Unlock the Power of Dolly 2: 9x More Value with Free High-Quality Images

Unlock the Power of Dolly 2: 9x More Value with Free High-Quality Images

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Disturbance in the AI Community
  3. The Controversy Surrounding Stable Diffusion
  4. Dolly 2 Access and Tips
  5. Getting More Value with Dolly 2
  6. Saving Credits with a Simple Trick
  7. The Advantage of Using Arrays
  8. Upscaling Images with a Third-Party Tool
  9. The Process of Upscaling Images
  10. Exploring the Upscaled Results
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will be discussing a powerful tip related to Dolly 2, a popular AI Tool. While originally planning to address the stable diffusion backlash in the AI community, due to time constraints, we will be covering a smaller topic for now. However, the video on stable diffusion will be made in the future. The tip we will be discussing involves maximizing the effectiveness of Dolly 2 by using a clever trick shared by a user in our community. By applying this trick and utilizing a third-party image upscaler, we can potentially triple or quadruple our results with Dolly 2. This article will guide you through the process, providing step-by-step instructions and insights into how this method can help save credits and enhance your experience with Dolly 2.

The Disturbance in the AI Community

The AI community has recently experienced a disturbance regarding stable diffusion. Stable diffusion is an open-source feature that allows users to generate various outputs using their own GPUs. While Stable Diffusion does have restrictions in place to prevent the generation of harmful content, the ability to generate almost anything has raised concerns among some users. Many fear that this unrestricted access to AI generation may lead to the creation of explicit or inappropriate content. In this article, we will explore this controversy and its impact on the AI community.

The Controversy Surrounding Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion's ability to generate a wide range of content has sparked controversy within the AI community. While Stable Diffusion prohibits the generation of explicit or harmful content on its servers, users can download the open-source tool and generate content on their own GPUs. This has raised concerns about the potential misuse of Stable Diffusion, as it gives users the freedom to create various outputs. Although there are measures in place to prevent abuse, the unrestricted nature of this tool has ignited a debate within the AI community regarding its use and consequences.

Dolly 2 Access and Tips

One of our community members, Retro Rocket UK, recently gained access to Dolly 2 and discovered an interesting trick to maximize its potential. This tip allows users to get more value for their credits while using Dolly 2. By applying this technique, users can obtain a greater variety of high-resolution outputs. Although credits are still required, this method enables users to explore and experiment with Dolly 2 more effectively. In the following sections, we will guide you through the process of implementing this trick and share the potential benefits it offers.

Getting More Value with Dolly 2

Dolly 2 credits are valuable but can be quite expensive, especially when users want to explore the tool extensively. With the trick shared by Retro Rocket UK, users can make the most out of their Dolly 2 credits. By using a specific Prompt structure, users can significantly increase the number of variations generated by Dolly 2. This trick involves including a "three by three array" statement before or at the end of the prompt. While the number can be adjusted, this structure provides a higher resolution for each generated image. Additionally, users can upscale these images using a third-party image upscaler to further enhance their quality.

Saving Credits with a Simple Trick

The trick shared by Retro Rocket UK is a simple yet effective way to explore Dolly 2 while saving credits. By utilizing the "three by three array" prompt structure, users can obtain a considerable number of image variations. This method allows users to get significantly more output for the same number of credits, making their Dolly 2 experience more cost-effective. While the resulting images may have a slightly lower resolution, upscaling them with a third-party tool can restore their quality. By employing this trick, users can stretch their Dolly 2 credits further and have more images to choose from.

The Advantage of Using Arrays

The use of arrays in the prompt structure provides several advantages when generating images with Dolly 2. By specifying a "three by three array" or adjusting the Dimensions as desired, users can obtain a larger number of variations in their generated images. This effectively multiplies the output, giving users more options to choose from. Moreover, by including the array statement before the prompt, users can ensure that the prompt itself is still the focus of the generation while leveraging the array structure to maximize the results. This technique allows for more creativity and exploration within Dolly 2.

