Unleash the Power of X Llama: 8K Tokens, Less VRAM, and Speed Boost!

Unleash the Power of X Llama: 8K Tokens, Less VRAM, and Speed Boost!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Implementation of X Llama
    • Smaller VRAM Usage
    • Faster Loading Speed
  3. Increasing Token Context Size
  4. Token Size Limit and its Importance
  5. Updating Text Generation to the Latest Version
  6. Choosing the Right Model Loader
    • X Llama
    • X Llama HF
  7. Adjusting Parameters for Token Size Limit
  8. Benefits and Limitations of Increasing Token Size Limit
  9. 8K Models Compatible with X Llama
    • Visual Frequentia 13
    • The Wizard LM 33 billion V 1.0
  10. Practical Applications of X Llama
    • Summarizing Long Articles
    • Role Play in Conversations
  11. Conclusion

Implementing X Llama: Speed, Efficiency, and Expanded Token Capabilities

In recent days, there have been some incredible updates to the Next Generation web UI, bringing about super ultra speed optimization, improved VRAM usage, and the ability to expand token size limits on llama-based models. All of these advancements have been made possible thanks to the implementation of X llama.

The Implementation of X Llama

Smaller VRAM Usage

X llama is a highly optimized loader for llama models that consumes significantly less VRAM compared to previous loaders. The reduction in VRAM usage not only improves efficiency but also contributes to faster processing speeds. Previously, the web UI could generate only 8 tokens per Second, but with X llama, that number skyrockets to 40 tokens per second. And all this while utilizing two gigabytes less VRAM. It's like magic!

Faster Loading Speed

With X llama, the loading speed of llama models has seen a tremendous boost. The previous loaders were relatively slower, but now, X llama delivers results at a much faster pace. This upgrade is a Game-changer, allowing users to generate content in a fraction of the time it used to take.

Increasing Token Context Size

Token context size refers to the memory capacity of a model, determining how much information it can process at once. Previously, the token context size was limited to 2000 tokens. However, thanks to the efforts of developers like Hurricane Dev, Turbo Dorp, and UVABuga, the token context size for llama models has been increased to around 8000 tokens.

The token context size plays a crucial role in generating accurate responses. If you input a lengthy article or engage in a long conversation with the model, it may fail to retain all the vital information due to token limitations. By expanding the token context size, models can process and remember more information, resulting in improved responses.

Token Size Limit and its Importance

Every model has a token size limit, which determines the maximum amount of information it can process. When the token size limit is reached, the model starts to forget previously acquired knowledge to make room for new information. To overcome this limitation, it is important to adjust the token size to match the complexity of the task at HAND.

Increasing the token size limit, however, requires a powerful GPU. For instance, a 24-gigabyte VRAM GPU can handle around 6079 tokens for referencing a billion-parameter model and 3100 tokens for a 13-billion-parameter model. Despite the hardware requirements, this update is significant as it triples the token limit for a 13-billion-parameter model, resulting in more accurate and context-rich responses.

Updating Text Generation to the Latest Version

To leverage the benefits of X llama and other upgrades, it is essential to update your text generation to the latest version. Updating is a simple process where you need to double-click on the update Windows.bat file, which will automatically update the web UI to the latest version.

If you are unfamiliar with the installation process or need guidance, I highly recommend watching an installation video before proceeding. Once you have launched the web UI, you will Notice a new option called Model Loader under the Model tab.

Choosing the Right Model Loader

With the implementation of X llama, you now have two new options for model loaders: X llama and X llama HF.

X Llama

X llama is the standard version, offering slightly faster loading speeds while consuming a bit more VRAM. It is the ideal choice for users with powerful GPUs seeking maximum speed.

X Llama HF

X llama HF (high efficiency) is optimized for smaller GPUs, striking a balance between speed and VRAM usage. If you have a less powerful GPU, opting for X llama HF will ensure an optimized experience.

