Unlock the Power of Multi-Agent Applications with Autogen Studio

Unlock the Power of Multi-Agent Applications with Autogen Studio

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Autogen Studio?
  3. Installing Autogen Studio
  4. Using the Skills Tab
    • Skill Functions
    • Adding Custom Skills
  5. Using the Models Tab
    • Local Language Models
    • Using OpenAI API
  6. Creating Agents in the Agents Tab
    • User Proxy Agent
    • Assistant Agent
  7. Creating Workflows in Autogen Studio
  8. Exploring the Playground
    • Creating a New Workflow
    • testing Workflow Functionality
  9. Publishing Workflows
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore Autogen Studio, a low-code solution developed by Microsoft Research that allows you to create multi-agent applications without coding. Autogen Studio enables you to leverage language models, such as GPT and OpenAI, to collaboratively work together and respond to complex queries and tasks. We will walk you through the installation process, demonstrate how to use the various features of Autogen Studio, and showcase its capability to create applications with real-time data visualization. So let's dive in and discover the power of Autogen Studio!

What is Autogen Studio?

Autogen Studio is an open-source library developed by Microsoft Research that simplifies the creation of multi-agent applications. These applications utilize language models to generate code, images, or perform specific tasks based on user queries. Autogen Studio allows you to seamlessly connect your applications to various data sources, databases, and search engines, enabling collaborative work between multiple agents. Whether you are an experienced coder or prefer a low-code approach, Autogen Studio provides the flexibility to build powerful applications without writing extensive code.

Installing Autogen Studio

Before we can begin exploring Autogen Studio, we need to install it. The installation process is straightforward and involves a few simple steps. Firstly, ensure that you have the Python Package manager, pip, installed on your system. Open your terminal and run the following command to install Autogen Studio:

pip install autogen

It is recommended to install Autogen Studio under a conda environment to avoid any potential conflicts with existing Python packages. If you prefer to use an existing conda environment, you can run the following command instead:

conda install -c autogen autogen-studio

Once the installation is complete, we can proceed to configure Autogen Studio.

Using the Skills Tab

The Skills tab in Autogen Studio allows you to define functions that your language models can use to perform specific tasks. These functions can range from generating images to querying internet sources and fetching data. Autogen Studio comes with pre-defined default skills, such as image generation and Search Engine queries. However, you have the flexibility to add your own custom skills to meet the unique requirements of your application. Let's take a closer look at how the Skills tab works.

Skill Functions

Autogen Studio provides a Python interface to define skill functions. These functions are triggered whenever your application requires a specific task to be performed. For example, if you want your application to generate images, you can define a skill function that utilizes a pre-trained image generation model. Similarly, if you need to fetch data from a specific data source, you can define a skill function that queries the source and retrieves the required information.

Adding Custom Skills

To add custom skills in Autogen Studio, you need to explain the purpose of the skill and write the necessary code. The code can be a Python function or even a function that calls an API to perform a specific task. Think of skills as plugins that connect your application to different sources of data or enable specific actions. While Autogen Studio comes with some pre-defined skills, you have the freedom to create your own and define their functionality based on the requirements of your application.

Using the Models Tab

In Autogen Studio, the Models tab allows you to select and configure the language models you want to utilize in your multi-agent application. Autogen Studio supports both local language models and models accessed through APIs, such as the OpenAI API. This flexibility allows you to create applications without directly interacting with GPT or OpenAI. Let's explore the possibilities of the Models tab in Autogen Studio.

Local Language Models

If you have a language model saved locally on your machine, Autogen Studio enables you to seamlessly integrate it into your application. You can select the local model file and specify its parameters directly in Autogen Studio. Once configured, your multi-agent application can make use of the local model without connecting to external services or APIs.

Using OpenAI API

If you prefer to utilize the power of GPT or OpenAI models, Autogen Studio provides support for accessing these models through the OpenAI API. You can supply your API key in Autogen Studio, and the models will be accessible within your multi-agent application. This integration allows you to leverage the capabilities of GPT and OpenAI without worrying about API communication or managing your own model infrastructure.

Creating Agents in the Agents Tab

Creating agents in Autogen Studio is where you define the behavior and capabilities of individual components in your multi-agent application. Autogen Studio distinguishes between user agents and assistant agents. The user agent represents the user or the client-side of your application, while the assistant agent is responsible for executing the code and generating responses. Let's take a closer look at how to create agents and configure their functionality.

