Unlocking CloudStack's Full Potential with New Data Sources

Unlocking CloudStack's Full Potential with New Data Sources

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Terraform?
  3. What is Terraform Provider?
  4. Developing a Terraform Provider
    • Setting Up the Development Environment
    • Using CloudStack Go Library
    • Defining the Schema for a Resource
    • Creating CRUD Functions
    • Registering the Resource with the Provider
    • Testing the Resource Manually
    • Writing Acceptance Tests
  5. Contributing to CloudStack Terraform Provider
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of developing a Terraform provider for CloudStack and how You can contribute to the development of the provider. We will cover the basics of Terraform, the concept of Terraform providers, and the steps involved in creating a new resource in the provider. Whether you are an expert in Go or just starting out, this article will give you a good understanding of how to develop and contribute to the CloudStack Terraform provider.

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that allows you to safely and predictively Create, change, and improve infrastructure. It provides a way to describe your entire infrastructure in the form of code, making it Cloud-agnostic and highly automatable. It is primarily used by DevOps teams to automate various infrastructure tasks, providing benefits such as automation, improved speed, improved team collaboration, cost reduction, and speedier disaster recovery.

What is Terraform Provider?

A Terraform provider is a Go binary that acts as an abstraction layer between the Terraform Core and the Cloud Server (in this case, CloudStack). It is responsible for communicating with the CloudStack API to provision or manage resources. By developing a Terraform provider for CloudStack, you can leverage the power and flexibility of Terraform to manage your CloudStack infrastructure.

Developing a Terraform Provider

Setting Up the Development Environment

Before you can contribute to the CloudStack Terraform provider, you need to set up your development environment. This involves forking and cloning the CloudStack Terraform provider repository and making sure you have the necessary dependencies installed, such as Go and Git. Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of Go and the CloudStack Go library, which is the API client for CloudStack.

Using CloudStack Go Library

To understand how the CloudStack Go library works, it is recommended to use it to manage a few resources, such as creating a new virtual machine. This will give you a solid understanding of how the Go API works and how you can use that knowledge when developing the CloudStack Terraform provider. Familiarity with the CloudStack API is crucial for creating CRUD operations in Terraform.

Defining the Schema for a Resource

To create a new resource in the CloudStack Terraform provider, you need to define its schema. The schema defines the data structure and the CRUD operations for the resource. By defining the schema correctly, Terraform can determine whether it needs to create a new resource, update an existing one, or destroy a resource. The schema is defined using the Terraform configuration language (HCL) and follows specific conventions and rules.

Creating CRUD Functions

Once you have defined the schema for a resource, you need to create the CRUD functions for that resource. These functions, such as create, Read, update, and delete, are responsible for interacting with the CloudStack API to perform the necessary operations on the resource. The logic implemented in these functions determines how Terraform manages the resource's state and interacts with the CloudStack API.

Registering the Resource with the Provider

After creating the resource and its CRUD functions, you need to register the resource with the CloudStack Terraform provider. This is done by adding the resource to the resource map variable in the provider.go file. Once registered, Terraform will recognize the resource and invoke the necessary functions when it is defined in a Terraform configuration file.

Testing the Resource Manually

To ensure the resource functions as expected, it is essential to test it manually. This involves building the provider binary and placing it in the plugins directory. Then, using the standard Terraform commands (init, plan, Apply), you can test the resource and verify that it creates, updates, and deletes resources correctly. Manual testing helps identify any issues or bugs in the resource before proceeding to the next step.

Writing Acceptance Tests

In addition to manual testing, it is crucial to write automated acceptance tests for the resource. Acceptance tests verify that the resource behaves as expected and prevents regressions when making changes to the provider. These tests utilize the Terraform testing framework, which provides Helper functions for defining test cases and checking the state of resources. By writing comprehensive acceptance tests, you can ensure the stability and reliability of the CloudStack Terraform provider.

Contributing to CloudStack Terraform Provider

Contributing to the CloudStack Terraform provider goes beyond just developing new resources and data sources. You can also contribute by writing documentation, fixing bugs, adding new acceptance tests, and providing feedback. The CloudStack community welcomes any kind of code or non-code contributions, as they are essential to the overall improvement and usability of the provider.


Developing a Terraform provider for CloudStack is a valuable contribution to the open-source community. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create new resources and data sources, test them, and contribute to the CloudStack Terraform provider. As more resources and data sources are added, the provider becomes more robust and enables users to manage their CloudStack infrastructure effectively. Join the CloudStack community and start contributing to the development of the CloudStack Terraform provider today!


  • Terraform is an infrastructure as code software tool that allows you to safely and predictively create, change, and improve infrastructure.
  • A Terraform provider is a Go binary that acts as an abstraction layer between the Terraform core and the Cloud Server, such as CloudStack.
  • The development of a Terraform provider involves setting up the development environment, using the CloudStack Go library, defining the schema for a resource, creating CRUD functions, registering the resource with the provider, and testing the resource manually and through acceptance tests.
  • Contributions to the CloudStack Terraform provider can involve adding new resources and data sources, writing documentation, fixing bugs, adding acceptance tests, and providing feedback.


Q: What is Terraform? A: Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to create, change, and improve infrastructure safely and predictively.

Q: What is a Terraform provider? A: A Terraform provider is a Go binary that acts as an abstraction layer between the Terraform core and the Cloud Server, allowing you to provision or manage resources.

Q: How can I contribute to the CloudStack Terraform provider? A: You can contribute to the CloudStack Terraform provider by adding new resources and data sources, writing documentation, fixing bugs, adding acceptance tests, and providing feedback.

Q: What are the benefits of using Terraform? A: Terraform provides automation, improved speed, improved team collaboration, cost reduction, and speedier disaster recovery. It allows you to describe your infrastructure as code and offers Cloud-agnostic provisioning.

Q: How do I test a resource in the CloudStack Terraform provider? A: You can test a resource by manually running the Terraform commands (init, plan, apply) and verifying that the resource is created, updated, and deleted correctly. Additionally, you can write acceptance tests using the Terraform testing framework to automate the testing process.

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