Unleash Your Creativity: Photoshop's Drag and Drop Feature for Image Manipulation

Unleash Your Creativity: Photoshop's Drag and Drop Feature for Image Manipulation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Photoshop drag and drop?
  3. Online Demo vs Local Deployment
  4. Running the Demo on Google Colab
  5. Setting up Handle Points and Targets
  6. Uploading Your Own Images
  7. Exploring Different Models
  8. Results and Examples
  9. Installing and Running on Your Local Machine
  10. Conclusion


Photoshop is about to get a whole lot crazier with the introduction of a new feature called drag and drop. This groundbreaking technology allows users to manipulate images simply by selecting a few points on the image and letting the software do the rest. In this article, we will explore the possibilities of this new feature and how you can try it out for yourself.

What is Photoshop drag and drop?

Drag and drop in Photoshop is a revolutionary technique that takes photo editing possibilities to the next level. Instead of laboriously using various tools and techniques to manipulate images, users can now achieve complex edits by simply selecting a few points on the image and letting the software Take Care of the rest. This technique utilizes generative image manifold manipulation, allowing users to define the rotation and movement of specific parts of an image with ease.

Online Demo vs Local Deployment

Before diving into the implementation details, it is important to understand the different options available for running the drag and drop demo. There are two main options: the free online demo and local deployment on your own machine. The online demo provides a convenient way to test out the feature without any installation required. On the other HAND, local deployment gives you more control and allows for customization.

Running the Demo on Google Colab

To get started with the drag and drop demo, you can use the free online version on Google Colab. Simply open the Google Colab and save the file to your drive or GitHub account. Make sure to select Python 3 as the runtime environment and choose a GPU as the hardware accelerator for better performance. Then, run the provided code blocks to download the required packages and set up the drag and drop app.

Setting up Handle Points and Targets

Once the demo is up and running, you can start exploring the features and functionality. The first step is to set up handle points and targets. Handle points are the initial points selected on the image, while targets represent the desired location of those points after manipulation. By defining these points, you can control the movement and rotation of specific parts of the image.

Uploading Your Own Images

In addition to the preloaded images, the drag and drop demo allows you to upload your own images for manipulation. Simply click on the upload button and select the image you want to use. Keep in mind that the uploading process may take some time, depending on the size of the image and the processing required. Once uploaded, you can apply the drag and drop technique to your own images and see the results.

Exploring Different Models

The drag and drop demo provides multiple models for different types of images, such as human faces, cats, churches, and horses. Each model is trained to understand the specific characteristics and features of the corresponding image category. By selecting different models, you can experiment with different types of images and see how the drag and drop technique performs.

Results and Examples

To better understand the capabilities of the drag and drop technique, let's take a look at some examples. By manipulating handle points and targets, you can achieve various effects, such as rotating a face, moving objects in an image, or even filling in missing parts of an image. The results are often realistic and natural-looking, making the drag and drop feature a powerful tool for photo editing.

Installing and Running on Your Local Machine

If you want to have more control over the drag and drop feature, you can install it on your own machine. The process involves creating a virtual environment, installing the necessary dependencies, and running the drag and drop app using Python. Detailed instructions for installation and usage can be found in the official GitHub repository.


Photoshop's drag and drop feature opens up exciting possibilities for image manipulation and editing. Whether you choose to use the online demo or deploy it on your own machine, you can experience the power of this new technique for yourself. By simply selecting a few points on an image, you can achieve complex edits and transformations with ease. Try it out and unleash your creativity with Photoshop drag and drop.


  • Photoshop introduces drag and drop feature for image manipulation
  • Users can define rotation and movement by selecting points on the image
  • Options for running the demo include online and local deployment
  • Google Colab provides a convenient way to test the demo
  • Handle points and targets allow for precise control over image manipulation
  • Users can upload their own images for manipulation
  • Different models are available for different types of images
  • Results are realistic and natural-looking
  • Installation and usage instructions are provided for local deployment


Q: Can I use the drag and drop feature in Photoshop without installing any software? A: Yes, you can try out the drag and drop feature using the free online demo on Google Colab.

Q: Can I upload my own images for manipulation? A: Yes, you can upload your own images and apply the drag and drop technique to them.

Q: Do I need a GPU to run the drag and drop demo? A: It is recommended to use a GPU for better performance, but you can also run the demo on a CPU.

Q: How accurate are the results of the drag and drop feature? A: The results of the drag and drop feature are often realistic and natural-looking, but may vary depending on the complexity of the image and the specific manipulation performed.

Q: Can I customize the drag and drop feature for my own needs? A: If you choose to deploy the feature on your own machine, you have more control and customization options available.


  • Official GitHub repository: link1
  • Google Colab: link2

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