Unlock the Secrets of Image AI Custom Models with Reverse Engineering

Unlock the Secrets of Image AI Custom Models with Reverse Engineering

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Reverse Engineering Text Prompts
  3. Hypothesis: Creating a Custom Image Model with Stable Diffusion
  4. Data Scraping from Lexicon Art
  5. Using NoCode Tools for Data Scraping
  6. Workflow with Na10
  7. Looping through Images
  8. Saving Images to Desktop
  9. Building the Dataset
  10. Preparing the Data for Fine-Tuning
  11. Creating the Fine-Tuned Model
  12. Usage and Commercial Rights
  13. Conclusion


In this multi-part series, we will explore the hypothesis of creating a custom image model Based on stable diffusion. Similar to reverse engineering text prompts, we aim to take images from an existing model and fine-tune them to generate a new model. This series will cover the process of data scraping from Lexicon Art, using NoCode tools, preparing the dataset, and creating the fine-tuned model. Our goal is to replicate the style of a custom model and explore the possibilities of AI in both text and image domains.

Reverse Engineering Text Prompts

We have previously demonstrated how to reverse engineer text prompts from models like Jasper or Copy AI. By analyzing and understanding the inner workings of these models, we can generate similar outputs by providing specific prompts. This process allows us to Delve into the capabilities of AI and explore its potential.

Hypothesis: Creating a Custom Image Model with Stable Diffusion

The hypothesis we Seek to prove is whether it is possible to Create a custom image model using stable diffusion. By extracting data from Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model and feeding it into a stable diffusion and fine-tuning process, we aim to produce a new model. This ambitious approach is an exciting opportunity to push the boundaries of AI and uncover innovative techniques.

Data Scraping from Lexicon Art

Our first step in this process is data scraping from Lexicon Art. Their Aperture V2 model contains a vast collection of beautiful images that serve as our starting point. By understanding how these images load and identifying the Relevant data, we can extract the images necessary for our custom model.

Using NoCode Tools for Data Scraping

As we embark on this Journey, we will leverage NoCode tools to scrape the data. Na10 is one such tool that provides a desktop client or a cloud version for easy Data Extraction. Without needing extensive coding knowledge, we can effectively retrieve the required images and prepare them for further processing.

Workflow with Na10

To begin the data scraping process, we construct a workflow with Na10. This workflow involves sending a request to Lexicon and targeting the infinite prompts that load the images on the webpage. By analyzing the network activity and capturing the Cursor values, we can iteratively retrieve batches of images until we reach our desired quantity.

Looping through Images

To retrieve the images, our workflow runs through a series of loops. Each iteration fetches an image and increments the run index, allowing us to access the subsequent image in the array. By establishing a conditional statement based on the presence of an ID, we determine if the loop should Continue or stop.

Saving Images to Desktop

Once the images are obtained, we save them as binary files to our desktop. This step ensures that we have a complete dataset from Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model. By organizing the images in appropriate folders, we can streamline the data preparation process for fine-tuning.

Building the Dataset

With the extracted images in HAND, our next step is to build the dataset. Besides the images, we might consider adding Captions or additional information to enhance the AI's understanding of the dataset. By appending or prepending specific text, we can define the style or theme for the generated outputs.

Preparing the Data for Fine-Tuning

The dataset preparation stage involves formatting the images and their associated captions for the fine-tuning process. We ensure that the data is properly structured and ready to be utilized in training our custom model. Preparing the data optimally sets the stage for achieving desirable results during the fine-tuning phase.

Creating the Fine-Tuned Model

Once the dataset is prepared, we can proceed to create the fine-tuned model. By leveraging the images from our custom dataset and employing stable diffusion techniques, we aim to replicate the style encapsulated in Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model. This process explores the depths of AI and pushes the boundaries of what is possible in image modeling.

Usage and Commercial Rights

It is crucial to consider the usage and commercial rights associated with the images used in models. Lexicon Art states that as long as a plan is in place, usage of the images can be both commercial and personal. This provides us with the freedom to explore the potential of these images while remaining within the boundaries of their licensing terms.


In this introductory part of the series, we have embarked on an exciting journey of creating a custom image model using stable diffusion. With the knowledge of data scraping, NoCode tools, and dataset preparation, We Are now equipped to move towards fine-tuning the model. The subsequent parts of this series will delve deeper into each step, providing a comprehensive guide for those interested in exploring AI's capabilities in image modeling.


  • Exploring the hypothesis of creating a custom image model with stable diffusion
  • Scraping data from Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model using NoCode tools
  • Using Na10 as a workflow tool for data scraping
  • Extracting images and saving them to the desktop for dataset construction
  • Preparing the dataset for fine-tuning the custom model
  • Creating a fine-tuned model to replicate the style of Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model
  • Considering the usage and commercial rights associated with the images


Q: What is the hypothesis behind creating a custom image model? A: The hypothesis is that a custom image model can be created using stable diffusion by taking images from an existing model and fine-tuning them.

Q: How is data scraping performed from Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model? A: Data scraping is done by leveraging NoCode tools like Na10, which allows for easy retrieval of images without extensive coding knowledge.

Q: What is the process for building the dataset? A: The dataset is built by collecting the images from Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model and adding captions or additional information to enhance the AI's understanding.

Q: How is the fine-tuned model created? A: The fine-tuned model is created by using stable diffusion techniques and the custom dataset to replicate the style of Lexicon Art's Aperture V2 model.

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