Unlock Sponsorships: Tips for Small Channels

Unlock Sponsorships: Tips for Small Channels

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Oliver's Story: From Student to Full-Time YouTuber
    • 2.1 Being a Student and Going Full-Time
    • 2.2 Generating Revenue from Brand Cooperations
    • 2.3 Overcoming Challenges in Pricing Yourself
  3. Leveraging Results and Tracking Success
    • 3.1 Setting Up UTM Tags for Tracking
    • 3.2 Proving ROI and Building Leverage
    • 3.3 Bundling Offerings and Creating Value
  4. Pitching and Communicating with Brands
    • 4.1 Negotiating Rate Increase
    • 4.2 Building Relationships with Brands
    • 4.3 Exploring Additional Opportunities
  5. Leveraging Video Production Skills
    • 5.1 Importance of Video Production
    • 5.2 Pitching Creative Content Production
    • 5.3 Charging for Video Production Services
  6. Conclusion

Oliver's Story: From Student to Full-Time YouTuber

Oliver's Journey from being a student to becoming a full-time YouTuber is inspiring not only for individuals within the YouTube community but for anyone looking to turn their passion into a successful career. As a student nearing the completion of his master's degree, Oliver took the leap to go full-time on YouTube, leveraging his growing subscriber base of 2,290 individuals. He shares his experiences and insights on how he was able to make this transition and generate revenue through brand cooperations.

Being a Student and Going Full-Time

Oliver's ability to pursue YouTube full-time while finishing his master's degree is a testament to his dedication and hard work. Unlike many student Creators who have to juggle multiple jobs, Oliver's success allowed him to solely focus on creating content for his Channel. This freedom not only provided him with the time and flexibility to produce high-quality videos but also paved the way for a successful career in digital media.

Generating Revenue from Brand Cooperations

To sustain himself financially and support his YouTube channel, Oliver relied on brand cooperations as his primary source of income. By partnering with brands that Align with his content and target audience, Oliver was able to secure long-term contracts. These partnerships include Aalto University, where Oliver is pursuing his master's degree, and a housing provider for Finnish students. These collaborations not only provided Oliver with financial stability but also allowed him to Continue creating valuable content for his viewers.

Overcoming Challenges in Pricing Yourself

One of the challenges Oliver faced in his journey as a YouTuber was undervaluing his services when he initially started. With only 1,000 subscribers, Oliver priced himself poorly, considering his channel a hobby or side hustle rather than a potential career path. However, as his channel grew and the demand for his content increased, Oliver found himself needing to Raise his prices to sustain his full-time pursuit of YouTube. He sought advice on how to overcome this challenge and find ways to price himself accurately in the beginning stages when his value may not be as evident.

Leveraging Results and Tracking Success

Tracking and analyzing results play a crucial role in demonstrating the value of a YouTube channel to potential brand partners. Oliver shares his strategies for effectively measuring the success of his content and proving return on investment (ROI) to his brand cooperations.

Setting Up UTM Tags for Tracking

Oliver utilized his background in digital marketing to implement UTM tags on all the links in his videos. By doing this, he could track click-through rates, sign-ups, and other metrics that resonated with his brand partners. Oliver regularly communicated these results to his partners, showcasing the impact of his content and enabling them to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Proving ROI and Building Leverage

One of the most powerful goals for Oliver, as well as any YouTuber, is to prove ROI and highlight the results they can deliver for brands. By showcasing the specific outcomes generated through his channel, such as increased sales or brand awareness, Oliver could Create leverage for future negotiations and potentially secure higher rates for his brand cooperations. Demonstrating the effectiveness of his content and the influence he wields among his audience is key in building long-lasting partnerships.

Bundling Offerings and Creating Value

Oliver explores the possibility of bundling his offerings to provide additional value to his brand partners. By expanding beyond brand sponsorships, he could offer services such as producing high-quality promotional videos or interviews with Relevant professionals. Bundling these services and providing personalized packages allows Oliver to demonstrate his expertise and add extra value to his brand cooperations.

