Unlock Longer Texts with ChatGPT Hack

Unlock Longer Texts with ChatGPT Hack

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Limitations of ChatGPT
  3. Methods to Increase Word Count
    • Method 1: Using Characters instead of Words
    • Method 2: Using Paragraphs instead of Words
  4. Testing Different Platforms
    • Testing with ChatGPT
    • Testing with OpenAI Playground
    • Testing with Claude
  5. Pros and Cons of Increasing Word Count
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore one of the biggest challenges of using ChatGPT - the difficulty of generating longer outputs. Typically, the word count of ChatGPT ranges from 300 to 600 words, which may not be sufficient for certain applications. However, there are various methods that claim to increase the word count, and we will put them to the test.

The Limitations of ChatGPT

Before diving into the methods, it's important to understand the limitations of ChatGPT. This AI model tends to cap out at around 600 words, which can be even lower when using platforms like Claude. This poses a problem for those who require longer outputs. However, with the help of certain techniques, it is possible to trick the AI model and generate more text.

Methods to Increase Word Count

Method 1: Using Characters instead of Words

One suggested method is to change the prompt from words to characters. On average, there are approximately 4.7 characters per word, so by asking ChatGPT to generate a specific character count, we may be able to obtain a higher word count. However, this method has shown varying success rates and might not be effective in all cases.

Method 2: Using Paragraphs instead of Words

Another method that has shown promise is asking ChatGPT to write a certain number of paragraphs instead of words. By breaking down the text into smaller sections, we can potentially increase the overall word count. This approach gives us more control over the length of the output, allowing for a more natural flow of text.

Testing Different Platforms

To determine the effectiveness of these methods, we conducted tests on multiple platforms including ChatGPT and OpenAI Playground. We also explored the limitations of using the Claude platform.

Testing with ChatGPT

When testing ChatGPT, we initially asked it to generate 1000 words, but it only produced 435 words. Switching to characters resulted in a slight increase, with 517 words generated. However, when requesting 80 paragraphs, the output significantly improved, yielding 974 words. Asking ChatGPT to focus on paragraphs seems to be the most effective way to increase the word count.

Testing with OpenAI Playground

Similar results were observed when testing on OpenAI Playground. ChatGPT performed better with word and character counts, and the Paragraph method yielded similar outputs. However, asking for paragraphs still resulted in slightly higher word counts.

Testing with Claude

Unfortunately, Claude struggled with generating longer outputs. When tested on both the po.com and OpenAI Playground platforms, the word count was consistently lower compared to ChatGPT. Generating longer Texts with Claude may require splitting the content into smaller chunks or accepting a maximum of around 400 words per output.

Pros and Cons of Increasing Word Count

Increasing the word count can be beneficial for those who require longer texts. It allows for more detailed descriptions, explanations, and character development. On the other HAND, longer outputs may sacrifice natural flow and paragraph structure, potentially affecting the overall quality of the text.


In conclusion, if generating longer texts with ChatGPT is crucial, utilizing the method of asking for paragraphs rather than words or characters can significantly increase the word count. While this technique may not be suitable for every situation, it offers a solution for those who need more extensive outputs. Experimenting with different platforms and prompt variations is key to achieving optimal results.


  • ChatGPT has a word count limitation, usually capped at around 600 words.
  • Methods for increasing word count include using characters instead of words and asking for paragraphs.
  • Asking for paragraphs has shown promising results in significantly increasing the word count.
  • Testing on different platforms like ChatGPT, OpenAI Playground, and Claude revealed varying levels of effectiveness.
  • Increasing word count allows for more detailed content, but it may affect the natural flow and structure of the text.


Q: Can I use the same methods to increase word count with other AI models? A: While the methods discussed in this article specifically focus on ChatGPT, they can be experimented with other AI models as well. However, the results may vary.

Q: Will increasing the word count affect the accuracy of the generated content? A: Increasing the word count does not inherently impact the accuracy of the text. However, it is important to review the generated content for coherence and consistency.

Q: Are there any other techniques for maximizing word count with AI models? A: Apart from the methods discussed in this article, exploring different prompt variations, adjusting temperature settings, and experimenting with different AI models may yield further improvements in word count.

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