Unleash Your Creativity with the Spawner Gadget and AI in Rec Room

Unleash Your Creativity with the Spawner Gadget and AI in Rec Room

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Spawner Gadget
  3. Configuring the Spawner Gadget
  4. Spawning Enemies
  5. Spawning Waves of Enemies
  6. Adjusting Spawn Settings
  7. Exploring Additional Pins on the Spawner Gadget
  8. Using Object Tags with the Spawner Gadget
  9. Attaching the Spawner to Gizmos
  10. Spawning Objects with the Spawner Gadget
  11. Setting Up the Navigation Mesh (Navmesh)
  12. Controlling the Navmesh
  13. Setting Up Game Rules
  14. Conclusion

Introduction 🌟

Are you a Rec Room player who is looking to create exciting and challenging experiences for yourself and others? Look no further than the Spawner Gadget! This powerful tool allows you to spawn enemy NPCs, create cooperative quests, and even design your own Wave shooters. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about using the Spawner Gadget to bring your creations to life. So, grab your Maker Pen and let's get started!

Understanding the Spawner Gadget 💡

Before we dive into the details of configuring and using the Spawner Gadget, let's take a moment to understand what it actually does. The Spawner Gadget allows you to spawn enemy NPCs and objects in your Rec Room environment. These NPCs can follow you, attack you, and even take damage from players' weapons. Whether you're looking to create an intense battle or a cooperative Quest, the Spawner Gadget has got you covered.

Configuring the Spawner Gadget ⚙️

To start using the Spawner Gadget, you first need to locate your Maker Pen. Open your watch menu and press the backpack button to find it. Once you have your Maker Pen in HAND, look at the top of it and open the palette. Go to the gadgets tab and navigate to the Second page to find the Spawner Gadget. Now that you have the Spawner Gadget, it's time to configure it.

Spawning Enemies 👾

With the Spawner Gadget in hand, it's time to spawn your first enemy NPC. Use the configure tool on the Spawner Gadget to open the configure menu. In the first panel, you will see an option to select the object you want to spawn. Choose from a variety of enemies, such as explosive BOTS or any other available options.

Spawning Waves of Enemies 🌊

The Spawner Gadget allows you to not only spawn individual enemies but also create waves of enemies. To spawn a wave, simply increase the number to spawn setting. However, keep in mind that the Spawner Gadget needs a little bit of time between spawning each enemy. You can adjust this time, with the minimum being 2/10 of a second. But remember, there is a maximum limit of 10 AI that can be spawned in a room at the same time.

Adjusting Spawn Settings ⚖️

In addition to spawning enemies and waves, the Spawner Gadget offers some settings to customize your NPCs' behavior. For example, you can add object tags to spawned NPCs to control how they interact with gadgets like trigger volumes and look at gizmos. Simply tick the box that says "apply tags to spawned objects" and use the edit tags button in the next page of the configure menu. Experiment with different tags to create unique interactions.

Exploring Additional Pins on the Spawner Gadget 🔌

The Spawner Gadget comes with several pins that allow for advanced control over your NPC spawning. The "all spawn" pin sends a signal after the last NPC in a wave spawns, while the "all destroyed" pin sends a signal after all NPCs in a wave have been destroyed. These pins are handy for controlling sequences of events in your game. The "green spawned ID" pin sends the object ID of the most recently spawned NPC or object, which can be useful for other gadgets. Lastly, the "reset" pin stops any currently spawning wave and deletes all NPCs spawned from the gadget.

Using Object Tags with the Spawner Gadget 🏷️

The Spawner Gadget not only allows you to add tags to NPCs but also objects. These tags dictate how spawned objects interact with the environment and other gadgets. By adding tags to your objects, you can create diverse gameplay mechanics and enhance the overall experience. Take advantage of this feature to make your NPCs and objects behave exactly how you want them to.

Attaching the Spawner to Gizmos 🎮

Want to add more complexity to your NPC spawning? Attach the Spawner Gadget to a gizmo! This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your creations. By attaching the Spawner Gadget to a gizmo, you can spread out waves of NPCs as they spawn, creating dynamic and immersive gameplay. Experiment with different gizmos and see how they can enhance your NPC spawning experience.

