Unlock Your Creativity with the AI Name Creator App

Unlock Your Creativity with the AI Name Creator App

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building AI Apps with No Code
  3. The Importance of a Prompt
  4. Creating the User Interface with Flutter Flow
  5. Introducing Boogie by Gradient J
  6. Running the Prompt on Boogie
  7. Connecting the Output to the User Interface
  8. Testing the App
  9. Review of the Process
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to this tutorial on building AI apps with no code! In this playlist, we will be building 12 AI apps in 12 weeks using free tools and no coding required. Each app will be developed step by step, allowing anyone to Create and develop their own app. Let's get started!

Building AI Apps with No Code

For this week's app, we will be building a company Name Generator. This app takes input from the user about the Type of company they want to create and suggests creative and good company names. To accomplish this, we will be using Chat GPT, a large language model. The first thing we need to do is find a prompt that will make the AI work the way we want it to. We will write a prompt that asks the AI to suggest a creative and good name for a company that makes colorful socks and t-shirts. Using special symbols, we ensure that the user's input cannot lead to any inappropriate or unwanted outputs. Once we have the prompt, we can move forward with building the app.

The Importance of a Prompt

The prompt is a crucial element in creating AI apps. It serves as a set of sentences that instruct the AI on what task to perform. In our case, the prompt tells the AI to suggest a creative and good company name for a company that makes colorful socks and t-shirts. The output of the AI is determined by the prompt, so it's essential to write a prompt that clearly and accurately conveys the desired task. If the output is not satisfactory, we can revise and tweak the prompt until we get the desired results.

Creating the User Interface with Flutter Flow

To create the user interface for our app, we will be using Flutter Flow. Flutter Flow is a no-code tool that allows for easy and intuitive app development. We'll start by creating a new blank project and adding a text field for the user input. The user will enter the type of company they want to create, and we'll label the text field accordingly. We'll also add a button for submitting the input. Once the input is submitted, we'll display the output, which will be the suggested company name. We can customize the styling of the text output to make it more visually appealing.

Introducing Boogie by Gradient J

Boogie by Gradient J is a tool that simplifies the deployment of AI models. It allows us to take the prompt we have created and deploy it as an API call. With Boogie, we can send the user's input to the AI model and receive the output. This makes it easier to integrate the AI functionality into our app. Boogie also provides monitoring features, allowing us to track usage and costs. It's a powerful tool that helps streamline the development process.

Running the Prompt on Boogie

Once we have our prompt, we can use Boogie to run it and test the output. Boogie takes the prompt and generates a cURL request, which is a method of communication between servers. We can copy the cURL request and use it to make API calls to get the output from the AI model. By providing the necessary parameters, such as the API key and the user input, we can retrieve the suggested company name as the output. Boogie simplifies the process of running the prompt and handling the API calls.

Connecting the Output to the User Interface

To complete the app, we need to connect the output from the API call to the user interface. We'll use an API call in Flutter Flow to retrieve the output from the AI model. In Flutter Flow, we create an API call and specify the API URL, headers, and body parameters. We pass the user input as a variable in the API call. Once the submit button is clicked, the API call is triggered, and the output is stored in the app state. We can then display the output on the screen, providing the user with the suggested company name.

Testing the App

Before we can release the app, we need to thoroughly test it to ensure it functions as intended. We can test the app by entering different inputs and checking if the suggested company names are appropriate and creative. We can also test the app's responsiveness and user experience, making any necessary adjustments to improve the app's performance. By testing the app, we can identify and fix any issues before releasing it to the public.

Review of the Process

In this tutorial, we covered the process of building an AI app with no code. We started by finding a suitable prompt and tweaking it until we got the desired results. Next, we used Flutter Flow to create the user interface, incorporating a text field for user input and a button for submission. We then introduced Boogie by Gradient J, which allowed us to run the prompt and make API calls to retrieve the output. Finally, we connected the output to the user interface, completing the app. The process involved several steps, but each step was explained in Detail to ensure a clear understanding.


Congratulations on completing your First AI App using no code! In this tutorial, we learned how to build an AI app that suggests company names Based on user input. We explored the importance of a prompt, created the user interface with Flutter Flow, used Boogie by Gradient J to run the prompt and make API calls, and connected the output to the user interface. Testing the app ensured its functionality and provided a chance to make any necessary improvements. With this knowledge, you have the foundation to create more AI apps and explore the possibilities of AI development without the need for coding.

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