Unleash Your Inner Rap Superstar: Building an AI Rap Generation Model

Unleash Your Inner Rap Superstar: Building an AI Rap Generation Model

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building an AI Rap Generation Model
    1. Preparing the Environment
    2. Training a Text Generation Model
    3. Cloning the Rapper's Voice
    4. Animating an Image to Match the Rap
  3. Creating an App for Rap Generation
    1. Setting up the App
    2. Creating Frames and Entry Boxes
    3. Adding Buttons for Text, Audio, and Video Generation
    4. testing and Fine-tuning the App
  4. Conclusion
  5. Resources
  6. FAQs


In this article, we will explore the exciting world of AI rap generation. Have you ever wanted to create your own rap Lyrics with the help of artificial intelligence? Well, in this guide, we are going to show you how to build a rap generation AI using machine learning models. We will take you step by step through the process of training a text generation model, cloning a rapper's voice, and even animating an image to make it look like the rapper is actually rapping. So, let's dive in and unleash your inner rap superstar!

Building an AI Rap Generation Model

Preparing the Environment

Before we can begin building our AI rap generation model, we need to set up our environment. We will be using Python for this project, so let's create a new Python file called "app.py" to start our development. We will also need to import the necessary libraries and dependencies, such as tkinter for creating the app interface, torch for working with deep learning models, and Transformers for using pre-trained text generation models. Additionally, we will need to install and import other dependencies like torch_audio, tqdm, python-vlc, and pydub for audio processing and playback. Once our environment is set up, we can move on to the next step.

Training a Text Generation Model

Next, we will focus on training a text generation model that can write rap lyrics. We will be using the AutoModelForCausalLM class from the Transformers library to load a pre-trained text generation model. This model has been trained on a large dataset of rap lyrics and is capable of generating new rap lyrics based on the input Prompt. We will also use the AutoTokenizer class to convert our text input into tokens that the model can understand. Once we have our model and tokenizer set up, we can start generating rap lyrics.

Cloning the Rapper's Voice

To make our AI-generated rap lyrics sound more authentic, we're going to clone the voice of a famous rapper. We will be using the tacotron2 and waveglow models from the torchaudio library to synthesize the rapper's voice. These models have been trained on a large dataset of the rapper's vocal samples, allowing us to create a voice that closely resembles the rapper's voice. By feeding our AI-generated rap lyrics into these models, we can generate audio clips that sound like the rapper is actually performing the rap.

Animating an Image to Match the Rap

To complete the illusion of the rapper performing the rap, we will animate an image of the rapper's head using the "Make It Talk" AI model. This model, originally developed by Adobe, can analyze an audio clip and generate realistic lip movements for any given image. By feeding the synthesized rap audio and an image of the rapper into the "Make It Talk" model, we can create a video where the rapper's mouth movements match the words being spoken. This adds an extra layer of authenticity to our AI-generated rap.

Creating an App for Rap Generation

Setting up the App

Now that we have built the necessary components for AI rap generation, let's create an app to bring it all together. We will be using the tkinter library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for our app. The app will have a prompt frame where users can enter the beginning of their rap lyrics, and a button frame where they can click buttons to generate text, audio, and video. We will set the Dimensions and appearance of the app using the tkinter functions, and then run the app using the mainloop() function.

Creating Frames and Entry Boxes

To make our app more user-friendly, we will create frames and entry boxes for the prompt and generated rap lyrics. The prompt frame will contain a text entry box where users can enter the beginning of their rap lyrics. We will customize the appearance of the entry box by setting its Height, width, Font, and color. The generated rap lyrics will be displayed in another text entry box, which we will also customize to match the style of the prompt entry box. These entry boxes will be packed into their respective frames using the pack() function.

Adding Buttons for Text, Audio, and Video Generation

To enable users to interact with our AI rap generation model, we will add buttons to the app. These buttons will allow users to generate rap lyrics, synthesize audio, and create a video of the animated rapper. We will create button widgets using the tkinter library and customize their appearance by setting their height, width, font, and color. Each button will be associated with a specific function that corresponds to the desired action. When a button is clicked, the associated function will be executed, generating the desired output.

Testing and Fine-tuning the App

Once our app is fully implemented, we can test it out by entering a rap prompt and clicking the buttons to generate text, audio, and video. We can fine-tune the appearance and functionality of the app by adjusting parameters such as padding, alignment, and text color. Additionally, we can experiment with different rap prompts to see how the AI model responds and generates new rap lyrics. By iterating on the design and functionality of the app, we can create a seamless user experience for AI rap generation.


In this article, we have explored the fascinating world of AI rap generation. We learned how to build an AI model that can generate rap lyrics, clone a rapper's voice, and animate an image to create a realistic rap performance. By creating an app with a user-friendly interface, we made it easy for anyone to generate their own rap lyrics and experience the magic of AI-powered rap. With the power of machine learning and creativity, the possibilities for AI rap generation are endless. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and become the next AI rap superstar!


  • Python
  • Tkinter
  • Torch
  • Transformers
  • TorchAudio
  • Python-vlc
  • PyDub


Q: How accurate are the AI-generated rap lyrics?

A: The accuracy of AI-generated rap lyrics depends on the training data and the quality of the text generation model. By training the model on a large dataset of rap lyrics, we can maximize its accuracy and ability to generate realistic and coherent rap lyrics. However, there may still be instances where the generated lyrics do not match the desired style or content. It is important to iterate on the training process and fine-tune the model to achieve better results.

Q: Can I use my own dataset of rap lyrics to train the AI model?

A: Yes, you can use your own dataset of rap lyrics to train the AI model. In fact, using a diverse and representative dataset can help improve the accuracy and diversity of the generated rap lyrics. By including a wide range of rap styles, artists, and themes in your dataset, you can train the model to generate lyrics that Align with your specific preferences and creative vision.

Q: Is it legal to use AI-generated rap lyrics in my own music?

A: The legality of using AI-generated rap lyrics in your Music may vary depending on copyright laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. While the generated lyrics may be original and unique, they could still infringe on the intellectual property rights of existing rap artists if they closely Resemble their work. It is important to consult with legal professionals or licensing agencies to ensure that your use of AI-generated rap lyrics is compliant with copyright laws and properly attributed to the AI model.

Q: Can AI-generated rap lyrics match the creativity and style of human-written rap?

A: AI-generated rap lyrics have the potential to match the creativity and style of human-written rap, but it depends on the training data and the quality of the AI model. By training the model on a diverse dataset of rap lyrics and fine-tuning its parameters, we can enhance its ability to generate innovative and stylistically accurate rap lyrics. However, it is important to note that AI is a tool to augment human creativity, and the true essence of rap lies in the unique perspectives and personal experiences of human artists.

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