Spawning Objects with the Spawner Gadget 🌴

While the Spawner Gadget is primarily used for spawning enemy NPCs, it also has the ability to spawn objects. These objects can serve various purposes in your creations, from traps to power-ups. Similar to spawning NPCs, you can use the configure menu to select the object you want to spawn and adjust the settings accordingly. Keep in mind that these spawned objects won't have AI and won't move or attack players.

Setting Up the Navigation Mesh (Navmesh) 🗺️

To ensure that your NPCs can navigate and move around your room, you need to generate a navigation mesh, also known as a navmesh. This mesh acts as a surface that NPCs can walk or fly over, indicating where they can and cannot move. To generate a navmesh, go to the Settings tab in the room and find the AI button. Click the "rebake navmesh" button to create the navmesh for your room. Once generated, the navmesh will appear as a purple surface.

Controlling the Navmesh 🧭

While the navmesh is automatically generated by Rec Room, creators have the ability to control where it appears. One way to control the navmesh is by moving and resizing the nav mesh baked volume. This white box is responsible for generating the navmesh and can be manipulated using the manipulate tool. By adjusting the volume, you can include or exclude certain areas from the navmesh generation process. Additionally, you can manually configure objects to handle the navmesh differently, allowing for more precise navigation control.

Setting Up Game Rules 🎮

To enable enemy NPCs to damage players, you need to set up game rules in your room. The game rules chip is responsible for determining the behavior and interactions between players and NPCs. You can find the game rules chip in the gadgets palette under the game chips filter. Once spawned, the game rules chip offers various options for configuration. If you're looking for a quick setup, applying the quest game configuration from the first page is a great way to get started. With the game rules chip in place, you're ready to engage in thrilling battles with enemy NPCs.

Conclusion 🎉

Congratulations! You are now equipped with all the knowledge you need to unleash the full potential of the Spawner Gadget in Rec Room. From spawning enemies and waves to controlling the navmesh and setting up game rules, you can create unique and immersive experiences for yourself and others. So, grab your Maker Pen, let your imagination run wild, and start crafting your own exciting adventures in Rec Room!


  • Allows for the creation of dynamic and engaging gameplay experiences
  • Offers a wide range of customization options for NPC spawning
  • Provides control over the navigation of NPCs through the use of the navmesh
  • Enhances the ability to create cooperative quests and wave shooters
  • Encourages creativity and experimentation in Rec Room


  • Requires some learning and experimentation to fully understand and utilize all features
  • Limited to a maximum of 10 AI NPCs spawned at the same time
  • NPCs spawned without AI function as static objects and do not offer dynamic interactions


  • Transform your Rec Room environment with the power of the Spawner Gadget
  • Create cooperative quests, wave shooters, and more with ease
  • Customize NPC behavior and interactions with object tags
  • Enhance gameplay by attaching the Spawner Gadget to gizmos
  • Generate a navigation mesh for NPCs to navigate your room
  • Set up game rules for thrilling battles between players and enemies


Q: Can I spawn different types of enemies using the Spawner Gadget? A: Yes, the Spawner Gadget allows you to choose from a variety of enemies to spawn, including explosive BOTS and more.

Q: How can I control the number of enemies spawned in a wave? A: The Spawner Gadget offers a setting to specify the number of enemies to spawn in each wave.

Q: Can I customize the behavior of spawned enemies? A: Yes, by using object tags, you can control how spawned enemies interact with gadgets and the environment.

Q: Can I spawn objects other than enemies with the Spawner Gadget? A: Yes, the Spawner Gadget can also be used to spawn objects such as traps or power-ups in your creations.

Q: How can I ensure NPCs can move around my room? A: By generating a navigation mesh (navmesh), you provide a surface that NPCs can navigate and move on.

Q: Can I control where NPCs can and cannot move within my room? A: Yes, you can control the navmesh by manipulating the nav mesh baked volume and configuring objects individually.


  • Rec Room official website - link
  • Rec Room tutorials and guides - link

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