Unleash Your Imagination: Step-by-Step Fantasy Art Tutorial with Midjourney V5 and ChatGPT

Unleash Your Imagination: Step-by-Step Fantasy Art Tutorial with Midjourney V5 and ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT
  3. The Formula for Creating Fantasy Art Prompts
  4. Step 1: Accessing Chat GPT
  5. Step 2: Creating the Formula Prompt
  6. Step 3: Generating a Specific Prompt
  7. Step 4: Using Mid-Journey Version 5
  8. Step 5: Customizing the Prompt
  9. Step 6: Saving and Remixing the Prompt
  10. Additional Tips and Tricks
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to this tutorial on how to Create amazing fantasy art and illustrations using Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT. In this tutorial, we will walk You through the process of generating fantasy art prompts, customizing them, and creating stunning artwork using the powerful features of these tools. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, this tutorial will provide valuable insights and techniques to help you unleash your creativity and produce breathtaking fantasy art. So let's dive in and start creating!

1. Using Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT

Before we get started, let's take a quick look at the tools we'll be using for this tutorial. Mid-Journey Version 5 is a powerful art software that provides a wide range of tools and features for creating fantasy art and illustrations. Chat GPT, on the other HAND, is a language model that can generate text Based on given prompts. By combining these two tools, we can create unique and inspiring fantasy art prompts that will spark our creativity.

2. The Formula for Creating Fantasy Art Prompts

To create a fantasy art prompt, we will use a specific formula that consists of various variables. This formula will help us generate prompts that depict a majestic subject engaged in an action scene with a fantasy background and a specific viewpoint. By filling in these variables, we can create prompts for any Type of fantasy art we want to create, whether it's dragons, wizards, or any other fantastical subject.

3. Step 1: Accessing Chat GPT

To get started, we need to access Chat GPT. You can find a link in the description below. Once you're on the Chat GPT interface, we can proceed to the next step.

4. Step 2: Creating the Formula Prompt

Now that we're on the Chat GPT interface, let's create the formula prompt. Simply copy and paste the formula into the chat box. The prompt should include the variables for the fantasy art style, majestic subject, action scene, fantasy background, fantasy artist style, perspective, and aspect ratio. Once you've entered the prompt, ask Chat GPT if it understands the formula by typing "Do you understand?"

5. Step 3: Generating a Specific Prompt

Once Chat GPT acknowledges the formula, we can proceed to generate a specific prompt. For example, let's say we want a prompt for a dragon fighting a wizard. We can be as specific as we want by typing "Give me a prompt for a dragon fighting a wizard." Chat GPT will then generate a prompt based on our input. In this case, it might give us a prompt like "A vibrant colorful illustration of a fearsome majestic dragon locked in a deadly battle with a powerful wizard."

6. Step 4: Using Mid-Journey Version 5

Now that we have our fantasy art prompt, it's time to put it into action using Mid-Journey Version 5. Open the software and use the command "/imagine" followed by the generated prompt. This will initiate the prompt generation process within Mid-Journey. Make sure to set the aspect ratio as desired by using the command "--ar [aspect ratio]". For example, "--ar 16:9" for a 16:9 aspect ratio.

7. Step 5: Customizing the Prompt

Before hitting enter to generate the artwork, you have the option to customize the prompt further. You can change the fantasy artist, add or remove adjectives, specify different types of scenes, and more. This allows for a high level of customization, ensuring that the generated artwork matches your vision.

8. Step 6: Saving and Remixing the Prompt

Once the artwork is generated, you have the option to save it by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Save Image". This will allow you to keep a copy of the artwork for later use. Additionally, if you want to remix the prompt and generate variations of the artwork, you can go back to Chat GPT and type "Write another one, please." This will prompt Chat GPT to generate a new prompt based on your specifications.

9. Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Experiment with different combinations of variables to create unique and captivating prompts.
  • Take AdVantage of the vast list of fantasy artists and adjectives available to create various styles and moods in your artwork.
  • Don't be afraid to remix and iterate on your prompts to explore different possibilities and find the perfect fit for your vision.

10. Conclusion

Congratulations! You've learned how to create amazing fantasy art and illustrations using Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can generate custom prompts, create stunning artworks, and unleash your creativity to new heights. So go ahead, dive into the world of fantasy art, and let your imagination run wild. Happy creating!


  • Learn how to create amazing fantasy art and illustrations using Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT
  • Generate unique fantasy art prompts using a specific formula
  • Customize prompts based on your preferences and artistic vision
  • Create stunning fantasy art with Mid-Journey Version 5
  • Remix and iterate on prompts to explore different possibilities


Q: Can I use this technique with other art software? A: Yes, the technique described in this tutorial can be applied to other art software as well, but the specific steps may vary.

Q: Is Chat GPT necessary for creating fantasy art? A: While Chat GPT is not required, it can greatly enhance the creative process by generating unique and inspiring prompts for your artwork.

Q: Can I use my own variables in the formula prompt? A: Absolutely! Feel free to customize the formula prompt with your own variables to create prompts that align with your artistic style and preferences.

Q: Is Mid-Journey Version 5 suitable for beginners? A: Mid-Journey Version 5 caters to both beginners and experienced artists, providing a user-friendly interface and powerful features for creating fantasy art.

Q: Can I save and remix the generated artwork? A: Yes, you can save the generated artwork and remix the prompt to create variations using both Mid-Journey Version 5 and Chat GPT.

Q: Are there any limitations to the aspect ratio? A: The aspect ratio can be set as desired, allowing you to create artwork in any aspect ratio that suits your needs.

Q: Are there any pros and cons to using this technique? A: Pros: Easy and efficient technique, customizable prompts, access to a wide range of fantasy art styles. Cons: Reliance on automated prompts, limited control over the artistic process.

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