Unlock the Power of LangChain: Create AI-Assisted Ad Copy and Slogans

Unlock the Power of LangChain: Create AI-Assisted Ad Copy and Slogans

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Lang chain?
  3. How to Install Python and Lang chain
  4. Setting up the Environment
  5. Importing Dependencies
  6. Creating the Prompt
  7. Capturing User Input
  8. Sending the Prompt to OpenAI
  9. Processing the Response
  10. Running the Code and testing Different Themes

Article: How to Use Lang chain: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples ✍️


Are you looking for a powerful tool that can help you build your own AI workflows? Look no further! In this article, we will introduce you to Lang chain, an AI Tool that allows you to create various AI applications, such as a Research Tool, Email Generator, or even an ad campaign slogan generator. Today, we will focus on building an ad copy and slogan generator using Lang chain.

What is Lang chain?

Lang chain is an AI tool that leverages the power of natural language processing to create custom AI workflows. With Lang chain, you can easily build applications that generate ad copy and slogans, among many other things. Whether you're a marketer, Writer, or business owner, Lang chain can revolutionize the way you create compelling content.

How to Install Python and Lang chain

Before we dive into the details of using Lang chain, let's make sure we have the necessary tools installed. First and foremost, you will need Python installed on your computer. If you haven't installed Python yet, follow the official Python installation guide for your operating system.

Once you have Python installed, we can proceed to install Lang chain. Open your preferred terminal and run the following command:

pip install langchain

Setting up the Environment

To ensure a clean and isolated development environment, we recommend creating a Python virtual environment. Using a virtual environment will prevent any conflicts with existing packages or dependencies. Follow these steps to set up a virtual environment:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to an empty folder.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the command palette.
  3. Select "Python: Create Environment" and choose a name for your virtual environment.
  4. In the next prompt, select your Python version (e.g., Python 3.11.5).

Importing Dependencies

To utilize the functionalities of Lang chain, we need to import the necessary dependencies. Add the following line of code at the beginning of your Python script:

from langchain import openai
from langchain.prompt import Prompt

Creating the Prompt

To create the prompt, we will define variables for the Product Description and ad theme. These variables will capture inputs from the user. Let's set up the prompt using the Prompt class from Lang chain:

prompt_template = """
You are an AI assistant optimized to write professional ad copy and slogans.
Write ad copy for "{product_description}".
The theme of the ad is "{ad_theme}".
Write a catchy slogan for the ad copy.

product_description = input("Enter the product being advertised: ")
ad_theme = input("Enter the theme of the ad: ")

prompt_text = Prompt(prompt_template).format(

Capturing User Input

To capture user input for the product description and ad theme, we will use the input() function provided by Python. The user will be prompted to enter the Relevant information. Here's an example of how to capture user input:

product_description = input("Enter the product being advertised: ")
ad_theme = input("Enter the theme of the ad: ")

Sending the Prompt to OpenAI

Now that we have our prompt ready, we can send it to OpenAI for processing. OpenAI is the engine behind Lang chain and will provide us with the generated ad copy and slogan. Add the following code to send the prompt:

response = openai.generate(prompt_text)

Processing the Response

Once we receive the response from OpenAI, we need to process it and extract the ad copy and slogan. Here's how you can process the response:

ad_copy = response.choices[0].text
slogan = response.choices[1].text

print("Generated Ad Copy:")

print("\nGenerated Slogan:")

Running the Code and Testing Different Themes

To run the code and test different ad themes, use the following command in your terminal:

python add_slogan_generator.py

You will be prompted to enter the product being advertised and the theme of the ad. Experiment with different themes and see how the AI generates unique ad copy and slogans tailored to each theme.


  • Easy to use and integrate into existing workflows.
  • Generates custom ad copy and slogans based on user input.
  • Allows for creative and unique output using adjustable temperature settings.


  • Relies on the OpenAI API, which requires an API key and may have usage limitations.
  • Generated output may not always match the user's exact expectations.


  • Lang chain is a versatile tool for creating AI workflows.
  • The prompt-based approach enables dynamic and customizable output.
  • Users can experiment with different themes and receive tailored ad copy and slogans.


Q: Can Lang chain generate ad copy and slogans for any product? A: Yes, Lang chain can generate ad copy and slogans for any product. Simply provide a product description and an ad theme, and the AI will deliver custom content.

Q: How does the AI generate the ad copy and slogans? A: Lang chain leverages the power of the OpenAI API and a large language model to generate ad copy and slogans based on the provided prompt. The AI learns from extensive training data to produce creative and engaging content.


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