Unleash the Power of AI: Create Unique Magic Cards with Rhystic Sentinel

Unleash the Power of AI: Create Unique Magic Cards with Rhystic Sentinel

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Inspiration Behind the Project
  3. Challenges in Building the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator
  4. Gathering Card Frames
  5. Text Generation with Chat GPT
  6. Formatting Text for Card Creation
  7. Implementing Text Generation in Unity
  8. Saving Generated Cards
  9. Implementing Stable Diffusion and Art Generation
  10. Printing and Playtesting the Cards
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will dive into the exciting world of the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator, specifically focusing on the process of developing this unique tool. We will explore the challenges faced during the project and the innovative solutions that were implemented. From gathering card frames to generating text and artwork, we will walk through each step in detail. So, let's get started!

The Inspiration Behind the Project

The initial projects I worked on were fairly standard and lacked uniqueness. However, I recently had an opportunity to break free from the ordinary and embark on a project that involved developing a tool for an excessively repetitive task. This is the story of the creation of the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator, known as Rustic Sentinel.

Challenges in Building the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator

Creating the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator involved tackling numerous challenges. The first and foremost challenge was generating the required text for the cards. This was followed by seamlessly incorporating the text onto the card frames and matching the frame to the generated text. Additionally, the project aimed to generate art for the cards to bring the entire design to life.

Gathering Card Frames

To begin the project, I started by compiling a comprehensive list of every Magic the Gathering set. Subsequently, I scoured the web in search of card frames. After extensive research, I discovered that Card Conjurer was the optimal source for high-quality card frames. Fortunately, I was able to find a copy of the Card Conjurer website on GitHub, allowing me to access the frames needed for the project.

Text Generation with Chat GPT

For the creation of fresh and unique text, the current standard in Large Language Models is Chat GPT. This program has gained significant popularity for its ability to generate code, essays, and even letters. Leveraging the API access of Chat GPT, I was able to send a question or Prompt and receive an answer. This question served as the setup for a card frame. By utilizing the functionality of Chat GPT, the project quickly obtained decent rules text.

Formatting Text for Card Creation

While the rules text could be easily extracted from the standard website, all other text required specific formatting. Initially, I opted for a manual copy-and-paste method into the Card Conjurer website. However, this approach proved to be tremendously tedious and inefficient. The solution came in the form of Unity, a versatile programming tool that allowed for seamless connection to different APIs and file exports.

Implementing Text Generation in Unity

After importing the necessary assets and packages into Unity, the project took Shape. The first milestone was designing the user interface (UI). With numerous components to be included, I divided the UI into three windows - one for the frame, one for the art, and one for the text. I then integrated Card Conjurer into the UI, enabling a smooth workflow for card creation.

Saving Generated Cards

To ensure the cards could be saved and shared, I implemented a feature to generate render textures. By connecting a render texture to a camera, I was able to capture the pixels and render them into a high-quality PNG image. This allowed for the seamless export of the generated cards to the Unity folder.

Implementing Stable Diffusion and Art Generation

To enhance the project further, I sought to implement stable diffusion and art generation. I discovered a GitHub repository that enabled me to connect to a local version of stable diffusion. This integration allowed me to make API calls to my own computer and retrieve new images. Additionally, I developed a frame editor to manually add specific frames from any Magic set, enhancing the customization options.

Printing and Playtesting the Cards

After creating a comprehensive list of new cards, I decided to print a few of them for playtesting purposes. I used the makeplayingcards.com website, which enables the printing of cards on cardstock and tailors them to the correct size of real Magic cards. Though the printing process was costly, the outcome was well worth it.


In conclusion, the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator, Rustic Sentinel, showcases the power of innovation and AI in creating unique and personalized Magic cards. By overcoming various challenges and incorporating cutting-edge technologies, this project has paved the way for streamlined card creation and playtesting. While the journey may continue to enhance the program, the accomplishments thus far have solidified its success.


  • Break free from standard projects and embark on the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator journey.
  • Overcome challenges in generating text, matching frames, and creating artwork.
  • Utilize Card Conjurer for high-quality card frames and Chat GPT for text generation.
  • Seamlessly format text and integrate Card Conjurer into Unity for a streamlined workflow.
  • Implement stable diffusion and art generation to enhance customization options.
  • Print and playtest the generated cards for a tangible gaming experience.


Q: How did you Gather card frames for the project? A: The card frames were sourced from Card Conjurer, a website known for its high-quality card frames. A copy of the website was obtained from GitHub to ensure access to the frames needed.

Q: Which language model was used for text generation? A: Chat GPT, a popular large language model, was utilized for generating text. This model has the capability to generate code, essays, and letters based on a given question or prompt.

Q: How were the generated cards saved for future use? A: The cards were saved by implementing render textures in Unity. By connecting a render texture to a camera, the pixels were captured and rendered into high-quality PNG images, which were then stored in the Unity folder.

Q: How were the generated cards printed for playtesting purposes? A: The cards were printed using makeplayingcards.com, a website that specializes in printing cards on cardstock. The cards were printed to the correct size of real Magic cards, ensuring an authentic playtesting experience.

Q: Are there plans to further develop the AI Magic the Gathering Card Creator? A: Yes, there are plans to refine and improve the card creator in the future. The goal is to make it a more streamlined and comprehensive program, eliminating the need for multiple web browsers and servers.


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