Unleash Solaria's Potential: A Simple Guide to Synthesizer V in Your DAW

Unleash Solaria's Potential: A Simple Guide to Synthesizer V in Your DAW

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Basics of Working with Synthesizer V
  3. Composing and Editing Vocals in Synthesizer V
  4. Integrating Vocals into Your DAW
  5. Judging the Vocal Line in the Song
  6. Creating Backing Vocals
  7. Adding Decorative Notes
  8. Copying and Arranging Rendered Files
  9. Conclusion

The Simplest and Quickest Way to Render and Edit Vocals in Your Digital Audio Workstation Using Solaria

Solaria, an AI voice created by Eclipsed Sounds in partnership with Swim Tonics, offers a unique and efficient way to render and edit vocals in your digital audio workstation (DAW). In this Tutorial, we will explore the simplest and quickest method to bring Solaria's singing into your DAW, enabling you to easily edit each part of the vocals as you would with a Recording made by a human singer. With Solaria, you can also create impressive backing vocals for your songs, regardless of the DAW you use. So let's dive in and discover how to make the most of Solaria's capabilities.


Creating professional-quality vocals in your Music production often involves a complex and time-consuming process. However, with Solaria, you can simplify this process and achieve remarkable results in no time. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced music producer, Solaria offers a user-friendly approach that allows you to work with vocals effortlessly. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps of rendering and editing Solaria's singing in your DAW, and explore various techniques to enhance the vocal tracks. So, let's get started by understanding the basics of working with Synthesizer V.

The Basics of Working with Synthesizer V

Synthesizer V is a powerful tool that enables you to work with AI voices like Solaria. Before we delve into the process of rendering and editing vocals, let's familiarize ourselves with the fundamental functions of Synthesizer V. Firstly, let's open Synthesizer V and navigate to the arrangement pane. Here, you can choose Solaria Light as the voice for your project. Additionally, you can adjust the tempo to match the desired BPM of your song. To add a touch of femininity to Solaria's voice, you can experiment with the settings and choose the ones that resonate with you. Once we've set up Synthesizer V, we can move on to the next crucial step of our tutorial: composing and editing vocals.

Composing and Editing Vocals in Synthesizer V

To Compose vocals in Synthesizer V, you will need to break down the Lyrics sentence by sentence and Record each segment as a separate waveform file. This allows for easy editing of each vocal part individually. Whether you're using Synthesizer V Pro or the free basic version, the process remains the same. Let's start by understanding the basics of composing vocals in Synthesizer V.

Begin by selecting the desired voice mode and pitch for Solaria. To represent each syllable, enter the notes on the layout GRID. Keep in mind that for words with multiple syllables, you'll need to use the plus sign to indicate the start of a new syllable. Conversely, if you want Solaria to sing one syllable over several notes, use the minus sign. By employing these techniques, you can craft diverse vocal melodies with Solaria.

As you compose the vocals, you may find the need to adjust the loudness of certain notes. Synthesizer V provides a convenient Whiting tool for this purpose. Occasionally, you may also need to correct pitches that are too pleasant or not sufficiently pronounced. In such cases, edit the notes accordingly to ensure the desired vocal quality.

Now, it's time to judge whether the vocals fit well within your song. However, with the VST plugin available in Synthesizer V Pro, it's impossible to hear the vocals with the effects of the entire song in real-time. To overcome this limitation, we recommend a week-by-week approach using the free basic version of Synthesizer V. By rendering each vocal line as a separate waveform file, you can import them directly into your DAW and assess their compatibility with the overall track. If adjustments are needed, you can easily modify the vocal composition in Synthesizer V, re-render the file, and replace the previous version in your DAW. This iterative process allows for seamless integration of Solaria's vocals into your music.

To gain a deeper understanding of integrating vocals into your DAW and other advanced techniques, continue reading the subsequent sections of this tutorial. We will walk you through the essential steps to make the most out of Solaria's capabilities and create professional-quality vocal tracks.

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