It is important to choose the appropriate model loader based on your GPU capabilities to make the most of X llama's improvements.

Adjusting Parameters for Token Size Limit

To fully enjoy the benefits of increased token size limit, you will need to make some adjustments in the web UI settings. By increasing the maximum sequence length and specifying the truncate Prompt length, you can customize the token size limit according to your requirements.

When adjusting the maximum sequence length, it is recommended to keep it below 6000 tokens for optimal performance. Higher token limits may result in decreased efficiency. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that your GPU meets the VRAM requirements for the chosen token limit.

Benefits and Limitations of Increasing Token Size Limit

Increasing the token size limit opens up new possibilities for text generation. Summarizing long articles becomes considerably easier, as the models can now process the entire content without truncation. It allows for accurate and comprehensive summaries, saving time and effort.

In role-playing scenarios, the expanded token context size enables longer and more immersive conversations with the model. You can engage in detailed interactions, and the model retains information much better, providing a more coherent and engaging experience.

However, it is important to note that the maximum sequence length can be set up to 8192 tokens in theory, but in practice, the limit is around 6000 tokens due to decreased model efficiency. Keeping the token size below this threshold ensures optimal performance.

8K Models Compatible with X Llama

To make the most of X llama's capabilities, developers have created special models merged with the 8000 token Lora, an innovation by KO can Dev. These 8K models are fully compatible with X llama, ensuring a seamless performance.

Some of the 8K models available include Visual Frequentia 13 and The Wizard LM 33 billion V 1.0. These models provide uncensored and high-quality text generation experiences. You can find the download links for these models in the resources section.

Practical Applications of X Llama

Summarizing Long Articles: With X llama, summarizing lengthy articles has never been easier. You can simply paste the entire article and request a summary, and the model will generate a concise and accurate summary within seconds. It greatly simplifies the process of extracting key information from extensive Texts.

Role Play in Conversations: X llama's expanded token size limit allows for more immersive and detailed role-playing experiences. Conversations with the model can span a longer context, providing richer interactions with consistent character narratives. This enhancement enables users to create more compelling and engaging dialogues.


The implementation of X llama into the Next Generation web UI brings immense benefits to users. Its efficiency in VRAM usage, faster loading speeds, and expanded token size limit offer a significant boost in text generation capabilities. Whether you need to summarize long articles or engage in detailed role-playing scenarios, X llama provides an upgraded experience. Make sure to update your web UI, choose the appropriate model loader, and adjust the token size limit to explore the full potential of X llama. Enjoy faster, more efficient, and context-rich text generation like never before!


  • X llama, the new implementation in the Next Generation web UI, optimizes VRAM usage and significantly increases processing speed.
  • The token context size for llama models can now be expanded to around 8000 tokens, allowing for more information processing and retention.
  • Adjusting parameters and choosing the right model loader are crucial steps in maximizing the benefits of X llama.
  • Increased token size limit supports summarizing long articles and enables more immersive role-playing experiences.
  • X llama offers enhanced efficiency, faster loading speeds, and improved text generation capabilities.


  1. What is the token size limit? The token size limit refers to the maximum amount of information a model can process at once. Once the limit is reached, the model starts to forget previous information to make room for new inputs.

  2. How does X llama optimize VRAM usage? X llama is a highly optimized loader that consumes significantly less VRAM compared to previous loaders. This reduction in VRAM usage allows for more efficient processing and faster loading speeds.

  3. Can I use X llama with a lower VRAM GPU? Yes, even with a lower VRAM GPU, you can still benefit from X llama's improvements. It requires less VRAM to run a model, resulting in optimized performance.

  4. How can I adjust the token size limit? By adjusting the maximum sequence length and truncate prompt length in the web UI settings, you can customize the token size limit according to your requirements.

  5. Can I generate summaries of long articles with X llama? Yes, with X llama, you can easily summarize long articles. Simply paste the entire article and request a summary, and the model will generate a concise and accurate summary.


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