User Proxy Agent

The user proxy agent in Autogen Studio is the component that represents the user or the client-side of your application. It interacts with the assistant agent and provides input in the form of questions, feedback, or tasks. The user proxy agent does not require any specialized models or skills but serves as the interface between the user and the assistant agent. You can configure the user proxy agent's name, description, and other settings to tailor it to your specific needs.

Assistant Agent

The assistant agent in Autogen Studio is the component responsible for executing the code and generating responses. It represents the model or models that your application utilizes for various tasks. You can configure the assistant agent to specify which model it uses and what skills it is equipped with. The assistant agent acts as the main engine that drives the application and provides the desired functionality based on the user's input.

Creating Workflows in Autogen Studio

Workflows in Autogen Studio allow you to define a sequence of actions that your multi-agent application should perform. A workflow connects agents, models, and skills to create a Cohesive and efficient system. Autogen Studio provides a simple interface to define workflows, assign agents as senders and receivers, and specify the actions or tasks to be executed. Let's explore how to create workflows and leverage their power in Autogen Studio.

Exploring the Playground

The Playground in Autogen Studio provides an interactive environment where you can test and experiment with your workflows. It allows you to create new workflows, customize their functionality, and observe the interactions between agents. The Playground provides a real-time view of the messages exchanged between agents, enabling you to debug and fine-tune your application. Let's dive into the Playground and see how it facilitates the development of your multi-agent application.

Creating a New Workflow

To create a new workflow in Autogen Studio's Playground, you can simply click on the "New" button. This opens up a new workflow canvas where you can define the structure and behavior of your workflow. You can specify the sender and receiver agents for the workflow, set a name, description, and even provide a summary for Clarity. Once you have created the workflow, you can start adding tasks and configuring their functionality.

Testing Workflow Functionality

The Playground allows you to test the functionality of your workflow in real-time. You can simulate user input, observe the actions performed by agents, and verify if the desired results are generated. The Playground provides a comprehensive view of the execution process, including the messages exchanged, the skill functions triggered, and the overall flow of your application. This enables you to identify any issues or bottlenecks and fine-tune your workflow to achieve optimal performance.

Publishing Workflows

If you are satisfied with the functionality and performance of your workflows, Autogen Studio provides the option to publish them. Publishing a workflow makes it available in the gallery, allowing other users and developers to access and utilize your creations. The gallery serves as a repository of pre-built workflows that can be deployed in various applications, saving time and effort in development. By contributing to the gallery, you can foster collaboration and enable others to benefit from your expertise.


Autogen Studio is a powerful low-code solution that simplifies the creation of multi-agent applications. With its intuitive interface, seamless integration of language models, and support for custom skills, Autogen Studio empowers developers and non-coders alike to build sophisticated applications without extensive coding. By leveraging the capabilities of Autogen Studio, you can create applications that respond to complex queries, generate real-time visualizations, and perform a wide range of tasks. So why not give Autogen Studio a try and unlock the potential of multi-agent applications today?


  • Autogen Studio is a low-code solution for creating multi-agent applications.
  • It enables collaboration between language models to resolve complex queries.
  • Users can install Autogen Studio using pip or conda.
  • The Skills tab allows the definition and customization of skill functions.
  • Local language models and the OpenAI API can be accessed through the Models tab.
  • The Agents tab allows the creation of user proxy and assistant agents.
  • Workflows connect agents, models, and skills to perform tasks.
  • The Playground facilitates testing and debugging of workflows.
  • Published workflows can be shared in the gallery for wider usage.
  • Autogen Studio empowers developers and non-coders to build sophisticated applications.


Q: Can I use Autogen Studio without coding? A: Yes, Autogen Studio provides a low-code solution for creating multi-agent applications.

Q: Can I use local language models in Autogen Studio? A: Yes, Autogen Studio supports the integration of local language models.

Q: What skills can I add to Autogen Studio? A: Autogen Studio allows you to define custom skills based on your application's requirements.

Q: Can I test my workflows in real-time? A: Yes, Autogen Studio's Playground allows you to test and debug workflows.

Q: Can I share my workflows with others? A: Yes, Autogen Studio allows you to publish your workflows in the gallery for wider usage.


Autogen Studio Documentation: https://autogenstudio.microsoft.com/docs

OpenAI API: https://openai.com

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