Unleashing Collaborative Creativity: An Inside Look at Facet and Live Blocks

Unleashing Collaborative Creativity: An Inside Look at Facet and Live Blocks

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meet Kyle Shaffer
  3. About Facet and its Mission
  4. Kyle's Experience at Facet
  5. The Creation of Promptest
  6. Promptest: A Multiplayer Image Synthesis Canvas
  7. The Concept behind Promptest
  8. Features of Promptest
    1. Presence and Avatars
    2. Cursor Sharing
    3. Watching Other Users
    4. Real-time Updates
  9. Impact on End Users
  10. Technology Stack at Facet
  11. Integration of Live Blocks and Promptest
  12. Handling Custom Permissions and Authentication
  13. Impact of Live Blocks on Facet
  14. Collaboration with the Live Blocks Team
  15. The Future of Collaborative Experiences
  16. Try Promptest and Explore Facet

Building the Future of AI Image Generation: An Inside Look at Facet and Promptest

💡 Introduction

In this article, we will delve into the world of Facet, a company at the forefront of AI image generation, and explore one of its groundbreaking products, Promptest. Get ready to meet Kyle Shaffer, a passionate software engineer who has been instrumental in Facet's mission to redefine AI-based creative content generation.

👨‍💻 Meet Kyle Shaffer

Kyle Shaffer is a software engineer at Facet, where he has been working for over three and a half years. With a strong background in full-stack engineering, user experience, and design, Kyle plays a vital role in the development of innovative products at Facet. His expertise has contributed significantly to the growth and success of the company.

🏢 About Facet and its Mission

Facet is on a mission to Shape the future of AI image generation. With a dedicated team and a focus on cutting-edge technologies, Facet aims to revolutionize the way images and content are produced using AI and machine learning. Their commitment to pushing boundaries and creating exciting new products has positioned Facet as a leading player in the field.

💼 Kyle's Experience at Facet

During his tenure at Facet, Kyle has witnessed the company's tremendous growth and evolution. Joining in the summer of 2019, he became a vital part of Facet's expanding team. As a remote employee, Kyle embodies the culture of remote work, bringing his expertise and enthusiasm to every project he undertakes.

🚀 The Creation of Promptest

One of Facet's most exciting projects is Promptest. Initially developed during a hack week, Promptest quickly gained popularity within the company. With the goal of creating a multiplayer image synthesis canvas, the team behind Promptest worked tirelessly to bring the project to life. The positive response and the fun factor prompted them to invest more time in refining and scaling the product.

⚡ Promptest: A Multiplayer Image Synthesis Canvas

Promptest is a multiplayer image synthesis canvas that allows users to generate images using AI and machine learning models. What sets Promptest apart is its ability to enable collaboration in real-time. Users can join a room, enter a text prompt, and watch as the AI generates an image based on their input. They can then place the image on the canvas, move it around, and work alongside other users.

🔎 The Concept behind Promptest

Promptest was conceptualized as a tool for creative collaboration and inspiration. During the creative week at Facet, the team realized the potential of multiplayer editing and the ability to learn from and adapt to one another's work. Promptest became a platform where users could work in proximity, be inspired by each other's ideas, and create something new and interesting collaboratively.

🎨 Features of Promptest

Promptest offers several features that enhance the collaborative experience:

  1. Presence and Avatars: Upon joining a room, users' avatars become visible, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie.

  2. Cursor Sharing: Users can see others' cursor positions, allowing them to follow along and gain insights into their workflow.

  3. Watching Other Users: Promptest enables users to observe and learn from one another by mimicking another user's view state, allowing for real-time observation and learning.

  4. Real-time Updates: Promptest provides a seamless, real-time experience with Instant updates on image additions, selections, and text prompts. This ensures users are always in sync, regardless of their actions.

🚀 Impact on End Users

Promptest's multiplayer features have had a significant impact on end users. While users might not work on the same thing simultaneously, they appreciate the proximity and the ability to learn and be inspired by others' work. Promptest enables users to collaborate, adapt, and build on one another's ideas. The ability to duplicate objects and modify them has spurred creativity and facilitated group collaboration in unprecedented ways.

💻 Technology Stack at Facet

Facet utilizes a modern and robust technology stack to bring their vision to life. The primary technologies and frameworks employed include:

  • Next.js: Facet utilizes Next.js, a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications.

  • TypeScript: TypeScript's static typing ensures code robustness, enhancing the development process and minimizing errors.

  • React: React, a widely adopted JavaScript library, powers Facet's user interfaces, enabling smooth and interactive experiences.

