Unleash the Power of RTX4090: Crack Passwords Like a Beast!

Unleash the Power of RTX4090: Crack Passwords Like a Beast!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of RTX4090 in Password Cracking
  3. The Relevance of Password Cracking
  4. The Dangers of Password Reuse
  5. Setting Up a Password Cracking Rig
  6. Niche Uses of Password Cracking
  7. The Hack of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation
  8. The Controversial "Black Reward" Hacktivist Group
  9. Pro-Russian DDoSers Paying for Attacks
  10. The Risks of Involvement in DDoS Attacks
  11. Conclusion

The Power of RTX4090 in Password Cracking 💥

Password cracking has always been a challenge for hackers. It requires extensive computational power and time to break through a hashed password. However, the Game is changing with the introduction of the RTX4090, a graphic processing unit (GPU) that has gained attention for its remarkable password cracking capabilities.

The RTX4090 has earned praise for its ability to brute force an 8-character Windows NTLM password hash in just 42 minutes. This impressive speed is due to the GPU's incredible processing power, which is twice as fast as Nvidia's previous flagship model. The RTX4090's effectiveness in password cracking has sparked discussions about its relevance and the potential implications for cybersecurity.

The Relevance of Password Cracking 🕵️‍♂️

Some may argue that password cracking is not a significant concern in today's cybersecurity landscape. After all, for a hacker to attempt cracking a password, they must first acquire the hashed version of the password, usually from a data breach. This already narrows down the number of potential targets.

Moreover, hackers typically opt for easier targets, known as "low hanging fruit." They are more likely to perform a dictionary attack, where they test hashed passwords against a wordlist of the most common passwords. The increasing speed of GPUs, such as the RTX4090, challenges the Notion of what constitutes "low hanging fruit" in password cracking.

With the RTX4090's speed, cybercriminals can climb higher up the metaphorical password tree and crack more passwords. It is vital for individuals and organizations to understand the implications of this technological advancement, as it highlights the importance of implementing strong and unique passwords.


  • Increased speed in password cracking
  • Raises awareness about password security


  • Enhances the capabilities of cybercriminals
  • Threatens weak and reused passwords

The Dangers of Password Reuse ⚠️

One common practice that puts individuals at risk is password reuse. Many people use the same password or slight variations across multiple accounts, including email, social media, and online banking. While this may seem convenient, it presents a significant security vulnerability.

Imagine if a website you used the password "pizza123" suffered a data breach. In this Scenario, your account on that particular site could be compromised. However, the consequences become much worse when a cybercriminal discovers your reused password across various accounts. They gain access to multiple platforms, which can have serious repercussions.

To illustrate this issue, let's examine the case of "fastcompany," a news website that fell victim to hackers due to password reuse. By reusing the password "pizza123" across a dozen different Wordpress accounts, the hackers obtained the ability to vandalize the website and send malicious notifications to subscribers. This incident highlights the dangers of password reuse and the need for stronger security measures.


  • Convenient for individuals who struggle to remember multiple passwords


  • Increases the risk of multiple account compromises
  • Allows hackers to access sensitive information

Setting Up a Password Cracking Rig 💻

The extraordinary password-cracking potential of GPUs like the RTX4090 is making the concept of setting up a password cracking rig more appealing to cybercriminals. While it comes with costs and challenges, the potential rewards make it an enticing proposition for those with malicious intent.

Building a password cracking rig involves obtaining powerful GPUs capable of processing vast amounts of data at an astounding speed. However, acquiring GPUs like the RTX4090 can be challenging due to their high demand and limited availability. Additionally, the financial investment required to purchase these GPUs adds another layer of complexity for cybercriminals.

Despite the hurdles, cybercriminals are not short on resources. The colonial pipeline hack serves as a stark reminder of the value placed on a correct password. In this case, hackers earned a $4.4 million ransomware payment by exploiting a password reused by an employee on a valuable corporate VPN. The financial gains from such attacks incentivize cybercriminals to explore the possibilities of password cracking rigs further.


