Unlock Your Writing Potential with AI: Tips from ShortlyAI

Unlock Your Writing Potential with AI: Tips from ShortlyAI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Context in AI Writing
  3. Components of the UI 3.1. Article Brief 3.2. Title 3.3. Content Area
  4. Patterns in AI Writing
  5. Utilizing the Slash Commands 5.1. Refine Commands (Shorten, Rewrite, Expand) 5.2. Instruct Command 5.3. Context Cut Off Ruler
  6. The Importance of Article Brief and Title
  7. Context Cut Off in Long Articles
  8. Modifying Article Brief and Title
  9. Using Expand for Quick Definitions
  10. Granular Controls
  11. Dancing and Asking with AI Writing
  12. Conclusion

Understanding Context in AI Writing

In the world of AI writing, context is crucial. It serves as the foundation for effectively utilizing AI Tools to generate high-quality content. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of context and Delve into the various components of AI writing interfaces. From the article brief and title to the content area and specialized commands, we will break down each element to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity with AI writing assistants. Are You ready to unravel the secrets of harnessing context for stellar written content? Let's dive in!


Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of AI writing, it's essential to understand the role of context. Context is the key that unlocks the full potential of AI tools, particularly in the realm of AI-generated content. It encompasses the information and instructions provided to the AI system to generate the desired output. The better you grasp the concept of context, the more proficient you will be in leveraging AI writing assistants like Shortly AI. In this guide, we will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make the most of your AI writing Journey with Shortly AI.

Components of the UI

The user interface (UI) of AI writing tools, such as Shortly AI, consists of several components that play a vital role in shaping the context of your content. Understanding these components is essential for maximizing your control and flexibility. Let's explore each component in Detail:

3.1. Article Brief

The article brief acts as a guiding anchor for your AI assistant. It provides a detailed description of the content Type and topic you desire. A rich and specific article brief is crucial for obtaining accurate and Relevant AI-generated content. For instance, instead of a generic request like "write an article about working from home," you could provide a more detailed brief like "write an article about the difficulties of dealing with distractions while working from home with young children." Remember, the article brief serves as the foundation of context, exerting a significant influence on the AI-generated content.

3.2. Title

Similar to the article brief, the title sets the stage and provides an overarching theme for your content. A well-crafted title offers additional context to the AI system and helps it understand your specific requirements. For example, a title like "Working from Home: Overcoming Distractions from Your Little Ones" narrows down the focus and aids the AI in delivering more targeted results. Keep in mind that both the article brief and title are always sent to the AI and hold weight in shaping the context, but they do not carry any extra significance over other context elements.

3.3. Content Area

The content area of AI writing tools serves as your canvas for creating written content. It is where you craft paragraphs and sentences that coalesce to form your article. The content you write in this area, along with the article brief and title, is sent to the AI when you request AI assistance. However, it's important to note that only the content above the line where your Cursor is or where you're currently typing is used by the AI. Anything below that line remains unaffected and does not contribute to the AI-generated output. This distinction is crucial for understanding how to structure your content for optimal results.

Patterns in AI Writing

AI models, such as GPT-3, have a strong affinity for patterns. Understanding and effectively utilizing patterns can enhance your AI writing experience. One noteworthy pattern is observed when using bullet lists. If you initiate a bullet list, the AI tends to respond by returning a list as output. This pattern can be advantageous when seeking headline ideas or organizing information. On the other HAND, patterns can become a hindrance if you wish to break free from a particular pattern. If the AI keeps producing content that follows an unwanted pattern, examine the area above it for potential patterns that might trigger this repetitive output. Adjusting the context above can help you escape this pattern and regain control over your content.

Utilizing the Slash Commands

Shortly AI offers a range of powerful slash commands that allow you to refine and mold your content according to your specific needs. Let's explore the different slash commands and their unique contexts:

5.1. Refine Commands (Shorten, Rewrite, Expand)

The refine commands, including shorten, rewrite, and expand, are designed to refine and modify existing text in your document. These commands have a distinct context as they solely utilize the content within square brackets [ ]. When employing these commands, remember that only the text enclosed within the square brackets influences the AI-generated output. The article brief, title, or other sections of your content are excluded from these commands' context. Thus, it is vital to ensure that the context within the square brackets provides sufficient instructions to the AI. For example, if you use the command "/expand" without offering more specific keywords, the AI might struggle to generate the desired output due to lack of context.

5.2. Instruct Command

The instruct command holds exceptional significance within the world of AI writing. By using the instruct command, you can provide specific instructions to the AI, effectively guiding it to produce content tailored to your requirements. Notably, the context of the instruct command consists solely of the command and the content within its square brackets. Unlike the article brief and title, the instruct command excludes these elements from its context. This unique context feature allows you to utilize the instruct command to its fullest potential. For instance, you can ask the AI to generate questions about the preceding content or provide a conclusion Based on the content above the instruct command. Get creative and experiment with different uses of the instruct command to harness its power fully.

