Unlock the Power of Lightroom: Combined Denoise and Super Resolution

Unlock the Power of Lightroom: Combined Denoise and Super Resolution

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Limitations of Lightroom's AI-Based Noise Reduction and Super Resolution
  3. A Quick Workaround for Using AI-Based Noise Reduction and Super Resolution
  4. Step 1: Perform all your edits first
  5. Step 2: Apply ai-Based Noise Reduction
  6. Step 3: Upscale using Super Resolution
  7. Step 4: Send the image to Photoshop and back
  8. Step 5: Apply Super Resolution again
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ

💡 How to Do AI-Based Noise Reduction and Super Resolution on the Same Image


Welcome to Thomas VGD Photography! In this quick Lightroom tip, I'll show you how to perform AI-based noise reduction and super resolution on the same image. Lightroom's enhanced tool offers these options separately, but with a simple workaround, you can effectively use both techniques for optimal image quality. Let's dive in!

The Limitations of Lightroom's AI-Based Noise Reduction and Super Resolution

Lightroom's AI-based noise reduction and super resolution tools are powerful features that can significantly enhance the quality of your images. However, there is a limitation that prevents you from using both techniques on the same image simultaneously. When you enable one option, the other becomes disabled. This can be frustrating when you want to reduce noise and upscale an image for printing simultaneously.

A Quick Workaround for Using AI-Based Noise Reduction and Super Resolution

To bypass this limitation and leverage both AI-based noise reduction and super resolution, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Perform all your edits first

Before applying noise reduction and super resolution, make sure you have completed all other edits to your image. This ensures that the noise reduction and upscaling are the final steps in your editing process.

Step 2: Apply AI-Based Noise Reduction

In the Lightroom enhanced tool, select the D noise option to reduce the noise in your image. Use the enhance function to apply the noise reduction algorithm. After this step, your image should appear cleaner and free from noise.

Step 3: Upscale using Super Resolution

Next, Switch Off the D noise option and enable the super resolution feature. Click on enhance to initiate the upscaling process. This will improve the resolution and prepare your image for large-Scale printing.

Step 4: Send the image to Photoshop and back

To overcome the limitation of Lightroom, send your edited image to Photoshop and save it. This step effectively resets Lightroom, allowing you to use both AI-based noise reduction and super resolution on the same image.

Step 5: Apply Super Resolution again

Once you have saved the image in Photoshop, return to Lightroom. You'll Notice that both noise reduction and super resolution are now available. Apply super resolution to further enhance the image quality. This additional step ensures that your image retains its improved resolution while preserving the noise reduction effects.


While Lightroom's AI-based noise reduction and super resolution tools cannot be used simultaneously on the same image, this quick workaround enables you to achieve optimal results by applying both techniques in a specific order. By following these steps, you can effectively reduce noise and upscale your images for stunning print quality. Enjoy exploring the full potential of Lightroom's enhanced tools!


Q: Can I use other photo editing software instead of Photoshop? A: Yes, you can use any image editing software that allows you to save the edited image and import it back into Lightroom.

Q: Will this workaround affect the image quality? A: No, this workaround preserves the image quality while combining the benefits of AI-based noise reduction and super resolution.

Q: Does Lightroom plan to enable simultaneous noise reduction and super resolution in the future? A: While there is no official announcement, Lightroom may consider adding this functionality in future updates to enhance user convenience.


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