  • Exceptional processing power for password cracking
  • Potential for significant financial gains


  • Challenges in obtaining high-performance GPUs
  • Financial investment required

Niche Uses of Password Cracking 🌐

Password cracking extends beyond the realm of personal accounts. Attackers may target larger systems and networks, including Windows PCs and government institutions. These niche use cases highlight the potential for password cracking tools to be employed in sophisticated cyber operations.

One example is a recent documented case by Symantec, where hackers targeted Hong Kong government organizations. Using a tool called Mimikatz, which extracts password hashes from memory, the attackers aimed to crack the password of Windows PCs within the targeted institutions. This demonstrates the versatility of password cracking tools and their applications in various contexts.


  • Ability to target specific systems and networks
  • Potential for gaining unauthorized access to restricted information


  • Raises concerns about national security
  • Threatens the integrity of government institutions

The Hack of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation 📨

Iran's nuclear energy program has long been a subject of controversy and attention from the international community. In the past, the program was targeted in one of the most famous hacks of all time, conducted jointly by Israel and the US. Now, Iran's nuclear program is once again making headlines, but for different reasons.

Recently, a hacktivist group known as "Black Reward" hacked into Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation's email server. This group, newly formed amidst ongoing protests in Iran, stole a vast number of emails amounting to 50 gigabytes of data. They subsequently sent a mass email to the organization's employees, demanding the release of all political prisoners within 24 hours, or else the content of the email server would be made public.

The data dump provided by "Black Reward" contains sensitive materials, including photos and videos of Iran's nuclear sites, technical drawings, and even documents discussing the transportation of radioactive material. While the immediate impact of this leak remains unknown, the potential implications for Iran's adversaries are significant, given the sensitive nature of the data.


  • Exposes possible vulnerabilities in Iran's nuclear program
  • Raises awareness about potential risks and implications


  • May strain diplomatic relations between countries
  • Could potentially empower Iran's adversaries

The Controversial "Black Reward" Hacktivist Group 🎭

The emergence of "Black Reward" as a hacktivist group has captured attention and raised questions about their motivation and potential state sponsorship. Although they only appeared about a month ago, this group has been actively involved in various hacking operations, targeting Iranian websites and organizations.

"Black Reward" gained recognition through their initial hack, where they defaced multiple Iranian websites. They continued their activities by sending out millions of text messages urging Iranians to join protests and hacking into the email server of Iranian state TV network Press TV. Their most recent operation involved hacking into Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation's email server.

The group's actions suggest a level of professionalism and organization that sets them apart from typical hacktivist groups. Their communication, particularly through Twitter and Telegram, is straightforward and devoid of memes or childish insults. They even cleaned the data dump from the email server, removing Advertising, spam, and phishing emails before publishing the significant findings.

While allegations of state sponsorship have been made against "Black Reward," there is currently no hard evidence supporting this claim. Their actions and the sophistication of their operations, however, create speculation about potential motivations and Hidden backers.


  • Draws attention to political and social issues
  • Sheds light on potential state-sponsored cyber activities


  • Raises concerns about state-sponsored hacking
  • Increases tensions and mistrust among nations

Pro-Russian DDoSers Paying for Attacks 💰

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has spilled over into the digital realm, with frequent DDoS attacks targeting websites of businesses on both sides. However, a recent development has emerged, adding a new dimension to the situation. Pro-Russian groups have started paying individuals to participate in DDoS attacks against pro-Ukrainian organizations.

This shift in strategy introduces a financial incentive for individuals to engage in DDoS attacks. The pro-Russian groups have set up a prize fund comprising a few thousand dollars, which is distributed among participants based on successful attacks. While the rewards may not be substantial, this approach signals a change in the dynamics of DDoSing.

The source of the funds remains unclear, as these pro-Russian groups do not appear to crowdfund the payments. It is possible that a benevolent cybercriminal with deep pockets supports them. Alternatively, this payment scheme could be a facade to attract participants, without any substantial funds being distributed.

Regardless of the source, it is important to address the risks associated with involvement in DDoS attacks. Participating in illegal activities, such as launching DDoS attacks, can lead to severe legal consequences. Internet service providers may disconnect individuals involved in such activities, and the act of downloading hacking tools puts individuals at risk of compromising their own cybersecurity.


