Unlock the Power of Visual AI with Chooch AI Dashboard

Unlock the Power of Visual AI with Chooch AI Dashboard

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose of the Chooch Dashboard
  3. Logging into Chooch
  4. Actions and Perceptions
  5. API Documentation
  6. Edge Devices
  7. Uploading Files
  8. Training Perceptions
  9. Pre-trained Perceptions
  10. Custom Perceptions
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to Chooch! In this article, we will be exploring the Chooch Dashboard and its purpose. We will dive into how to use the dashboard to tag videos and images in high detail and conceptualize the visual AI training process. If you're interested in training new actions or objects for people, then this article is for you. So let's get started!

Purpose of the Chooch Dashboard

The primary purpose of the Chooch Dashboard is to provide users with a platform to tag videos and images with great precision. This tagging process plays a vital role in training the visual AI capabilities of the system. When you log into Chooch, the dashboard is where you'll land. Here, you'll find the latest actions and all the tools necessary to train the AI for your specific purpose.

Logging into Chooch

Once you log in, you will have access to a wide range of features and functionalities. On the right-HAND side of the dashboard, you'll see a few essential elements. The first is the "How-To" videos that guide you on how to train the AI for your specific purpose. These videos will assist you in understanding the process and making the most out of the Chooch Dashboard.

Actions and Perceptions

The dashboard provides you with an overview of your latest actions. Actions represent the different tasks or categories you are training the AI to recognize. You can create perceptions by uploading images and videos to the Chooch Dashboard. As you upload these files, tags will begin to appear, either as pre-trained perceptions or perceptions that you have trained yourself. These tags play a crucial role in training the AI to recognize specific objects or actions accurately.

API Documentation

For those looking to integrate Chooch's capabilities into their own apps or systems, the dashboard offers API documentation. This documentation covers the various APIs available, including the General Recognition API, Custom Image API, Custom Object API, and Custom Facial API. By referring to the API documentation, you can easily plug Chooch's capabilities into your enterprise or consumer-facing applications.

Edge Devices

If you have any edge devices like Raspberry Pi or cameras linked to the Chooch Dashboard, you can manage them from this section. Edge devices play a pivotal role in deploying AI capabilities directly to the edge. By connecting edge devices to the cloud, you enhance real-time processing and reduce dependency on an internet connection.

Uploading Files

The Chooch Dashboard allows you to upload images and videos for tagging and training purposes. As you upload files, the dashboard will provide a detailed analysis and Present tags for each object or action detected. These tags are derived from pre-trained perceptions or from perceptions that you have trained.

Training Perceptions

One of the unique features of the Chooch Dashboard is the ability to train your own perceptions. By creating custom perceptions, you can cater to your specific enterprise needs or create actions for a unique purpose. The dashboard provides a user-friendly interface to enable or disable pre-trained perceptions as well as train your own from scratch.

Pre-trained Perceptions

The Chooch Dashboard comes equipped with pre-trained perceptions that cover a wide range of objects and actions. These pre-trained perceptions serve as a foundation to get started quickly. However, it's essential to note that not all pre-trained perceptions may suit your purpose. The dashboard allows you to enable or disable individual classes of perceptions based on your requirements. This way, you have full control over what the visual AI recognizes.

Custom Perceptions

In addition to the pre-trained perceptions, the Chooch Dashboard enables you to create and train your own facial and image perceptions. These custom perceptions are specific to your enterprise and allow you to target actions or objects unique to your applications. By training custom perceptions, you can achieve highly accurate and tailored visual AI capabilities.


The Chooch Dashboard is a powerful enterprise tool for training visual AI. With its ability to tag images and videos in high detail and create custom perceptions, users can achieve accurate and customized AI models. Whether you're training AI for specific purposes or integrating Chooch's capabilities into your own applications, the dashboard provides all the necessary tools and functionalities. Start exploring the Chooch Dashboard today and unlock the full potential of visual AI!


  • The Chooch Dashboard provides high-detail tagging for videos and images.
  • Users can train AI to recognize specific actions or objects.
  • API documentation is available for easy integration into enterprise or consumer-facing apps.
  • Edge devices can be managed for deploying AI capabilities directly to the edge.
  • Pre-trained and custom perceptions enable highly accurate and tailored visual AI.
  • The dashboard offers a user-friendly interface to upload and analyze files.
  • Training custom perceptions allows users to target actions or objects unique to their applications.


Q: What is the purpose of the Chooch Dashboard? A: The Chooch Dashboard allows users to tag videos and images with high precision to train the visual AI.

Q: Can I train my own perceptions? A: Yes, the Chooch Dashboard allows users to create and train their own custom perceptions for specific enterprise needs.

Q: How can I integrate Chooch's capabilities into my own apps? A: API documentation is provided in the dashboard, which guides users on how to integrate Chooch's capabilities into enterprise or consumer-facing applications.

Q: What are edge devices? A: Edge devices, such as Raspberry Pi or cameras, can be connected to the Chooch Dashboard to deploy AI capabilities directly to the edge.

Q: Are pre-trained perceptions customizable? A: Yes, the Chooch Dashboard allows users to enable or disable individual classes within pre-trained perceptions based on their requirements.

Q: How accurate are the custom perceptions? A: By training custom perceptions, users can achieve highly accurate and tailored visual AI capabilities specific to their applications.


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