Unleashing AI Hallucination

Unleashing AI Hallucination

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Survivorship Bias
  3. Google Scholar and Seminal Papers
  4. Chat GPT: A Quick Response
  5. Fact-Checking and Doubts
  6. The Search for Abraham Wald
  7. Abraham Wald and the Wild Test
  8. The Murky Waters of Survivorship Bias
  9. AI Hallucination and the Consequences
  10. Cautionary Tales of AI in Research
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we Delve into the concept of survivorship bias and the challenges researchers face when trying to find original sources for this concept in finance and economics. We explore the limitations of using Google Scholar to search for seminal papers and the alternative option of using AI-powered chatbots like Chat GPT to provide quick responses. However, we also uncover the need for fact-checking and the potential errors that can arise from relying solely on AI models. Additionally, we examine the case of Abraham Wald, a prominent statistician, and his connection to survivorship bias, shedding light on the complexities surrounding this topic.

The Importance of Survivorship Bias

Survivorship bias is a concept widely discussed in the fields of finance and economics. It refers to the error in analysis that occurs when only considering the data or information from surviving subjects or objects, while disregarding those that did not survive or were excluded from the analysis. This bias can lead to skewed results and misleading conclusions if not properly accounted for. Understanding survivorship bias is crucial in various domains, such as investment strategies, historical analysis, and research methodology.

Google Scholar and Seminal Papers

For many researchers, Google Scholar has become a go-to platform for finding seminal papers and original sources. However, searching for specific papers can be a time-consuming and challenging task. Unlike a simple Google search that often provides a direct answer or link, searching for seminal papers on Google Scholar requires digging through reference lists and hoping to stumble upon a citation to the original source. Many researchers neglect to attribute ideas to their original sources, making the search for seminal papers arduous and sometimes unsuccessful.

Chat GPT: A Quick Response

To overcome the shortcomings of traditional search methods, AI-powered chatbots like Chat GPT have emerged as alternative sources of information. These models utilize vast amounts of data and natural language processing to produce quick responses to queries. In the case of survivorship bias, Chat GPT was able to attribute it to the work of Abraham Wald, a statistician renowned for his contributions in various fields. It even provided a fascinating backstory about armor plating during World War II. The speed and seemingly accurate response made Chat GPT an appealing option for researchers seeking efficient information retrieval.

Fact-Checking and Doubts

While the response from Chat GPT seemed promising, recent examples of confident yet erroneous responses from AI models raised concerns about the need for fact-checking. To verify the accuracy of the provided information, the author decided to cross-reference the response using Google Scholar. However, the search for the referenced paper yielded no results, casting doubt on the credibility of Chat GPT's response. This prompted further investigation into the connection between Abraham Wald and survivorship bias.

The Search for Abraham Wald

With Google Scholar failing to recognize the paper attributed to Abraham Wald, the author turned to other avenues to Trace the origins of survivorship bias. Accessing the Annals of Mathematical Statistics, the author explored the volume and issues Relevant to the provided details. Unfortunately, no trace of a paper by Abraham Wald on survivorship bias was found. This raised questions about the accuracy of the information provided by Chat GPT and led to more in-depth research into Wald's work.

Abraham Wald and the Wild Test

Abraham Wald was indeed a prominent statistician who made significant contributions in various areas, including the development of the Wald Test. However, his research on survivorship bias, as alleged by Chat GPT, was nowhere to be found. Further investigation unveiled an unpublished 1943 U.S. Navy working paper by Wald titled "A Method of Estimating Plane Vulnerability Based on Damage of Survivors." This research demonstrated the logical error of adding armor plate to sections of planes that had returned from combat. The rational approach, as Wald argued, was to add armor to the least damaged parts, as those were the areas hit on planes that did not survive the mission.

The Murky Waters of Survivorship Bias

The case of Abraham Wald and survivorship bias highlights the complexities and inaccuracies that can arise when relying solely on AI-generated responses or incomplete information. While Wald's work on aircraft survivability showcased his expertise, it did not Align with the specific claims made by Chat GPT. This emphasizes the need for critical analysis and fact-checking in research, even when using AI models as a resource. Engaging with scholarly sources and verifying information from multiple angles is essential to ensure accurate and reliable findings.

AI Hallucination and the Consequences

The concept of AI hallucination comes into play when AI models, like Chat GPT, confidently provide responses that are either partially true or entirely false. These hallucinations can occur due to the model's ability to combine different pieces of information into a coherent narrative, despite lacking accuracy or verification. The consequences of such hallucinations can be detrimental, leading researchers astray and promoting the spread of misinformation. It serves as a reminder that reliance on AI models should be complemented with critical thinking and thorough fact-checking.

Cautionary Tales of AI in Research

The case of survivorship bias and AI hallucination serves as a cautionary tale for researchers relying on AI models for information. While AI technology continues to advance, it is essential to approach it with skepticism and employ critical thinking skills. Fact-checking and verification remain crucial steps to avoid falling victim to false or misleading information. As AI continues to evolve, researchers must strike a balance between utilizing its capabilities and maintaining a responsible and critical approach to knowledge acquisition.


The Journey to understand survivorship bias and Abraham Wald's connection to it has shed light on the challenges researchers face when searching for seminal papers. While AI-powered chatbots like Chat GPT offer quick responses and seemingly accurate information, the importance of fact-checking cannot be overstated. The case study serves as a reminder of the limitations of AI models and the need for human involvement in research. By combining AI's efficiency with critical thinking and thorough analysis, researchers can navigate the complexities of knowledge acquisition with greater accuracy and confidence.

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