  • Potential financial gain for individuals involved in the attacks
  • ALTERS the dynamics of DDoS attacks


  • Illegal activity with severe legal consequences
  • Threatens personal cybersecurity and privacy

The Risks of Involvement in DDoS Attacks ⚠️

Despite the allure of financial rewards, individuals must understand the risks inherent in participating in DDoS attacks. Engaging in such activities is not only illegal but also exposes individuals to significant consequences that can impact their personal and professional lives.

Participating in DDoS attacks is a violation of various international and national laws. Authorities actively monitor and prosecute individuals involved in such cyber activities. Legal consequences may include imprisonment, hefty fines, or other severe penalties, depending on the jurisdiction and the extent of the damage caused.

In addition to legal ramifications, individuals participating in DDoS attacks face the risk of being disconnected from their internet service providers. ISPs strictly monitor network traffic to identify and mitigate DDoS attacks. Once individuals engage in such activities, their ISPs may terminate their internet service, cutting off their access to the online world.

Lastly, individuals considering involvement in DDoS attacks must recognize the danger of downloading hacking tools. These tools often contain obfuscated code that runs directly on an individual's internet connection, granting unknown individuals control over their network. This poses not only security risks but also compromises the privacy of their online activities.

It is essential to educate individuals about the risks associated with DDoS attacks and dissuade them from engaging in illegal and harmful cyber activities.


  • Raises awareness about the legal and personal risks of DDoS attacks
  • Promotes responsible and ethical behavior in cyberspace


  • Promotes Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD)
  • Overlooks potential motivations of individuals involved in DDoS attacks

Conclusion 📝

As cybersecurity continues to evolve, so do the techniques and tools used by hackers. The RTX4090 has revolutionized the password cracking landscape, raising concerns about the security implications and the need for individuals and organizations to adopt strong, unique passwords.

The incidents involving Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation and the emergence of the hacktivist group "Black Reward" shed light on the potential vulnerabilities in critical systems and the risks associated with state-sponsored cyber activities.

In the context of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the involvement of pro-Russian DDoSers who pay individuals for attacks introduces new dynamics and legal risks. It is crucial to promote responsible behavior and discourage participation in illegal cyber activities to maintain a secure and trusted cyberspace.


  • The power of GPUs like the RTX4090 in password cracking
  • The dangers of password reuse and its impact on cybersecurity
  • Setting up a password cracking rig and its implications
  • Niche uses of password cracking, such as targeting Windows PCs and government institutions
  • The hack of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation and its potential consequences
  • The controversy surrounding the hacktivist group "Black Reward"
  • Pro-Russian DDoSers paying individuals for participating in attacks
  • The risks and legal consequences of involvement in DDoS attacks
  • The need for education and responsible behavior in cyberspace


Q: Are password cracking rigs legal?

A: The legality of password cracking rigs depends on their intended use. Building a password cracking rig for legitimate purposes, such as conducting security audits or recovering lost passwords, is generally legal. However, using such rigs for illegal activities, such as unauthorized access to systems or networks, is illegal and subject to severe consequences.

Q: How can I protect myself from password cracking attacks?

A: To protect yourself from password cracking attacks, it is crucial to create strong and unique passwords for each account. Avoid reusing passwords across multiple platforms and consider using password managers to help generate and securely store your passwords. Additionally, regularly monitor your accounts for any signs of unauthorized access or suspicious activity.

Q: Can password cracking rigs be used for ethical hacking?

A: Yes, password cracking rigs can be utilized for ethical hacking, such as security audits and testing the strength of passwords in controlled environments. Ethical hackers use password cracking techniques to identify vulnerabilities and recommend improvements to enhance the security of systems and networks.

Q: What are the consequences of participating in DDoS attacks?

A: Participating in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks is illegal and can lead to severe legal consequences, including imprisonment and hefty fines. Additionally, involvement in such activities may result in the termination of internet service by ISPs, cutting off access to the online world. It is essential to understand the risks and refrain from engaging in illegal cyber activities. Resources:

  • PCBWay (PCB fabrication and 3D printing services)

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