  • Serverless Functions: By leveraging serverless functions, Facet can effortlessly handle backend logic, providing scalable and efficient solutions.

🔗 Integration of Live Blocks and Promptest

Promptest seamlessly incorporates Live Blocks, a powerful real-time collaboration platform, to enable multiplayer features. Live Blocks allowed Facet to tackle complex featuressuch as simultaneous editing and real-time data synchronization with ease. With Live Blocks handling the intricate aspects of collaboration, Facet could focus on their core expertise of AI image generation and providing a cutting-edge user experience.

🔒 Handling Custom Permissions and Authentication

To ensure privacy and security, Promptest implemented custom permissions and authentication features. By integrating with Superbase, a database provider, Promptest achieved granular access control and authentication. Users have the freedom to control who can access their rooms, allowing for private collaboration. Live Blocks, along with Next.js serverless functions, played a vital role in seamlessly implementing authentication and providing a reliable and secure experience.

💥 Impact of Live Blocks on Facet

The incorporation of Live Blocks has had a profound impact on Facet's workflow and product development. By offloading the complex aspects of real-time collaboration to Live Blocks, Facet can focus on its core competencies and differentiate itself in the market. Live Blocks has accelerated time-to-market, streamlined development, and empowered Facet to deliver unique and impactful experiences to its users. The collaboration with the Live Blocks team has been instrumental in driving success and facilitating ongoing innovation.

🙌 Collaboration with the Live Blocks Team

Facet has had a positive and fruitful collaboration with the Live Blocks team. Alongside the initial conversations with Live Blocks' founders, Facet has actively engaged with the Live Blocks community and support channels, such as Discord. This open line of communication has enabled Prompt issue resolution, the exchange of ideas, and gaining insights from other Live Blocks users. Live Blocks has provided reliable support, prompt responses, and valuable guidance throughout Facet's journey.

🌟 The Future of Collaborative Experiences

Facet firmly believes that collaborative experiences are the future of software development. As the world becomes increasingly connected, the demand for seamless collaboration solutions will only grow. Facet will continue to invest in collaborative technologies, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. By embracing the power of Live Blocks and AI image generation, Facet aims to shape the future of creative collaboration and change the way content is produced and shared.

🔗 Try Promptest and Explore Facet

Are you ready to experience the power of collaborative image generation? Visit prompt.ist to try out Promptest. Sign up for an account, dive into a room, and unleash your creativity alongside other users. Promptest is a free platform that provides an immersive and dynamic environment for image synthesis and creative collaboration.

To explore more of Facet's innovative products and stay up to date with their latest developments, visit facet.ai. Discover the future of AI image generation at Facet and unleash your creativity like never before.


  • Facet, a leader in AI image generation, introduces Promptest, a multiplayer image synthesis canvas.
  • Promptest enables real-time collaboration, allowing users to generate AI-driven images together.
  • Users can watch, learn, and adapt to each other's work in a creative and inspiring environment.
  • Facet leverages Live Blocks to handle complex real-time collaboration features seamlessly.
  • Promptest's impact on end users includes enhanced creativity, inspiration, and efficient teamwork.
  • Facet utilizes a modern technology stack, including Next.js, TypeScript, and React, to power their products.
  • Live Blocks ensures secure and customizable permissions and authentication for Promptest.
  • The integration of Live Blocks has provided Facet with accelerated development and improved time-to-market.
  • The collaboration with the Live Blocks team has been excellent, with prompt support and valuable insights.
  • Facet believes collaborative experiences are the future of software development and will continue innovating with Live Blocks.


Q: How can I try Promptest? A: To experience Promptest firsthand, visit prompt.ist and sign up for an account. You can immediately dive into a room and start generating AI-driven images collaboratively.

Q: How does Promptest enhance collaboration? A: Promptest allows real-time collaboration by enabling users to join a room, watch others work, and adapt and build on each other's ideas. The multiplayer canvas and cursor sharing features create a dynamic environment for creativity and teamwork.

Q: What technologies power Facet's products? A: Facet utilizes a robust technology stack, including Next.js, TypeScript, and React. These technologies, along with serverless functions, ensure exceptional performance and user experiences.

Q: How does Live Blocks contribute to Promptest's success? A: Live Blocks handles the complex aspects of real-time collaboration, such as data synchronization and simultaneous editing. By integrating Live Blocks, Facet can focus on its core expertise of AI image generation and providing an immersive user experience.

Q: What is the future of collaborative experiences at Facet? A: Facet believes that collaborative experiences are crucial in the future of software development. By leveraging technologies like AI, machine learning, and Live Blocks, Facet aims to redefine collaborative creativity and revolutionize how content is produced and shared.

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