Unlocking Mystical Christianity: Embrace the Future of Spirituality

Unlocking Mystical Christianity: Embrace the Future of Spirituality

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Wisdom Teaching?
  3. The Wisdom Teaching Tradition
    • 3.1. The Inner Meaning of Ancient Texts
    • 3.2. Unlocking the Treasure within the Field
    • 3.3. Jesus as a Wisdom Teacher
    • 3.4. Parables: Stories with a Deeper Meaning
    • 3.5. The Way of the Mystic
  4. The Shift in Consciousness
    • 4.1. Leaving Institutionalized Religion
    • 4.2. Questioning Faith Beliefs
  5. The Future Christian: A Mystic
  6. Jesus as a Wisdom Teacher: A Deeper Look
    • 6.1. Jesus in Historical Context
    • 6.2. The Teachings of Enlightenment
    • 6.3. Jesus as a Model for Spiritual Growth
  7. The Inner Path: Gnostic Teachings
    • 7.1. The Inner Journey to the Divine
    • 7.2. Tapping into Inner Wisdom
  8. Connecting with the Field of Consciousness
    • 8.1. We Are Connected to the Field
    • 8.2. Finding the Teacher Within
  9. The Deepening: Going Beyond Shallow Roots
    • 9.1. Seeking Deeper Sustenance
    • 9.2. Outgrowing Institutionalized Practices
  10. The Path of Joy: Creating Your Own Myth
    • 10.1. Connecting with Inner Guidance
    • 10.2. Trusting Your Desires and Interests
    • 10.3. Embracing Your Unique Journey
  11. Drawing Wisdom from the Unconscious
    • 11.1. The Power of Active Imagination
    • 11.2. Exploring Connections Beyond the Physical
    • 11.3. Overcoming Taboos and Fear
  12. Deepening the Connection: Building Your Own Channel
    • 12.1. Finding the Source Within
    • 12.2. The Diversity of Expressions
    • 12.3. Embracing the Call to Deepen
  13. Conclusion


The Power of Wisdom Teaching: Embracing the Deepening Path

We often find ourselves on a Quest for wisdom and deeper meaning in life. The traditional teachings we encounter may not always resonate with our inner being, leaving us searching for a different approach. This is where the power of wisdom teaching comes into play. In this article, we will explore the rich tradition of wisdom teaching, its connection to Jesus as a wisdom teacher, and how it aligns with the shifting consciousness of our time. We will Delve into the concept of the inner path and the importance of going beyond shallow roots. Finally, we will discuss the joy and fulfillment that can be found in creating our own myth and embracing our unique journey.

1. What is Wisdom Teaching?

At its Core, wisdom teaching is a genre and tradition that seeks to uncover the Hidden meanings within ancient texts. It goes beyond surface-level interpretations and delves into the depths of consciousness to uncover universal truths. Wisdom teaching invites us to explore the inner meaning of stories and parables, allowing us to unlock the priceless treasures hidden within.

2. The Wisdom Teaching Tradition

2.1. The Inner Meaning of Ancient Texts

Wisdom teaching encourages us to look beyond the literal interpretations of ancient texts and delve into the deeper layers of symbolism and metaphor. By doing so, we can uncover the profound wisdom and Timeless truths that lie within these sacred writings. This approach invites us to embrace a more holistic understanding of spiritual teachings.

2.2. Unlocking the Treasure within the Field

In the teachings of Jesus, we discover a profound example of wisdom teaching. His parables serve as gateways to deeper understanding, inviting us to contemplate their hidden meanings. These teachings encourage us to embark on an inner journey, where we unlock the treasures hidden deep within the field of our consciousness.

2.3. Jesus as a Wisdom Teacher

While Jesus is often viewed through the lens of traditional religious teachings, there is another way to understand him – as a wisdom teacher. His parables and teachings encompass the characteristics of wisdom teaching. By exploring Jesus as a wisdom teacher, we can gain insights into the mysteries of spirituality and the path to enlightenment.

2.4. Parables: Stories with a Deeper Meaning

One of the hallmarks of wisdom teaching is the use of parables. Jesus employed these stories to convey profound truths in a way that transcends literal interpretation. Parables are not meant to be taken literally but rather as analogies or narratives that guide us toward a deeper understanding of spiritual truths.

2.5. The Way of the Mystic

As society undergoes a profound shift in consciousness, many individuals are leaving institutionalized religion behind. This is not a negative trend but rather a call to deepening—an invitation to explore the path of the mystic. The mystic's journey involves looking beyond external dogmas and traditions and recognizing the divinity within.

3. The Shift in Consciousness

3.1. Leaving Institutionalized Religion

Institutions and religious dogmas are no longer satisfying the spiritual hunger of many individuals. People are questioning the faith beliefs they were brought up with, seeking a deeper and more personal connection with the divine. The shift in consciousness is leading us away from external authority and toward the discovery of our own inner wisdom.

