Excel's capabilities and the complexity of the desired task. However, Chat GPT can assist in creating a wide range of macros, allowing you to automate many common Excel tasks efficiently.

Q: Can I share macros created with Chat GPT with others? A: Yes, you can share macros created with Chat GPT by distributing the macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm) file. Ensure that recipients enable macros when opening the file to make use of the macros' functionality.


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