Pitching and Communicating with Brands

Building and nurturing relationships with brands is crucial for establishing successful brand cooperations. Oliver shares his insights and strategies for effective pitching and communication with brands.

Negotiating Rate Increase

Oliver faced the challenge of raising his prices after initially underselling himself. He sought advice on how to negotiate a rate increase with his brand partners, considering that his value had significantly grown. By emphasizing the results he has consistently delivered and his plans for further growth, Oliver can present a compelling case for a rate increase and secure fair compensation for his work.

Building Relationships with Brands

Oliver emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with brands, both existing and potential partners. By cultivating Meaningful connections and regularly communicating with his brand cooperations, Oliver strengthens the partnership and increases the likelihood of future collaborations. Open and proactive communication helps manage expectations and fosters a mutually beneficial relationship.

Exploring Additional Opportunities

Oliver explores the potential for expanding his collaboration options beyond his Current brand cooperations. By diversifying his partnerships and seeking new opportunities, Oliver can increase his revenue streams and establish himself as a reputable content creator within the YouTube community. Exploring avenues such as sponsored shows or video production services allows Oliver to tap into his skills and further grow his channel.

Leveraging Video Production Skills

Oliver's background in video production has been instrumental in his success as a YouTuber. He discusses the significance of honing video production skills and how it contributes to building a successful YouTube channel.

Importance of Video Production

Oliver emphasizes the importance of high-quality video production in attracting and retaining viewers. By investing time and effort into learning video editing techniques and improving the visual aesthetics of his content, Oliver was able to differentiate himself from other creators and create a professional image for his channel. Stunning visuals and engaging storytelling are essential for building a dedicated audience.

Pitching Creative Content Production

Beyond his own channel, Oliver suggests pitching his video production services to brands and entities associated with his niche. He highlights the value he can provide in creating compelling and strategic content that aligns with their marketing goals. By utilizing his video production skills, Oliver can contribute to the growth and success of other businesses while generating additional income for himself.

Charging for Video Production Services

Oliver explores the idea of charging for video production services, specifically targeting brands in need of promotional or marketing videos. By positioning himself as an expert in digital marketing and video production, Oliver can offer high-end, strategic video production services at a premium rate. This allows him to monetize his skills and expand his income streams beyond brand cooperations.


Oliver's journey from being a student to becoming a full-time YouTuber serves as an inspiration for aspiring creators. His story highlights the importance of leveraging brand cooperations and continuously improving one's skills in video production and digital marketing. By building strong relationships with brands, tracking and proving ROI, and effectively pricing oneself, YouTubers can create a sustainable career on the platform. Oliver's success is a testament to the potential that lies within the YouTube landscape, and his story encourages others to pursue their passions and maximize their opportunities in the digital world.


  • Oliver successfully transitioned from being a student to becoming a full-time YouTuber, leveraging his growing subscriber base and brand cooperations.
  • Tracking and proving ROI is crucial for building partnerships with brands and negotiating fair rates.
  • Bundling offerings and expanding services beyond brand sponsorships can add value and create more revenue streams.
  • Building relationships and effective communication are key to maintaining successful brand cooperations.
  • Video production skills play a significant role in attracting and retaining viewers on YouTube.
  • Pitching video production services to brands can generate additional income and contribute to their marketing strategies.


Q: How did Oliver overcome the challenge of undervaluing himself in the beginning? A: Oliver learned from his initial mistake and focused on building his value and skills over time. He proves his worth by showcasing results, cultivating strong relationships with brands, and consistently delivering high-quality content.

Q: Can YouTubers charge for video production services beyond their own channels? A: Yes, YouTubers like Oliver can leverage their video production skills and pitch their services to brands for promotional or marketing videos. By demonstrating their expertise and the value they can provide, YouTubers can charge a premium rate for these services.

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