Unlock the Sonic Magic of the Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ

Unlock the Sonic Magic of the Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ
  3. Features and Specifications 3.1. Microphone and Line Level Inputs 3.2. Phantom Power and Impedance Options 3.3. EQ and Phase Switches 3.4. Different Equalizer Bands
  4. Sound Quality and Performance 4.1. Comparisons with Other Preamps 4.2. Harmonic Distortion and Saturation 4.3. Usage as an Inserted Equalizer
  5. Testing and Analysis 5.1. Equalizing a Test Recording 5.2. Generating Harmonics with Sine Waves
  6. Conclusion
  7. Upcoming Preamp Comparison


The Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ is a highly regarded piece of audio equipment that is designed to replicate the sound of the original 1073 preamp. In this article, we will provide an in-depth overview of the Heritage Audio 1073, exploring its features, sound quality, and performance. We will also discuss its usage as an inserted equalizer and analyze the results of testing and comparisons with other preamps. By the end of this article, You will have a comprehensive understanding of the Heritage Audio 1073 and its capabilities.

Overview of the Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ

The Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ is a 500 series lunchbox module that aims to faithfully recreate the renowned sound of the original 1073 preamp. Despite taking up three spaces in a lunchbox module, the Heritage Audio 1073 stays true to its predecessor, featuring the same transformers, switches, buttons, and knobs. The front panel includes a microphone/line level input, phantom power switch, high/low impedance selector, EQ in/out switch, and a 180-degree phase switch. Additionally, there are three different equalizer bands and a high-pass filter.

Features and Specifications

The Heritage Audio 1073 offers a range of features and specifications that contribute to its versatile performance. It provides options for microphone and line level inputs, allowing users to select the appropriate input for their needs. The preamp also includes a phantom power switch, which is essential for condenser microphones that require +48V power. The high/low impedance selector allows users to adjust the impedance to match the microphone they are using, ensuring optimal signal quality.


  • Faithful recreation of the original 1073 preamp sound
  • High-quality transformers and components
  • Versatile EQ options and a 180-degree phase switch
  • Ability to add harmonic distortion and saturation
  • Can be used as an inserted equalizer
  • Clear and musical sound quality


  • Takes up three spaces in a lunchbox module
  • Limited to fixed frequency equalizer bands

Sound Quality and Performance

When compared to other preamps, the Heritage Audio 1073 stands out with its distinct sound characteristics. It offers a rich and warm tone, thanks to the harmonic distortion and saturation added by the components. The EQ circuitry is highly regarded, providing subtle and musical adjustments to the audio signal. Whether used for pre-recording or as an inserted equalizer, the Heritage Audio 1073 delivers exceptional sound quality.

Harmonic Distortion and Saturation

The Heritage Audio 1073 is capable of adding harmonic distortion and saturation to the audio signals. By running sine waves through the equalizer, it becomes evident that higher gain values introduce more harmonics, especially at higher frequencies. This feature enhances the sound and adds character, making it particularly beneficial for vocals and other instruments.

Usage as an Inserted Equalizer

In addition to its role as a preamp, the Heritage Audio 1073 can be used as an inserted equalizer. This versatility allows for precise equalization of audio tracks during recording or in post-production. The EQ controls, combined with the harmonic distortion and saturation capabilities, make the Heritage Audio 1073 a valuable tool in shaping the sound of recordings.

Testing and Analysis

To further evaluate the performance of the Heritage Audio 1073, we conducted tests to assess its equalizing capabilities and the generation of harmonics. The results demonstrated the subtlety and musicality of the equalizer, even with high boosts. The generated harmonics varied Based on the frequencies tested, with higher frequencies producing more noticeable harmonics. These findings indicate the potential of the Heritage Audio 1073 in enhancing audio recordings with harmonic content.


The Heritage Audio 1073 Preamp and EQ is an exceptional piece of audio equipment that faithfully replicates the sound of the original 1073 preamp. With its high-quality components, versatile equalizer, harmonic distortion, and saturation capabilities, it offers a unique and desirable Sonic character. Whether used as a preamp or an inserted equalizer, the Heritage Audio 1073 delivers exceptional sound quality and musicality, making it a valuable addition to any audio production setup.

Upcoming Preamp Comparison

Stay tuned for an upcoming preamp comparison where we will be putting the Heritage Audio 1073 against other popular preamps on the market. Subscribe to our Channel to stay updated and be the first to discover the results of this exciting comparison.

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