Unleashing the Power of AI: Redesigning the Information Space

Unleashing the Power of AI: Redesigning the Information Space

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the Speaker
  2. The Importance of Redesigning Information Space
  3. The Concept of Application-Centric Information Space
  4. Information Entities and Transformable Representations
  5. The Power of Attributes as Information Entities
  6. Composing Complex Information with Attributes
  7. Enhancing Visualizations with Encodings
  8. Context-Aware Behaviors and Activity-Specific Structures
  9. The Potential of Transformable Representations
  10. The Activity Layer: Structuring Workflow and Collaboration

🔮 Redesigning Information Space for Human-AI Collaboration

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, information is more abundant than ever before. We are constantly generating, consuming, and sharing vast amounts of data across a variety of applications. However, the current information space, which is largely application-centric, presents significant challenges for effective human-AI collaboration. In this article, we will explore the concept of redesigning information space to better support human-AI collaboration. By breaking free from the constraints of individual applications and embracing a fluid, transformable representation of information, we can unlock new possibilities for creativity and productivity.

Introduction to the Speaker

Let's begin by introducing the speaker, Hyun from UC San Diego. Hyun is an assistant professor and a member of the Design Lab at UC San Diego. His expertise lies in exploring tools for empowering people's creativity through the lens of distributed cognition and cognitive science. With a deep understanding of the representations and context at play in systems, Hyun is at the forefront of envisioning the future of user interface toolkits and conceptual models.

The Importance of Redesigning Information Space

At the World Economic Forum, there has been a growing recognition of AI as the new electricity, driving a new industrial revolution. This analogy prompts us to consider how previous transformative technologies were adopted and what changes were necessary to fully leverage their potential. Looking back at the first Industrial Revolution, driven by the steam engine, we can draw parallels with the current paradigm shift in how information is manufactured and processed.

In the past, each factory had a massive steam engine that distributed power to individual machines through rotating axles and belts. The factory layout was designed to accommodate this power distribution system. However, when electricity became available, factory owners simply replaced the steam engine with electric motors, without redesigning the layout or workflow. It took the redesign of the layout and manufacturing workflow, leveraging the flexibility of electricity, for productivity to skyrocket. Similarly, we should consider redesigning the information space to support human-AI collaboration in this new era of AI-driven information production.

The Concept of Application-Centric Information Space

Currently, our information space is largely application-centric. We have millions of applications, each designed for specific tasks with specific representations and tools. However, these applications only provide a narrow view of our activities, as each application focuses on a specific tool or task. In reality, our activities involve multiple applications, and the process is far from a clean, hierarchical structure.

Consider the process of creating a video or preparing a report. It requires using multiple applications, such as spreadsheets, documents, image editing software, and video editing tools, among others. The coordination of these diverse applications and the interdependencies among different pieces of information can be incredibly challenging. Changing even a small detail can trigger cascading effects throughout the entire workflow. The current application-centric approach leaves users to manage these complexities and balance the coordination of information themselves.

Information Entities and Transformable Representations

To address the limitations of the application-centric information space, we can start by reimagining information as entities that can be directly accessed and flexibly associated with each other. This perspective allows us to explore new behaviors and interactions with information. One way to achieve this is by treating attributes as information entities.

In the field of graphical user interface design, attributes play a crucial role in defining objects' properties. By reimagining attributes as objects themselves, with tangible properties and behaviors that can be interacted with, we can create a more fluid and modular approach to information design. This enables the composition of complex information by combining attributes together.

Through transformable representations, we can freely switch between different levels of representation. This allows us to work with information at different levels of granularity, from pixels to objects, and even at the level of entire documents or datasets. By providing the flexibility to interact with information at various levels of detail, we can better facilitate creative thinking and exploration.

The Power of Attributes as Information Entities

By treating attributes as information entities, we can unlock new possibilities for information design and composition. Attributes are no longer just numbers or text; they become objects with their own representations, context, and behaviors. This enables users to interact with attributes in a more intuitive and Meaningful way.

For example, in a drawing application, attributes like color or size can be treated as objects that can be directly manipulated. By tapping on an attribute object, sub-attributes or effects can be accessed and modified. This seamless interaction with attributes allows for more flexible and dynamic information design.

