Unleashing the Power of AI: Enhancing Web3 Development

Unleashing the Power of AI: Enhancing Web3 Development

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
  3. AI Technology Development 3.1 Building AI Infrastructure 3.2 Building AI-Powered Applications 3.3 Using AI as a Productivity Tool
  4. Combining AI with Web3
  5. The Pros and Cons of Abandoning Web3 for AI
  6. Should You Use AI as a Web3 Developer?
  7. The Future of Web3 and AI
  8. Conclusion

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a tremendous boom, captivating the attention of developers across various industries. This phenomenon has prompted some web developers, who I refer to as AI traitors, to jump ship and pursue careers in AI. Today, we will explore whether abandoning web development in favor of AI is a wise decision. So, if you're new here, I'm Julian, and on Either Blocks, I'm here to help you become a web development expert, enabling you to earn more money, gain more freedom, and work on projects you love. If you haven't been paying attention, let me fill you in on the AI scene.

AI technology took a significant leap forward in 2022 with the release of a revolutionary AI Tool called chat GPT. This tool left the tech community in awe and triggered a rush into the realm of AI. Simultaneously, the crypto industry faced a slew of setbacks, reaching its nadir with the resignation of SBF, the least altruistic member of the cryptocurrency community and the ex-CEO of FTX. These two major trends led some web developers to question the viability of web3 and contemplate a switch to AI. But if you decide to delve into AI, what exactly would you do? Let's explore the three primary pathways for developers to enter the world of AI.

AI Technology Development

The first option for getting involved in AI as a developer is to work on the technology itself. This involves building the AI infrastructure - the low-level components and APIs that other developers will utilize. For instance, you could develop an API that enables the use of pretrained models such as the chat GPT API or an API that facilitates model training while handling the heavy lifting, like certain APIs provided by AWS or Microsoft. However, it's important to note that this kind of work is exceptionally challenging and requires exceptional talent. It cannot be acquired over a casual weekend with a Udemy Course. Furthermore, there's no need for a large number of developers to focus on this aspect as only a few companies build such AI infrastructure. Building this infrastructure is difficult, expensive, and once established, can be utilized by numerous developers. Hence, most developers will use existing AI infrastructure instead of constructing it themselves.

Building AI-Powered Applications

The next option for participating in AI as a developer is to build applications that leverage AI for specific features. For example, famous maker Levels.io has developed several AI-powered apps, including one that generates AI avatars from existing pictures and another that suggests design ideas for interior decoration. Fascinatingly, you don't need to be an AI expert to build such applications. All you need to do is utilize an AI API and display the results in a front-end interface. Knowledge-wise, you only need a solid understanding of building regular web applications and utilizing APIs. Moreover, these apps don't need to revolve entirely around AI; AI features can be incorporated for specific functionalities, while the end user may not even be aware that AI is utilized. In the context of web3, it is quite feasible to combine AI with web development, incorporating AI features into web3 applications utilizing separate AI APIs that are unrelated to Blockchain technology.

Using AI as a productivity Tool

Another way to engage with AI is by utilizing it as a tool to enhance your productivity as a developer. Tools like chat GPT and GitHub COPILOT can serve as superior alternatives to Stack Overflow, assisting with Code Refactoring and bug detection. These tools are indeed impressive, to the extent that some developers fear losing their jobs. However, at Present, they are not powerful enough to fully replace the skills of experienced developers. While they may replace certain tasks typically performed by junior developers, they still require human oversight to ensure correct code implementation and the integration of different components. In the context of web3, the issue of smart contract security further underscores the necessity of human intervention. Considering the substantial sums of money involved in smart contracts, it is crucial to have human developers review the code generated by chat GPT to eliminate any potential security vulnerabilities.

Combining AI with Web3

So, should you abandon web3 for AI? Well, that's the wrong question to ask. AI is a tool that can be utilized across various niches, enhancing the capabilities of applications while empowering developers. Instead, the better question is whether you should incorporate AI into your web3 development endeavors. And the answer is a resounding yes! As a web3 developer, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with AI APIs that can augment your web3 applications with AI features. Additionally, learning how to leverage tools like chat GPT and GitHub Copilot can make you a more efficient developer. It's important to remember that web3 still has a promising future, despite any negative hype in mainstream media or short-term price fluctuations. What truly matters is the actions of major companies, and it's undeniable that they are wholeheartedly embracing the crypto industry in 2023. To gain further insight into this topic, I highly recommend watching this motivating video. That's it for today, goodbye!


  1. Artificial intelligence has witnessed a significant rise, attracting web developers' attention.
  2. Some developers are abandoning web3 for AI, triggering a discussion around its viability.
  3. Three ways to get into AI as a developer: building AI infrastructure, building AI-powered applications, and using AI as a productivity tool.
  4. Combining AI with web3 can enhance web development.
  5. Pros and cons of abandoning web3 for AI.
  6. Web3 developers should incorporate AI to improve their applications.
  7. The future of web3 and AI is promising.
  8. Ignore sensationalist media and short-term fluctuations; focus on the actions of major companies in the crypto industry.

FAQ: Q: Is it necessary for web developers to switch to AI? A: No, it is not necessary for web developers to switch to AI. It depends on individual interests and career goals. Incorporating AI into web development can enhance applications but is not a prerequisite.

Q: Is building AI infrastructure a viable career option? A: Building AI infrastructure requires exceptional talent and is limited to a few companies. While it offers exciting opportunities, it is not the only way to get involved in AI.

Q: Can developers without AI expertise build AI-powered applications? A: Yes, developers without AI expertise can build AI-powered applications by utilizing AI APIs and integrating them into their applications. In-depth AI knowledge is not required for basic utilization.

Q: Will AI Tools replace human developers? A: AI tools like chat GPT and GitHub Copilot can enhance developer productivity but are not capable of fully replacing human developers. Human oversight and expertise are still vital for ensuring code correctness and security.


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