Unleashing the Power of AI: The Fruit of Our Modern Technology

Unleashing the Power of AI: The Fruit of Our Modern Technology

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jesus, the True Word of God
  3. Distortions of the God of the Old Testament
  4. The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
  5. The Catalyst for Revelation: Luciferianism and Satanism
  6. Knowledge: Good or Bad?
  7. Protecting Innocence
  8. The Tragedy of Rebellion
  9. The Increase of Knowledge in the Last Days
  10. Artificial Intelligence and the Delusion of Superiority
  11. Our Loving Heavenly Father's Protection
  12. The Continuing Story of Rebellion
  13. Putting the Old Testament in Perspective
  14. Conclusion

Jesus, the True Word of God

Jesus, We Are told in the opening to John's Gospel, was not an afterthought. He was not sent to lift up Moses and Moses' revelation of God. Nor was he sent to be executed in an effort to get people to listen to the Apostle Paul. Jesus, in fact, was the true Word of God in the flesh. According to John, Jesus has been alive and well from the beginning of the world, eons before Moses was even thought of.

The five books of Moses start out with the line, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." But John's Good News about Jesus gives us a closer look at that great Creator God when he says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and, without him, was not anything made that was made." John goes on to tell us that this Word became flesh in the form of Jesus, not Moses, not Paul, and not some stone tablets which have since been lost.

In that same opening chapter of John's Gospel, John declares, "The LAW came through Moses, but GRACE... and TRUTH... real truth... perfect truth... eternal truth came through Jesus Christ." Jesus Christ, he said! The Word of God! Not Moses.

Without Jesus, the best we get from Moses is legalism; whereas in Jesus we discover true Grace and a far greater revelation of Truth even in the Old Testament than was ever grasped by mankind before Jesus came to share his message for the world.

Somehow, along the way, there have been some terrible distortions of the God of the Old Testament. That is my somewhat lengthy introduction to this whole series of four videos. Now, in the light of that introduction, I want to look very briefly at that one story from the book of Genesis, where a loving God says to Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, that they can enjoy all the benefits of God's own special beautiful garden, but only if they would agree not to eat from one tree, a tree whose fruit is called "The Knowledge of Good and Evil."


The story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden has captured the imaginations of people for centuries. It raises questions about the nature of God, the purpose of knowledge, and the challenges of rebellion. In this article, we will Delve into the deeper meanings of this ancient tale and Seek to understand its relevance in our lives today.

Jesus, the True Word of God

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus is described as the true Word of God. He is not secondary to Moses or any other human messenger. Jesus existed from the very beginning, before Moses and the creation of the world. In him, we find the embodiment of grace, truth, and a deeper understanding of God. Without Jesus, the teachings of Moses can lead to legalism, but through Jesus, we discover the fullness of grace and truth that was previously unseen.

Distortions of the God of the Old Testament

Throughout history, there have been distortions of the God portrayed in the Old Testament. Some have suggested that Jehovah, the God of Jews and Christians, sought to keep mankind ignorant and hide his true nature. These distortions often stem from the influence of Luciferianism and Satanism, which claim that Lucifer liberated humanity by granting access to knowledge. However, Jesus provides a different perspective, referring to Jehovah as "the Father" and revealing both his authority and his love. By seeing Jehovah as a loving Father, rather than an authoritarian dictator, we can gain a clearer understanding of the Old Testament.

The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

One of the most famous stories from the Old Testament is the tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God placed them in a paradise and gave them access to everything except one tree - the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent, representing temptation, convinced Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree, leading to the fall of mankind. But what was God's intention behind this rule?

The Catalyst for Revelation: Luciferianism and Satanism

The story of the Garden of Eden has been appropriated by Luciferians and Satanists to support their beliefs. According to them, Jehovah wanted to keep mankind ignorant and Lucifer offered liberation through knowledge. They argue that Adam and Eve should have disobeyed God and become like gods themselves. Knowledge, they claim, is inherently good, but is this truly the case? Were Adam and Eve being deprived of something beneficial, or was it God's loving protection?

Knowledge: Good or Bad?

The question of whether knowledge is inherently good or bad is a complex one. While knowledge can bring forth positive advancements and understanding, it can also lead to arrogance and rebellion when misused. God, as a loving Father, understands that there is a time and place for knowledge. Like parents protecting their young children from certain truths until they are ready, God sought to shelter Adam and Eve from the knowledge of good and evil until the right moment.

Protecting Innocence

Just as parents shield their children from the harsh realities of life, God wanted to protect Adam and Eve's innocence in the Garden of Eden. He wanted to shelter them from the knowledge of evil for as long as possible, knowing that once they tasted it, there would be no turning back. In God's eyes, this was an act of love and care for his children.

The Tragedy of Rebellion

Despite God's protective intentions, Adam and Eve chose to rebel and eat from the tree of knowledge. This act of disobedience led to consequences and suffering for humanity. In many ways, this tragedy is replicated in families today, as teenagers question and rebel against their parents' rules. The allure of forbidden fruit and the belief that they know better than their parents can have devastating consequences on their lives.

The Increase of Knowledge in the Last Days

The Bible predicts that knowledge shall be increased in the last days. We are currently experiencing an exponential growth of knowledge Never seen before in human history. However, this increase in knowledge does not necessarily equate to wisdom or a better understanding of God. In fact, when knowledge is divorced from God's guidance, it can lead to a distorted view of reality and a deluded Sense of superiority.

Artificial Intelligence and the Delusion of Superiority

One area where the delusion of superiority is evident is in the field of artificial intelligence. While advancements in AI technology are impressive, they do not compare to the complexity and creativity of God's creation. Humans, with all their knowledge, cannot replicate even the fundamental processes of life. The belief that AI will surpass humanity, as some scientists suggest, is an arrogant and delusional Notion that underestimates the power and wisdom of our Creator.

Our Loving Heavenly Father's Protection

In understanding the story of Adam and Eve, it is essential to recognize the love and protection of our heavenly Father. He seeks to shield us from evil and guide us towards what is best for us, even if we may not fully grasp it at the time. God's rules and teachings are designed for our good and are intended to lead us to a fulfilling and abundant life.

The Continuing Story of Rebellion

Just as rebellion persisted throughout history, it continues to be present in our modern world. Many still believe they know better than God and reject his guidance. The allure of the forbidden fruit and the desire for independence can blind individuals to the consequences of their actions. The tragedy of rebellion plays out in families, communities, and societies, leading to suffering and destruction.

Putting the Old Testament in Perspective

In light of Jesus' teachings, we can put the Old Testament into proper perspective. Jesus reveals the true nature of God and his loving character. Without Jesus, we are left with a legalistic interpretation of the Old Testament, devoid of grace and a deeper understanding of truth. By embracing Jesus as the cornerstone, we can fully appreciate the loving Father God portrayed throughout the Old Testament.


In conclusion, the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden raises profound questions about God, knowledge, and rebellion. By recognizing Jesus as the true Word of God and understanding the loving intentions behind God's rules, we can navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and discernment. Let us embrace the protection and guidance of our heavenly Father, and reject the delusions and distortions that seek to separate us from the truth.

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