Upscaling Images with a Third-Party Tool

To further enhance the image quality and achieve better results, users can utilize a third-party image upscaler. While Dolly 2 generates the images at a slightly lower resolution, upscaling them can bring out finer details and improve overall visual quality. There are various image upscalers available, both free and paid, that can be used for this purpose. One recommended tool is the Image AI Upscaler on replicate.com. This upscaler provides high-quality results while being cost-effective. Alternatively, users can also utilize the upscaling capabilities of Google Colab, a free tool, for a straightforward and efficient upscaling process.

The Process of Upscaling Images

Upscaling the images generated by Dolly 2 involves a simple process that can be done using a third-party image upscaler. After downloading the desired images, users can open them in their preferred photo editing software. From there, they can use the upscaler of their choice to enhance the image quality and resolution. The selected upscaler will analyze the image and upscale it using advanced algorithms, resulting in a higher-resolution version of the original image. By following this process, users can bring out the full potential of the generated images and ensure they meet their desired quality standards.

Exploring the Upscaled Results

Once the images have been upscaled, users can explore the upscaled results and choose the ones that best suit their needs. The upscaled images will have improved Clarity, finer details, and enhanced visual appeal. Users can now carefully examine the upscaled images and select the ones that stand out to them. These images can be used for various purposes, such as Graphic Design, artwork, or any other creative endeavors. The upscaled results offer a greater level of detail and quality, allowing users to fully appreciate the capabilities of Dolly 2 and their own artistic vision.


In conclusion, the trick shared by Retro Rocket UK provides a valuable way to enhance the Dolly 2 experience while saving credits. By using the "three by three array" prompt structure and upscaling the generated images, users can maximize the output and explore a greater variety of options. This method offers a cost-effective solution for those looking to make the most out of their Dolly 2 credits. While the controversy surrounding stable diffusion continues, this trick provides users with a practical approach to creatively and efficiently utilize Dolly 2. With this newfound knowledge, users can unleash their creativity and obtain remarkable results while navigating the world of AI-generated content.


  • Discover a powerful tip for maximizing the potential of Dolly 2
  • Save credits with a simple trick to get more value from Dolly 2
  • Utilize the "three by three array" prompt structure for increased variations
  • Enhance image quality by upscaling Dolly 2's lower resolution outputs
  • Explore the upscaled images and choose the ones that meet your vision
  • Navigate the controversy surrounding stable diffusion in the AI community

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the trick to save credits with Dolly 2 work all the time? A: While the trick is generally effective, it may not guarantee a three by three array of images in every case. However, it still provides a significant increase in variations compared to the standard prompt structure.

Q: Can I use any image upscaler for enhancing the resolution of Dolly 2 outputs? A: Yes, there are various image upscalers available, both free and paid. Popular options include the Image AI Upscaler on replicate.com and the upscaling capabilities of Google Colab.

Q: Is the use of arrays necessary for obtaining more variations with Dolly 2? A: While it is not mandatory, using arrays in the prompt structure significantly increases the number of output variations. It allows users to explore a wider range of possibilities and choose from an expanded selection of images.

Q: Can I still try different prompts with this trick, or do I need extra credits for each new prompt? A: Unfortunately, trying a new prompt still requires an additional credit. However, the trick helps you obtain more diverse and high-resolution images for each prompt, making your creative exploration more fruitful.

Q: How can I ensure the quality of the upscaled images using a third-party tool? A: To ensure optimal quality when upscaling the images, use a reputable and reliable upscaling tool. Experiment with different settings and algorithms to find the approach that best suits your preferences and desired output quality.

Q: Is Dolly 2 suitable for professional graphic design or artistic projects? A: Dolly 2 can be a valuable tool for professional graphic design and artistic projects, especially when combined with image upscaling techniques. The generated images can serve as a foundation for further refinement and creativity, enabling users to achieve remarkable results.


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