Unleash Your Creativity: Build a Pix to Pix Drawing App

Unleash Your Creativity: Build a Pix to Pix Drawing App

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Origins of Pix to Pix
  3. What is Pix to Pix?
  4. How Pix to Pix Works
  5. Applications of Pix to Pix
  6. Getting Started with Pix to Pix
  7. Using Paper.js for Drawing
  8. Customizing the Drawing Brush
  9. Saving and Exporting Images
  10. Conclusion


In this series of tutorials, we will be exploring the process of building a Pix to Pix drawing app. Pix to Pix is an innovative neural network model that enables machines to collaborate with humans during design and creative tasks. This web app will allow users to draw images, which will then be sent to the Pix to Pix model for further processing. In this introductory article, we will provide an overview of Pix to Pix, its origins, and the goals for this series of tutorials.

The Origins of Pix to Pix

Pix to Pix was originally developed as a project called "Suggestive Drawing" by an artist and programmer. The goal of the project was to explore ways in which machines and humans could collaborate in design and creativity. The artist created an iPad app called "Drawing Up" that allowed users to draw sketches, which were then sent to a Pix to Pix neural network model. The model would generate textured images based on the initial sketch, allowing users to explore different design possibilities.

What is Pix to Pix?

Pix to Pix is a type of neural network model known as a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). GANs consist of two parts: a generator and a discriminator. The generator tries to learn how to generate images based on input data, while the discriminator tries to determine whether the generated images are real or fake. This iterative process allows the generator to improve its ability to generate realistic images over time.

How Pix to Pix Works

In the case of Pix to Pix, the model is trained on a dataset of paired images. The input image serves as a conditional signal, providing guidance to the generator on what to generate. The output image is generated by the generator based on the input image. The discriminator then assesses the realism of the generated image and provides feedback to the generator. This feedback loop helps the generator refine its output, resulting in more accurate and realistic image generation.

Applications of Pix to Pix

Pix to Pix has found numerous applications in the creative world. One common application is the generation of realistic textures from HAND-drawn sketches. For example, a user could sketch a flower, and the Pix to Pix model would generate a textured image of that flower. This process can be used in various design fields, such as fashion, architecture, and Graphic Design, to explore different design possibilities quickly and efficiently.

Getting Started with Pix to Pix

To get started with Pix to Pix, we will be utilizing the Paper.js library, which is a powerful tool for creating interactive web applications. Paper.js allows us to create a canvas where users can draw their sketches. The sketched images can then be processed by Pix to Pix for further generation. Additionally, we will be using an online coding platform called Glitch, which provides real-time collaboration and makes it easy to share and remix code snippets.

Using Paper.js for Drawing

The first step in building our Pix to Pix drawing app is to set up the drawing canvas using the Paper.js library. Paper.js allows us to create a HTML canvas element and provides powerful drawing functionalities. We will configure the canvas size to match the input requirements of Pix to Pix, which is 256 by 256 pixels. This will ensure that the sketches drawn by users are appropriately scaled for processing by the model.

Customizing the Drawing Brush

To enhance the drawing experience, we can customize the drawing brush in our Pix to Pix app. This customization allows users to adjust the thickness and style of their brush strokes. By providing different brush options, we can create unique outputs from the Pix to Pix model. For example, users can choose to draw with thicker or thinner lines, resulting in variations in the generated textures.

Saving and Exporting Images

Once the user has completed their drawing, we want to provide them with options to save and export their images. Using the canvas API provided by Paper.js, we can save the drawing as a PNG image with transparency. This image can then be downloaded by the user or encoded as base64 and sent to the Pix to Pix model for further processing. The ability to save and export images adds a practical and user-friendly aspect to our Pix to Pix drawing app.


In this introductory article, we have discussed the concept of Pix to Pix and its applications in the creative world. We have also outlined the steps involved in building a Pix to Pix drawing app using Paper.js and Glitch. In the upcoming tutorials, we will dive deeper into the implementation details and explore different customization options for our app. Get ready to unleash your creativity and collaborate with machine learning in exciting new ways.


  • Pix to Pix is a neural network model that enables collaboration between machines and humans in design and creativity.
  • The Pix to Pix model is trained using a dataset of paired images, allowing it to generate realistic textures from hand-drawn sketches.
  • Paper.js is a powerful library for creating interactive web applications, making it an ideal tool for building a Pix to Pix drawing app.
  • The customization of the drawing brush in our app allows users to create unique outputs and explore different design possibilities.
  • The ability to save and export images adds practicality to the Pix to Pix drawing app, allowing users to preserve their creations.


Q: Can I use Pix to Pix for other types of images, such as landscapes or animals?

A: Yes, Pix to Pix can be trained on various datasets, allowing it to generate textures for different types of images. However, the quality of the generated results may depend on the training data and the complexity of the desired output.

Q: Are there any limitations to the size or complexity of the drawings in the Pix to Pix app?

A: The Pix to Pix model has some limitations in terms of the input size and complexity. Larger and more complex drawings may require more computational resources and may yield less accurate or realistic results. It is recommended to experiment with different drawing sizes and levels of detail to achieve the desired outcomes.

Q: Can the Pix to Pix drawing app be integrated into other web applications or platforms?

A: Yes, the Pix to Pix drawing app can be integrated into other web applications or platforms by leveraging the Pix to Pix API. The API allows developers to send images for processing and receive the generated results, providing flexibility for customization and integration with existing systems.

Q: What are the potential implications of using machine learning in the creative process?

A: The use of machine learning in the creative process opens up new possibilities for collaboration and innovation. It allows artists and designers to explore new design spaces and generate unique outputs. However, it also raises questions about the role of human creativity and the ethics of using machine-generated content.


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