5.3. Context Cut Off Ruler

The context cut off ruler serves as a special command denoted by the triple slash (///). This command effectively cuts off the context at the point where it is placed. The context above the triple slash is excluded, enabling you to control the specificity of the context for subsequent commands. The context cut off ruler is particularly useful in two scenarios. Firstly, it allows you to escape patterns that may have developed in the content above your Current position. If you find yourself trapped in an unwanted pattern, employing the context cut off ruler can help you break free from it. Secondly, the context cut off ruler aids in isolating the instruct command from the preceding content. By placing the triple slash before the instruct command, you ensure that only the content within the instruct command's square brackets influences the AI-generated output, providing greater control and precision.

The Importance of Article Brief and Title

The article brief and title hold significant influence over the AI-generated content. Although all context elements carry equal weight, the article brief and title are always sent to the AI, while other parts of the content may be subject to truncation in extensive articles. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully craft the article brief and title to accurately convey your desired context. Additionally, it is worth noting that you can modify the article brief and title at any point during the writing process. Adapt and refine them as needed to Align with the evolving context of your content, ensuring optimal results.

Context Cut Off in Long Articles

In lengthy articles, it is essential to be mindful of the context cut off. While the article brief and title are always sent to the AI, the content above your current position may be truncated due to limitations on the amount of context Shortly AI can process. When you click the "write for me" button, a significant portion of the content will be used, but the top portion might be cut off if it exceeds the context limit. Therefore, it is crucial to structure your content efficiently, considering the potential truncation of context in lengthy articles.

Modifying Article Brief and Title

Contrary to popular misconception, the article brief and title can be modified throughout the writing process. As you progress with your content creation, feel free to tweak the article brief and title to better align with the evolving context and requirements. Effective modifications to these elements can significantly impact the AI-generated output and ensure that it meets your specific needs.

Using Expand for Quick Definitions

One useful trick in AI writing is the power of expand. This command allows you to quickly obtain definitions or information outside the scope of the surrounding content. By using the expand command, you can request information on a specific term or concept, even if it does not directly relate to the preceding context. For example, if you need a quick definition of "sushi," you can use the command "/expand definition of sushi" to obtain the desired information. This versatile command grants you access to a wide range of information, enhancing the depth and richness of your content.

Granular Controls

Within the instruct command, Shortly AI provides granular controls denoted by pluses (+) and minuses (-) before keywords. These controls enable you to fine-tune the AI-generated output by specifying which words should or should not be included. By utilizing these pluses and minuses, you can guide the AI to produce content that aligns precisely with your intentions. For instance, appending "+ Japanese" after the instruct command "please define sushi" ensures that the generated output includes the word "Japanese." Conversely, using "- wasabi" within the instruct command suppresses the inclusion of the word "wasabi" in the output. These granular controls offer an additional layer of customization, allowing you to refine the AI's output according to your specific requirements.

Dancing and Asking with AI Writing

To achieve optimal results with AI writing assistants, such as Shortly AI, it is crucial to adopt a dance-and-ask approach. Dancing refers to the Continual back-and-forth interaction between you and the AI system, in which you write a portion of your content and then utilize the AI to complete your thought. By iteratively using the "write for me" button, you can collaboratively Create content with the AI, gradually shaping it to meet your exact requirements. However, there are instances when you need something more specific. That's where asking comes into play. The instruct command allows you to ask the AI for a specific type of content, empowering you to obtain targeted information, questions, or even persuasive bullet points. By seamlessly blending dancing and asking, you can master the art of AI writing and produce exceptional content efficiently.


Congratulations! You have successfully traversed the intricacies of AI writing context and learned how to leverage the power of Shortly AI to create captivating and well-crafted content. Armed with the knowledge of context components, slash commands, and granular controls, you are now equipped to navigate AI writing with confidence and efficiency. The dance-and-ask approach, accompanied by continuous experimentation, will propel you towards unparalleled content creation success. Embrace the unlimited possibilities of AI writing, and let your creativity thrive like Never before. Happy writing!


  • Understanding the importance of context in AI writing
  • Exploring the components of AI writing interfaces
  • Harnessing the power of patterns in AI writing
  • Utilizing slash commands for refining and instructing
  • Controlling context with the context cut off ruler
  • Modifying the article brief and title for improved context
  • Leveraging expand for quick definitions and information
  • Fine-tuning output with granular controls
  • Dancing and asking for optimal AI writing results


Q: Can I change the article brief and title while writing? A: Yes, you can modify the article brief and title at any point during the writing process to align with the evolving context of your content.

Q: How does the context cut off ruler work? A: The context cut off ruler, denoted by the triple slash (///), allows you to cut off the context at a specific point in your article. This can help break free from unwanted patterns or isolate the instruct command from preceding content.

Q: Do the article brief and title carry more weight than other context elements? A: No, all context elements carry equal weight and work in concert with each other. However, the article brief and title are always sent to the AI, while the content above your current position may be subject to truncation in lengthy articles.

Q: Can I obtain quick definitions using AI writing tools? A: Yes, you can utilize the expand command to request quick definitions or information outside the immediate context. This command allows you to enrich your content with a wide range of information.

Q: How can I fine-tune the AI-generated output? A: Within the instruct command, you can use pluses (+) and minuses (-) before keywords to control which words should or should not be included in the output. These granular controls provide additional customization options.

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