Unlock the Power of AI in Your Note-Taking with Our Plugin

Unlock the Power of AI in Your Note-Taking with Our Plugin

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Privacy and Security Concerns with AI-powered Plugins
  3. Alternatives to Hosted AI Services
  4. Indexing Notes for Conversational Capability
  5. Initializing and Using In-Memory Data Store
  6. Retrieving Relevant Information Using Retriever
  7. Using AI Model to Generate Answers
  8. Displaying Answers in Obsidian Plugin
  9. Summarizing Text and Adding Keywords
  10. Experimenting with Different Models and Prompts
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to build a plugin for Obsidian that leverages the power of AI without relying on ChatGPT. While there are several plugins available that integrate with ChatGPT, we will address the privacy and security concerns associated with such plugins. We will also discuss alternative solutions to using hosted AI services.

To enable an interactive conversational experience with your notes, we need to consider the challenge of handling large amounts of content. We will explore how to index the relevant parts of your notes using embeddings and Create an index within Obsidian. Additionally, we will cover the process of retrieving relevant information and using AI models to generate accurate answers. Finally, we will discuss how to display the answers within your Obsidian plugin and explore other features like text summarization and keyword extraction. So let's get started!

Privacy and Security Concerns with AI-powered Plugins

AI-powered plugins for Obsidian, such as those integrating with ChatGPT, come with privacy and security concerns. While these plugins offer exciting functionalities for note-taking, it's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with using hosted AI services. Issues like unauthorized access to your notes, misuse of sensitive information, and lack of control over data can arise when using these services. It is crucial to understand the privacy policy and data handling practices of any AI service provider before using their plugins.

Alternatives to Hosted AI Services

If You are concerned about the privacy and security implications of using hosted AI services, there are alternative solutions available. While Obsidian does not yet offer built-in alternatives, you can explore external options like Ollama, lmstudio, or gpt4all. These platforms provide AI capabilities without relying on external servers, giving you more control over your data. Ollama, for example, allows you to install and use AI models locally or on a self-hosted cloud instance. By utilizing such services, you can avoid the potential risks associated with hosted AI services.

Indexing Notes for Conversational Capability

To enable conversational capability within your Obsidian plugin, you need to create an index of your notes. Obsidian's built-in search functionality is limited to exact word and phrase matches, which may not be sufficient for capturing the conceptual meaning of your notes. To overcome this limitation, we will use embeddings to create an index that allows us to search for relevant concepts in our notes. This process involves understanding the meanings of words and their relationships within the text.

Initializing and Using In-Memory Data Store

When developing an Obsidian plugin, you can define actions that occur when the plugin is loaded, commands are triggered, or notes are opened. To create an index of your notes, you can utilize these plugin actions to process and analyze your notes' content. One approach is to initialize an in-memory data store, such as llamaindex or chroma db, to store and retrieve the indexed information. By initializing the data store and persisting the indexed data, you can optimize the plugin's performance and avoid reindexing every time the plugin is loaded.

Retrieving Relevant Information Using Retriever

To ask questions and get Meaningful answers from your notes, you need a mechanism to retrieve the relevant information. In Obsidian, this can be achieved using a retriever, which identifies the relevant chunks of text and returns them for further processing. By leveraging natural language processing and matching techniques, the retriever filters the notes' content Based on the provided query or prompt. By retrieving the most relevant sections of the notes, we can ensure accurate and contextually appropriate answers from the AI models.

Using AI Model to Generate Answers

Once we have retrieved the relevant information from our notes, we can pass it to an AI model to generate answers for the given query or prompt. There are various AI models available that can be utilized depending on your requirements. For example, the Ollama library provides access to different models like llama2, which can be downloaded locally or used on a self-hosted cloud instance. By formulating an appropriate system prompt and passing the relevant information to the model, we can obtain answers within a few seconds.

Displaying Answers in Obsidian Plugin

After generating the answers from the AI model, the next step is to display them appropriately within your Obsidian plugin. Depending on the design and functionality of your plugin, you can choose how to present the answers to the user. This may involve rendering them in a separate panel, as part of the note itself, or in a pop-up window. Ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience is essential when developing an Obsidian plugin, so consider the best way to display the answers based on your plugin's purpose and interface.

Summarizing Text and Adding Keywords

To enhance the connection between your notes and improve their accessibility, you can consider additional features like text summarization and keyword extraction. Summarizing the text allows users to get a high-level overview of the content, making it easier to digest and navigate through extensive notes. On the other HAND, extracting keywords helps to identify the most important terms and concepts within the text, enabling better categorization and linking between related notes. By integrating these features into your plugin, you can provide users with more efficient and effective note-taking capabilities.

Experimenting with Different Models and Prompts

To optimize the performance and accuracy of your AI-powered plugin, it's essential to experiment with different AI models and prompts. Different models may have varying input sizes and capabilities, so choosing the right model for your specific needs is crucial. Additionally, modifying the prompts or adjusting the model weights can yield different results, allowing you to tailor the generated answers to suit the desired outcome. By iteratively testing and refining your plugin with different models and prompts, you can ensure the best possible user experience.


Building an AI-powered plugin for Obsidian can greatly enhance the note-taking experience and enable powerful conversational capabilities. By considering privacy and security concerns, exploring alternative AI services, and utilizing indexing techniques, you can create a plugin that provides accurate and contextually relevant answers. With the ability to display answers seamlessly, summarize text, and incorporate keyword extraction, your plugin can offer an intuitive and efficient note-taking solution. Experimenting with different models and prompts further allows you to optimize and customize the AI capabilities of your plugin. So, start exploring and building your next great plugin for Obsidian or any other note-taking tool using the latest local AI Tools available at platforms like Ollama.ai. Show the world what you can do!

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