Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Explore WH40k Rogue Trader Classes & Character Progression

Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Explore WH40k Rogue Trader Classes & Character Progression

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Class System in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader 2.1 Origins 2.1.1 Attributes and Skill Modifiers 2.1.2 Abilities and Talents 2.2 Doctrines 2.2.1 Fighter 2.2.2 Leader 2.2.3 Adept 2.2.4 Marksman
  3. Leveling Up and Progression 3.1 Ability Upgrades 3.2 Skill Upgrades 3.3 Keystone Abilities 3.4 Talents 3.5 Attribute Upgrades 3.6 Ultimate Ability Upgrades
  4. Stats and Skills 4.1 Weapon Skill 4.2 Ballistic Skill 4.3 Will Power 4.4 Fellowship
  5. Conclusion

The Class System in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

In Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader, the class system has recently been renamed as the doctrines. These doctrines determine your character's play style and abilities. Before delving into the specifics, it's important to note that Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader is still in beta, and some options may not be available or finalized. However, in this article, we will explore the Core concepts of the class system as it stands.


The first aspect to consider when creating a character in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader is your origin. Your origin represents what you were in life before becoming a rogue trader, such as a psycher, commander, noble, or priest. Each origin provides attribute and skill modifiers, both at the beginning of the game and as you level up. Additionally, origins offer abilities and talents that supplement your play style. For example, the Astra militarum Commander adds Perception as an attribute and medicate as a skill. Understanding your origin is crucial in selecting a class that aligns with your desired attributes and abilities.


The doctrines in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader define your character's class and play style. At the beginning of the game, you can choose from four base doctrines: Fighter, Leader, Adept, and Marksman. Each doctrine specializes in specific combat roles and offers unique abilities. The Fighter excels in melee combat, with the ability to charge and unleash devastating melee attacks. The Leader focuses on supporting the team, granting extra turns to allies and buffing their abilities. The Adept exploits weaknesses and enhances the team's ability to attack high-defense enemies. The Marksman specializes in ranged combat, utilizing abilities to shoot while moving and delivering multiple shots Based on the rate of fire of their chosen weapon.

Leveling Up and Progression

As You progress through the game, you have the opportunity to level up and further enhance your character's abilities. This progression system in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader offers various upgrades and enhancements:

  • Ability Upgrades: At each level, you can choose a specific ability related to your doctrine.
  • Skill Upgrades: Skills can be upgraded in tens, improving your effectiveness in various areas.
  • Keystone Abilities: Each doctrine has passive abilities that greatly impact your play style.
  • Talents: Talents provide additional bonuses and specializations, tailored to your origin and class.
  • Attribute Upgrades: Attribute upgrades allow you to increase proficiency in specific areas.
  • Ultimate Ability Upgrades: The ultimate ability or Momentum ability of each doctrine can be upgraded to become more powerful and devastating.

Stats and Skills

Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader utilizes a D100 system, where higher stats and skills are desirable. Understanding the importance of each stat and skill is crucial in effectively building your character. For example, weapon skill improves melee combat effectiveness, while ballistic skill enhances ranged combat. Will power is essential for psychers and leaders, while fellowship determines leadership capabilities and negotiation prowess. With a party of six characters, it's important to allocate skills strategically among the team to cover a wide range of abilities.


The class system, or doctrines, in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader offers a diverse range of play styles and customization options. Your character's origin and doctrine choice greatly influence their attributes, abilities, and skills. As you progress through the game, leveling up and upgrading your character further enhances their effectiveness in combat. With a streamlined D100 system and a variety of talents and abilities, Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader offers an engaging and customizable RPG experience.


  • The class system in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader, now called doctrines, determines your character's play style and abilities.
  • Origins provide attribute and skill modifiers, as well as unique abilities and talents.
  • Doctrines offer specialized combat roles with unique abilities, such as melee prowess, leadership support, or ranged expertise.
  • Leveling up allows you to choose ability upgrades, skill upgrades, keystone abilities, talents, attribute upgrades, and ultimate ability upgrades.
  • Stats and skills in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader use a D100 system, where higher values indicate better effectiveness in specific areas of combat.
  • With a party of six characters, strategic skill allocation ensures a well-rounded team capable of handling various challenges.


Q: How many classes or doctrines are available in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader? A: At the beginning of the game, there are four base doctrines: Fighter, Leader, Adept, and Marksman. Advanced doctrines become available later in the game.

Q: Can I customize my character's attributes and skills? A: Yes, you can upgrade attributes and skills as you level up, allowing you to customize your character to suit your play style.

Q: Are there limitations on which doctrines can be selected based on the character's origin? A: Yes, certain advanced doctrines may only be available to specific origins. However, the exact limitations may vary in the full release of the game.

Q: How does the D100 system work in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader? A: The D100 system uses a percentage-based measurement. The higher the value, the better the character's effectiveness in a specific area. Upgrading attributes and skills improves your chance of success.

Q: Can I Create a well-rounded team with different doctrines in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader? A: Absolutely. With a party of six characters, each specializing in different doctrines, you can create a versatile team capable of handling various combat situations.

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