3.2. Questioning Faith Beliefs

The questioning of faith beliefs is not limited to Christianity alone. People from various religious backgrounds are reevaluating their beliefs and seeking a more genuine experience of spirituality. This shift is not a threat to religion but rather a natural part of the evolution of consciousness.

4. The Future Christian: A Mystic

In the words of Karl Rahner, "The future Christian is a mystic or does not exist at all." This statement holds true not only for Christianity but for all faith traditions. The call to mysticism and a deeper, inner connection with the divine is becoming increasingly prevalent in our modern world.

5. Jesus as a Wisdom Teacher: A Deeper Look

To truly understand Jesus as a wisdom teacher, we must place him in his historical context. By examining his teachings and parables, we can unravel the wisdom embedded within. Jesus teaches us not only through his words but also through his life, setting an example for spiritual growth and transformation.

5.1. Jesus in Historical Context

By exploring Jesus within his historical context, we gain a deeper understanding of his teachings. Placing him within the tradition of wisdom teachers allows us to see beyond the limited perspectives often presented by established religious institutions.

5.2. The Teachings of Enlightenment

Jesus' teachings encompass the essence of enlightenment, guiding us on the path to discover our true nature. Through his words and actions, he encourages us to awaken to our inner divinity and embrace the way of truth and ascension.

5.3. Jesus as a Model for Spiritual Growth

Jesus serves as a model for our own spiritual growth and transformation. By aligning ourselves with his teachings, we can navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and grace. His teachings provide us with a roadmap for the evolution of consciousness and the realization of our full potential.

6. The Inner Path: Gnostic Teachings

The inner path, as embodied in Gnostic teachings, invites us to embark on a direct journey to the divine. It takes us beyond external dogmas and institutions, emphasizing the importance of inner knowledge and wisdom. Gnostic teachings offer a unique perspective on spirituality, encouraging us to tap into our inner guidance and connect with the field of consciousness.

6.1. The Inner Journey to the Divine

Gnostic teachings recognize that the divine is not an entity separate from us but rather a part of our own being. We are invited to explore the depths of our consciousness and find the divine within ourselves. This inner journey is a profound and transformative process, leading us to a rich and authentic experience of spirituality.

6.2. Tapping into Inner Wisdom

The field of consciousness holds vast knowledge and wisdom that is available to everyone. By connecting with our inner wisdom, we can access guidance and understanding beyond what is available through external sources. This inner knowing serves as a compass on our spiritual journey and helps us make choices aligned with our highest good.

7. Connecting with the Field of Consciousness

7.1. We Are Connected to the Field

We are not separate from the field of consciousness; we are a part of it. Recognizing this interconnectedness allows us to tap into the collective wisdom and guidance available to us. By acknowledging our connection to the field, we can access a deeper level of Insight and understanding.

7.2. Finding the Teacher Within

Within each of us lies the teacher we Seek. By going within and connecting with our inner guide, we can access profound wisdom and guidance. This teacher, intimately acquainted with our unique journey, offers personalized insights and assistance on our path of self-discovery.

8. The Deepening: Going Beyond Shallow Roots

As we embark on the journey of self-discovery, it is essential to go beyond shallow roots. Superficial practices and beliefs can only sustain us for so long. To truly flourish, we must seek deeper sustenance and nourishment for our soul. This calls for outgrowing institutionalized practices and embracing the call to deepen.

8.1. Seeking Deeper Sustenance

As we develop a deeper understanding of our spiritual path, we realize the importance of seeking sustenance that resonates with our soul's growth. This may involve exploring non-canonical teachings, ancient wisdom, or alternative spiritual practices. By following our inner guidance, we can discover the nourishment our souls long for.

8.2. Outgrowing Institutionalized Practices

Institutionalized practices can serve as a strong foundation, providing guidance and support. However, there comes a point in our spiritual journey when we outgrow these practices and seek a more personal and direct connection with the divine. This is not a rejection of the past but a natural evolution towards greater authenticity and self-discovery.

9. The Path of Joy: Creating Your Own Myth

The deepening of our spiritual journey is a joyful path that leads us to Create our own myth. It involves embracing our desires and interests and finding fulfillment in our unique experiences. By following our inner joy, we Align ourselves with our true nature and unlock the hidden treasures within.

9.1. Connecting with Inner Guidance

Our inner guidance serves as a compass on our path of joy. By trusting our desires and instincts, we can navigate life in alignment with our soul's purpose. This deep connection allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and access the guidance we need to make informed choices.

