Unlock Your Dreams: The Wishful Thinking Book Tag!

Unlock Your Dreams: The Wishful Thinking Book Tag!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Legacy: Authors We Wish Were Still Alive
  3. The Memory Wipe: Books We Wish We Could Forget
  4. Destiny: Characters We Wish Had Different Fates
  5. Namesake: Creating a Character in Our Image
  6. Collectibles: Fictional Objects We Wish We Could Own
  7. The Reset Button: Books We Wish Were Written by Different Authors
  8. Conclusion



In the world of books, there are often moments of wishful thinking. We imagine different outcomes for beloved characters, fantasize about owning fictional objects, and ponder what it would be like if certain authors were still alive. In this article, we will explore these "what if" scenarios and discuss the authors, books, and characters that capture our wishful imaginations.

Legacy: Authors We Wish Were Still Alive

One of the most intriguing questions in the literary world is which authors, if given the chance, would we want to witness the impact of their work today. For many, the name William Shakespeare immediately comes to mind. Shakespeare's plays and sonnets Continue to be taught in schools and celebrated with festivals worldwide. It begs the question of whether Shakespeare himself could have fathomed the enduring legacy he left behind in literature.

The Memory Wipe: Books We Wish We Could Forget

There are certain books or series that leave such an indelible mark on our hearts that we wish we could experience them again for the first time. It's a desire to recapture that initial Sense of wonder and awe. One such book that holds a special place in many hearts is "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. The beautiful narration of Enzo, the lovable dog, and the emotionally charged story make it a book that readers often wish they could relive.

Destiny: Characters We Wish Had Different Fates

In the realm of literature, there are characters whose fates we would like to rewrite. One such character is Henry from "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. While the tragic ending is undeniably well-written, it leaves readers with a sense of longing and a wish that things had turned out differently. The complexity of such characters often evokes empathy and the desire for a happier outcome.

Namesake: Creating a Character in Our Image

If we were given the opportunity to name a character after ourselves, what kind of person would we envision? Someone adventurous, strong, and resilient, perhaps? Someone who doesn't let setbacks define them and has strong, Meaningful friendships? The possibilities are endless, but the underlying desire is often to see a reflection of ourselves in the world of fiction.

Collectibles: Fictional Objects We Wish We Could Own

While it may seem whimsical, many book lovers daydream about owning fictional objects from their favorite books. One such coveted possession is Falcor, the luck dragon from "The Neverending Story." Imagine having Falcor as a pet and a friend, a source of endless joy and adventure. While fictional objects may never become a reality, the longing for them allows us to immerse ourselves further into the worlds we love.

The Reset Button: Books We Wish Were Written by Different Authors

Sometimes, instead of wishing for a different outcome, we wish that certain books were written by different authors. Margaret Atwood, known for her ability to retell stories and offer new perspectives, comes to mind. The idea of Atwood reimagining classics like "Pride and Prejudice" or "Anne of Green Gables" sparks Curiosity and excitement. How would she reinterpret these beloved stories and add her own distinct Flair?


Wishful thinking has a special place in the hearts of bookworms. From imagining the impact of deceased authors to dreaming of owning fictional objects, there's always a sense of wonder and yearning in the world of literature. Whether it's reliving the magic of a cherished book or envisioning a different fate for beloved characters, wishful thinking adds depth and breadth to our reading experiences. So let your imagination run wild and embrace the joy of "what ifs" in the literary realm.


  • Explore the realms of wishful thinking in the world of books.
  • Discuss the authors we wish were still alive to witness the impact of their work.
  • Dive into the desire to experience beloved books for the first time again.
  • Reflect on characters whose fates we wish were different.
  • Imagine creating a character in our own image and the kind of story they would inhabit.
  • Daydream about owning fictional objects from our favorite books.
  • Contemplate the idea of beloved books being written by different authors.
  • Celebrate the joy of wishful thinking in the literary realm.


Q: Can You give an example of a book that many people wish they could experience again for the first time? A: One book that often comes up in these discussions is "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling. The magical journey of discovering Hogwarts and the wizarding world for the first time is a cherished memory for many readers.

Q: Are there any authors who frequently appear on the list of those we wish were still alive? A: Yes, apart from William Shakespeare, other authors commonly mentioned include Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and Emily Brontë, to name a few.

Q: What are some other examples of fictional objects that book lovers wish they could own? A: Some popular choices include the One Ring from "The Lord of the Rings" series, the Marauder's Map from the "Harry Potter" series, and the TARDIS from "Doctor Who".

Q: Are there any books that Margaret Atwood has already reimagined or retold? A: Yes, Margaret Atwood has successfully retold classic stories such as "The Odyssey" and "The Tempest" in her novels "The Penelopiad" and "Hag-Seed", respectively.

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