Composing Complex Information with Attributes

One of the key advantages of treating attributes as information entities is the ability to Compose complex information through the combination of attributes. Using a drawing system called Object Oriented Drawing, attributes are represented as objects that can be combined to create more complex visual elements.

For example, a star geometry attribute, a color attribute, and a blur attribute can be combined to create a star template with customizable visual properties. This modular approach to information design allows for greater flexibility and ease in creating complex visualizations.

Enhancing Visualizations with Encodings

Visual encodings play a crucial role in data visualization by mapping data attributes to visual properties such as color, size, or position. By combining visual attributes with data attributes, we can create powerful visual encodings that enable more expressive and informative visualizations.

In the Data Ink system, data attributes are represented as objects that can be encoded using visual attributes. This allows for dynamic visualizations where changing the data attributes automatically updates the visual encodings. Users can easily explore different visual representations of the data by manipulating the visual and data encodings.

Context-Aware Behaviors and Activity-Specific Structures

In order to fully leverage the potential of transformable representations and information entities, it is important to consider context-aware behaviors and activity-specific structures. Context-aware behaviors ensure that information entities can adapt to the user's needs and tasks, providing Relevant recommendations and suggestions.

For example, in a collaborative video editing system, information entities can analyze the user's conversation and recommend relevant content or actions. This context-awareness allows for a more seamless and efficient collaboration between humans and AI.

Activity-specific structures, on the other HAND, provide scaffoldings for users' workflows and help organize information in a way that is tailored to specific activities or tasks. By structuring the information space according to the activity at hand, users can better navigate and manage their information, leading to improved productivity and creativity.

The Potential of Transformable Representations

Transformable representations offer a new way of interacting with information, allowing users to fluidly switch between different levels of detail and granularity. By embracing transformable representations, we can break free from the constraints of individual applications and explore new possibilities for information design and collaboration.

Imagine being able to seamlessly transition from editing individual pixels to manipulating entire objects or documents, all within a single interface. Transformable representations enable this level of flexibility, empowering users to work with information in a way that aligns with their cognitive processes and creative thinking.

The Activity Layer: Structuring Workflow and Collaboration

In addition to the information layer, the activity layer plays a crucial role in structuring workflow and collaboration. By providing a common ground for humans and AI, the activity layer ensures alignment and facilitates effective communication and collaboration.

Through activity-specific structures, users can organize and structure their workflows in a way that suits their specific tasks and needs. Whether it's planning a video project or creating a data-driven story, the activity layer provides scaffoldings and tools that enable users to manage and collaborate on complex information in a seamless manner.

By embracing the redesign of information space and leveraging transformable representations and activity structures, we can foster a more effective and efficient collaboration between humans and AI. By breaking free from the constraints of individual applications and embracing a fluid, context-aware, and transformable information space, we can unlock the full potential of human-AI collaboration.


  • Redesigning information space to support human-AI collaboration

  • Treating attributes as information entities and enabling dynamic composition of complex information

  • Enhancing visualizations with powerful visual encodings and transforming representations at different levels of granularity

  • Leveraging context-aware behaviors and activity-specific structures to improve productivity and creativity

  • Breaking free from the constraints of individual applications and embracing a fluid, transformable information space

  • Structuring workflow and collaboration through the activity layer


Q: How does redesigning information space benefit AI collaboration?

A: Redesigning information space enables fluid interaction, flexibility, and improved coordination between humans and AI. It allows for seamless exploration and manipulation of information at different levels of granularity, leading to enhanced creativity and productivity in collaboration.

Q: Are there any limitations to the concept of transformable representations?

A: While transformable representations offer many advantages, there are challenges in maintaining coherence and understanding when switching between representations. It is important to establish clear linkages between different representations and provide users with control over the transformation process.

Q: How can context-aware behaviors enhance collaboration with AI?

A: Context-aware behaviors enable AI systems to analyze user conversations and provide relevant recommendations and suggestions. By understanding the context, AI systems can better assist users in their tasks and provide more accurate and targeted support.

Q: How does the activity layer structure workflow and collaboration?

A: The activity layer provides scaffoldings and structures tailored to specific tasks and activities. By organizing information and providing tools that Align with the user's workflow, the activity layer enables efficient collaboration, improves communication, and enhances overall productivity.


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