9.2. Trusting Your Desires and Interests

While external authorities may try to dictate our path, it is essential to trust our own desires and interests. Our unique qualities and passions are a valuable compass, guiding us towards a life of fulfillment and purpose. By embracing our true selves, we create a myth that is authentic and Meaningful to us.

9.3. Embracing Your Unique Journey

Each of us has a unique journey to embark upon, full of discoveries and growth. Embracing this journey allows us to step into our power and live a life that is true to ourselves. By creating our own myth, we can find joy, meaning, and fulfillment in every aspect of our lives.

10. Drawing Wisdom from the Unconscious

To deepen our connection with wisdom, we must explore the realm of the unconscious. Active imagination serves as a powerful tool for gaining insights and wisdom from this hidden realm. By engaging in this practice, we can tap into the deeper Dimensions of our being and unlock the treasures that lie within.

10.1. The Power of Active Imagination

Active imagination allows us to enter a state of deep relaxation where we can engage in conversations with various aspects of our psyche. Through this process, we gain access to hidden insights, guidance, and inspiration. By tapping into our unconscious mind, we can uncover wisdom that may not be accessible through conscious thinking alone.

10.2. Exploring Connections Beyond the Physical

Wisdom often comes in unexpected ways, transcending our physical existence. By opening ourselves to the possibility of connections beyond the visible realm, we can access guidance from spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters. This expanded perspective allows us to tap into a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that can enrich our lives.

10.3. Overcoming Taboos and Fear

Talking about our experiences beyond the physical realm can sometimes be seen as taboo or controversial. It is important to overcome societal conditioning and fear, embracing the wisdom and insights gained through these connections. By trusting our own experiences and intuition, we can explore the vast realms of knowledge waiting to be discovered.

11. Deepening the Connection: Building Your Own Channel

The call to deepening requires us to build our own channel to the divine. Just as a well is drilled deep into the ground to access Water, we must go deep within ourselves to connect with the source of wisdom. This connection is unique to each individual, reflecting their own journey and expression of the divine.

11.1. Finding the Source Within

The source of wisdom resides deep within our being. By attuning ourselves to this inner source, we can draw upon its infinite wisdom and guidance. This connection is not something external to be sought after but a realization that we are inherently connected to the field of consciousness.

11.2. The Diversity of Expressions

As individuals deepen their connection to the source, they express this wisdom in unique ways. Just as multiple wells draw from the same underground source, the expressions of wisdom take on diverse forms. Each individual becomes a channel through which the universal wisdom flows, creating a rich tapestry of experiences.

11.3. Embracing the Call to Deepen

Embracing the call to deepen is a powerful choice that leads to personal growth and transformation. It requires us to go beyond the limitations of external authorities and institutions, tapping into our own inner wisdom. By answering this call, we embark on a path of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

12. Conclusion

The power of wisdom teaching lies in its ability to guide us to deeper truth and understanding. By embracing the path of wisdom teaching, we can unlock the treasures hidden within ancient texts, tap into our inner guidance, and connect with the field of consciousness. This deepening journey leads to joy, fulfillment, and a more authentic expression of our true selves. As we build our own channels to the divine, we become conduits of wisdom, enriching our own lives and those around us. Embrace the call to deepen, explore the path of wisdom teaching, and embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


  • Wisdom teaching uncovers hidden meanings within ancient texts, guiding us to deeper truths.
  • Jesus can be understood as a wisdom teacher, inviting us to embark on an inner journey.
  • The shift in consciousness calls for a deeper spiritual connection beyond institutionalized religion.
  • The future Christian, and indeed all faith traditions, must embrace mysticism to evolve.
  • Gnostic teachings emphasize the inner path and direct connection with the divine.
  • Connecting with the field of consciousness and tapping into inner wisdom is vital for growth.
  • Going beyond shallow roots and seeking deeper sustenance is essential.
  • Embracing your desires and interests leads to a life of joy and fulfillment.
  • Active imagination allows access to hidden insights and wisdom from the unconscious.
  • Building your own channel to the divine deepens your connection and enriches your life.


Q: What is wisdom teaching? A: Wisdom teaching is a tradition that uncovers hidden meanings in ancient texts, guiding seekers to deeper truths and insights.

Q: How can Jesus be seen as a wisdom teacher? A: Jesus' parables and teachings embody the characteristics of wisdom teaching, inviting us to explore deeper meanings and truths.

Q: What does it mean to deepen one's spiritual journey? A: Deepening one's spiritual journey involves going beyond surface-level practices and beliefs, seeking deeper sustenance and wisdom.

Q: How can one tap into inner wisdom? A: Connecting with the field of consciousness and engaging in practices like active imagination can help access inner wisdom and guidance.

Q: What is the significance of building one's own channel to the divine? A: Building one's own channel allows for a deeper connection to the source of wisdom and an authentic expression of one's unique journey.

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